Archive 114 - November 2011
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November 2011 Christmas Shopping, Senator Doug Whitsett 11/29/11 Group invests in future of the Basin, H&N 11/29/11. KBC NOTE: Landtrust partner Oregon Wild advocates considerable downsizing Klamath Basin agriculture. 2,000,000 Ten Yard Dump Trucks of Hazardous Sediment! Save the Dams, posted to KBC 11/27/11. "The sediment chart below is a brief on the 20 million (20,000,000!) cubic yards of sediment debris captured behind the four Klamath River dams that will be released with dam removal." Klamath Dam removal could be a calamity: Commentary by Ph.D. Menke on Dan Walters article: Warren Buffet and Oregon farmers could get a gift from California taxpayers, Sacramento Bee, 11/27/11 Wolves and the mess in the woods, Daily Interlake, posted to KBC 11/27/11
Storm brings problem of sediment to
light; Chesapeake Bay discolored by
muck after dam’s flood gates are opened,
H&N, posted to KBC 11/27/11. "That
could turn dirtied waters into periodic
oxygen depleted killing fields for
species of marine life they are fighting
to save."
What caused salmon
by Barry Clausen, Siskiyou Daily News
2/16/03. KBC NOTE: The KBRA is largely
based on the myth that low flows killed
some of the huge fish run in 2002 at the
Trinity River diversion, despite
evidence to the contrary as detailed in
Clausen's article. HERE is
KBC Fish Die-off Page
Klamath Dam Removal Parts 1 and 2,
by Siskiyou County Supervisor
Marcia Armstrong, posted to KBC
11/26/11. Controlled burns, not woodstoves, polluting air, H&N letter to editor by Steve Emley, posted to KBC 11/26/11 Agriculture touches all of our lives, Baxter Black, H&N, posted to KBC 11/26/11. Watermaster fees shock irrigators, Capital Press, posted to KBC 11/25/11. "Menke’s bill for watermaster service rose from $1,245 last year to $8,500 this year." California Fish and Wildlife Strategic Vision, public review meetings to be held. posted to KBC 11/25/11. "The draft interim strategic vision is the first step toward developing a stronger Department of Fish and Game, and Fish and Game Commission." Sheriff attends meeting in Medford, posted to KBC 11/25/11 KSYC Joe Show. Judge James Redden to step down after a decade on the Northwest's biggest salmon lawsuit, Oregonian, posted to KBC 11/25/11 Thanksgiving: We give thanks to our Creator, Savior and Friend for the blessings he gave us.
KBRA - Loss for irrigators circulates through economy, community will feel the short- and long-term stresses put on Basin growers, H&N 11/23/11. "Unfortunately dam removal has been tied to the much less discussed retirement of 30,000 acre feet of water from the Upper Klamath irrigators will be forfeiting the irrigation of 20,000 acres for prime pasture and hay land Klamath dams: City of Yreka weighs in, Siskiyou Daily 11/23/11 Oregon Sheriff Gil Gilbertson continues stand against U.S. Forest Service 11/23/11, NewsWithViews. "...Where does the USFS’s authority come from?...he takes sharp issue with President Obama who has declared he’ll “circumvent the Constitution” through the use of executive orders..." KWAPA - Klamath Water and Power Agency Public Meeting Dec 6, 2011 Judge Redden To Step Down, OPB 11/23/11 East Side (Klamath Project) irrigation districts oppose Klamath Basin Restoration legislation, H&N, posted to KBC 11/21/11 Meeting on KBRA, Klamath Dam Removal, and Rogue Valley irrigation water and property rights, by Tom Mallams, posted to KBC 11/21/11. Klamath Off Project Water Users Association letter to DOI Secretary Ken Salazar regarding Klamath EIS/EIR comments, posted to KBC 11/21/11 Attorneys Fees Reform Passes the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, Budd-Falen Law Offices 11/21/11. "...literally tens of millions of dollars that have been pouring into the coffers of multimillionaire groups like the Sierra Club, the Defenders of Wildlife, the Center for Biological Diversity and countless others. The purpose of the legislation is to bring accountability and transparency for the payment of attorneys fees to the American public. Since 1995, there has been no accounting of this money; money that by the smallest of estimates is in the hundreds of millions of dollars..." KBC NOTE: These groups are directly involved with the environmental groups, voting "stakeholders", in the KBRA / Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement. Center for Biological Diversity Kierán Suckling, how he gets agencies to play by his rules, Ted Williams, posted to KBC 11/22/11 Big government hijacks Clean Water Act, (Klamath dam removal) bill must pass House committees, H&N 11/20/11. "Rep. Tom McClintock, R-Calif., is chairman of a Natural Resources subcommittee, Water and Power, which will play a key role in advancing or killing legislation…'To tear down four perfectly good hydroelectric dams at enormous cost is insane,' McClintock said in September." Oregon's unsustainable spending addiction, Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett Newsletter 11/20/11 Human survival is at the top of my priorities, H&N, by Pete Cartwright 11/20/11 Protection sought for Upper Klamath Lake snail, Columbian, posted to KBC 1/16/11 Columbia Basin Bulletin / Fish and Wildlife News 11/18/11 1st Chronicles 16:1-3, sent by Frank Tallerico for 11/20/11 A powerpoint detailing the historical effects of gun control, posted to KBC 11/18/11. House votes to strengthen second amendment rights, US Congressman Wally Herger 11/18/11 Obama Pushing Shooters Off Public Lands, U S News 11/16/11. AUDIO - Debbie Bacagalupi updates us on destruction of the Klamath Dams and the effects on farming and ranching in the N. Cal community. Danielle Linder, owner of consulting forestry and biological services in Weed, Calif, describes the process of attempting to harvest trees, even on one's own property: Southern Oregon Miner Defeats United States Forest Service in Court, Gold Prospectors, posted to KBC 11/15/11. "United States District Judge Ann Aiken ruled that the United States Forest Service, and particularly Cottage Grove District Ranger Deborah Schmidt, violated the constitutional rights of 83 year old Oregon miner, James Edgar." Monument legislation discussed at hearing, testimony by U.S. Congressman Wally Herger 11/15/11. "Obama Administration intends to use this authority to lock up more than thirteen million acres of federal land from multiple-use access. In a time of high unemployment, this would lock even more American jobs away." AB2376 California Natural Resource strategic vision, 11/15/11, and public comment WHY Destroy the Klamath River? > Obama administration 'bailed out' GM salmon firm, Campaigners say $500,000 grant was made to AquaBounty despite evidence that the firm could soon run out of cash, Guardian, UK, posted to KBC 11/14/11. KBC NOTE: Following is Fishlink's/PCFFA information that these fish could jeopardize wild fish stocks. Then comes an article explaining how Michael Taylor, Monsanto's super lobbiest, is now Obama's FDA Food Czar. Followed by links of George Soros huge investment in Monsanto, and huge investment in Obama's election. Soros funds Earthjustice, who pays the legal fees of the environmental groups in the KBRA / Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement. All the while the Obama administration supports the KBRA, which will hugely permanently downsize agriculture and demolish fish hatcheries and 4 hydroelectic dams and on the Klamath, releasing 20 million cubic yards of sediment. 20 MILLION cubic yards; think about it! Dam removal was in the guise of having "Wild" salmon propagate, thus destroying millions of hatchery salmon. This will destroy every living creature, then comes Obama's Frankenfish, but could it find it's was through 20 million cubic yards of muck? " Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations, the Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund, the Wilderness Society, Trout Unlimited, the Yurok tribe, and Representative Mike Thompson (D-CA) held a press conference outside the Interior Department building in Washington, D.C., to announce their lawsuit against BuRec and the NMFS for violating the Endangered Species Act. Thompson had the Yuroks ship out 500 pounds of dead salmon with which he and his fellow plaintiffs festooned the park across from the Interior building. So rancid was the shipment that Federal Express at first refused to deliver it." 10/2/02. July 17, 2003 Congressman Thompson at congressional hearing supporting Congressman Blumenauer's (D) amendment to end farming on the FWS refuge lands ( Waterfowl eat 70 million pounds of food here, and more than half comes from the farms.) Opposing this 'willing seller' deal were Republican Congressmen Greg Walden, Wally Herger, Doc Hastings, John Doolittle, and Mr Goodlatte. Relatively few Tulelake farmers supported Thompson's agenda.11/10/11 Merkley's Press Release: Senator Merkley-D, Representative Mike Thompson-D, introduce Klamath Basin Economic Restoration Act Is government creating violence, Barry Clausen 11/12/11. "These agencies and their out of control agents along with radical members of the environmental community and the Karuk Tribe are apparently deliberately creating problems that are infuriating America’s farmers, ranchers, the timber industry and those who use our country’s public lands in Northern California’s Siskiyou County...As Sheriff Lopey stated, “Essentially, we are under attack and our public safety, way of life, quality of life, economy and future is at stake.” Reposted 11/12/11 - Senator Doug Whitsett speech regarding the KBRA and Klamath dam destruction at Yreka's public listening session put on my Department of Interior on 10/20/11. "The Draft Environmental Impact Statement does not appear to mitigate that 20 million cubic yards of sediment. The Department apparently proposes to simply blow the dams and let nature take its course, washing all that sediment downriver. They appear to consider this option as a “grand experiment” to see what actually happens. That amount of sediment is equivalent to about 2 million ten yard dump truck loads of silt, sediment and organic muck. To put that amount into perspective, lined up head to tail, 2 million dump truck loads of river muck would stretch about 12,500 miles…..about half way around the planet."
VIDEO: 2 minute video regarding Rogue
River water and the KBRA, KMED
Medford Bill Meyers interviewing Karuk
Craig Tucker and Klamath Water User
Steve Kandra, posted to KBC
11/27/11. Homeowners concerned about erosion, dry wells after (Condit) dam breach, KATU News, posted to KBC 11/12/11. "Before the 127-foot dam was breached, a dock floated on Northwestern Lake. Now it sits upon dry ground, and the lake has been replaced with a muddy canyon, 80 feet deep in some areas...In addition to losing their lake, homeowners say they have also lost water to their houses...But lease holders and private property owners said the last word they got from PacifiCorp is that the company won't pay a penny." Columbia Basin Bulletin, posted to KBC 11/11/11. * Researchers Study How White Salmon River Responds To Dam Breaching; Right Now ‘Lots Of Mud.' “It’s a beautiful natural experiment,” Wilcox said of the opportunity to monitor how the river moves large pulses of sediment that have the potential to snuff out aquatic life...It was estimated that between 1.6 million to 2.2 million cubic yards of sediment would be discharged into the White Salmon River immediately following tunnel’s opening." 11/11/11 VETERANS DAY Honoring our Veterans, by Congressman Doc Hastings 11/11/11 KBRA supporter Jason Chapman was strongly defeated by KBRA opponent Grant Knoll for the KID/Klamath Irrigation District board of directors Rep. Tom McClintock released the following statement in response to Klamath legislation expected to be introduced by Sen. Merkley, 10/10/11. "“Amidst spiraling electricity prices and chronic electricity shortages the effort to tear down four perfectly good hydroelectric dams at enormous cost to ratepayers and taxpayers is insane. These dams produce up to 155 megawatts of the cleanest and cheapest electricity on the planet – enough for 155,000 homes..." Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Congressman Mike Thompson (D-CA-1) today (11/10/11) jointly introduced the Klamath Basin Economic Restoration Act in the Senate and House which authorizes the implementation of the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement (KBRA) and the Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement (KHSA). Merkley's Press Release:
Senator Merkley-D, Representative Mike Thompson-D, introduce Klamath Basin Economic Restoration Act Bill would lead to dam removal from Klamath River, Mercury News and Sacramento Bee, 11/10/11, followed by Many Comments: "What I don't see is the names George Soros and Warren Buffet's names connected to the dam removal. George Soros funds..." Ore. wolf hits Klamath County, 280 miles from home, Sac Bee 11/10/11. HERE for Wolf Page. Jerry Brown appointees help approve higher rural fire fee, Sac Bee 11/10/11. Traceability for Livestock Moving Interstate comments due 11/9/11
Commentary by Mark Baird on Siskiyou sheriff's life-and-death rhetoric alarms tribes, environmental groups, followed by article by Redding Searchlight 11/7/11. "The Defend Rural America Rally from the perspective of a reporter who did not attend, featuring comments from other people who were not there. Yellow Journalism at its worst."
Instream flows for fish, by Siskiyou County Supervisor Marcia Armstrong 11/7/11. " Hydropower still rules in N.W., by Terry Flores, The Columbian, posted to KBC 11/7/11. "Today, as executive director of Northwest RiverPartners, I advocate for the federal hydropower system on the Columbia River and Snake River dams on behalf of families and businesses that depend on them for clean, reliable power, flood protection, food, and an ingenious river navigation system that contributes $19 billion in trade, commerce and thousands of jobs." KBC NOTE: George Soros-supported radical environmental groups bent on demolishing Western hydro-dams, Save Our Wild Salmon. Glen Spain, Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen, is on Wild Salmon Board of Directors, and is an author of the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement, demanding removal of Klamath River Dams. Wild Salmon is focused on destroying Snake River and Columbia Basin dams. Groups such as "Zero Population Growth" are in their coalition, along with several environmental groups / voting members in the KBRA / Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement. Removing the White Salmon’s 98-Year Old Condit Dam Marks the Return of Free Flowing Waters for Protected Fish, NOAA 11/7/11. KBC NOTE: NOAA makes biological opinions for Klamath Project irrigators, which creates river flow mandates.
Rerun 5 years ago - Tribes and Klamath Water Users: Solving the Klamath Crisis; Keeping Farms and Fish Alive. Film by Craig Tucker and the Karuk Tribe. Klamath Water Users and Tribes negotiate Klamath Dam Removal. Film Review by KBC News. The film premiered at the Holiday Inn in Redding during Klamath Watershed Conference November 8, 2006 *** Letter written to federal officials (letter by Tom Mallams off-Project group to Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar), H&N, posted to KBC 11/5/11. Link includes KBC RESPONSE H&N includes statements and name-calling by Becky Hyde, employee of SNW / Sustainable NW. Hyde is a voting member on the KBRA negotiation table. SNW President has ties with World Wildlife Fund and United Nations Foundation (funding by George Soros), and Summit Charitable Foundation, owned by Roger Sant. The company in a five year span granted Sustainable NW $342,875. The funds come from Sant's company AES, worldwide developer of power in 29 countries, power including coal, gas and renewable energy. Forest closes 5,000 miles of roads, trails to vehicles, H&N, posted to KBC 11/6/11. “We don’t have a single trail out of this,” Schenck said. "OHV enthusiasts attempted to work with forest officials this summer to develop some OHV specific trails, but nothing came from the efforts." “ We did drop the ball...” Hupp said.
Bible Verses for Nov. 6, 2011 are taken from Hebrews 4:14-16, sent from Frank Tallerico: Rancher files for (Klamath County) Commissioner seat, H&N 11/5/11. "Tom Mallams, a rancher who has actively opposed the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement, on Friday filed to run for the Klamath County Board of Commissioners Position 1." PRESS RELEASE: Tom Mallams filed for Klamath County Commissioner Position 1, 11/4/11 District 4 (Siskiyou County) Supervisor Grace Bennett: My personal view of the KBRA, Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 11/4/11. "If the decision is made that the dams are to be removed and the Congress of the United States passes legislation to enact the KBRA, over a billion dollars will be spent on still more restoration projects over the next 10 years...A total of $385 million would support implementation of the water deal – things like paying for farmers to idle land and not farm, provide lower power rates to pump water, $65 million for tribal economic development and environmental management; each tribe will also get $14 million for fisheries management... there are no provisions to improve the quality of the water after it has gone through the Klamath Project and the Wildlife refuges and is returned directly to the Klamath River. No provisions to restore the lakebeds after the dams are removed. No provisions for repairing the road below the dams used to haul off the debris of the dams. No provisions to remove the sediment that will be allowed to wash down the river suffocating spawning grounds. No provisions for flood control; the dams give us nine hours to prepare for a flood event. No provision to make the water line for the city of Yreka safe. No provision for the protection of the Shasta Tribal burial sites and their ceremonial site, which are under the lakes..."
Tulelake Irrigation District well water level report 11/4/11 Concerns of dam removal, letter by Dean Harris to Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 11/4/11.
Columbia Basin fish and wildlife bulletin 11/4/11. YREKA - 8 Northern California Sheriffs Form Coalition Against Tyranny, DailyPaul 11/1/11. Full length YouTube videos of Sheriffs' speeches.![]() Fox News fails Siskiyou Farmers, posted 11/1/11, Tea Party Hobbits. Do you think state Senator Doug Whitsett has done a good job during his first two terms? Many of our readers have inquired about the Herald and News poll on Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett. It was on their website then disappeared. Here are the poll results and interaction with H&N editor, 11/1/11. HERE for Senator Doug Whitsett Page. California - Worst bills of 2011 - where are they now? Senator Gaines 11/1/11. |
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