Archive 107 - April 2011
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Just pay the tribes
the value of the fish on the Klamath River, H&N
Letter to editor by Bill Staunton 4/14/11 Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett, 4/29/11 newsletter on constitutional right to bear arms; "Three important handgun bills were passed by the Oregon House of Representatives with wide bipartisan support..." Request for FY 2012 Tribal Wildlife Grant Proposals, FWS 4/29/11. Nevada, California and Klamath Basin included. "The Fiscal Year 2012 President’s Budget proposes to fund the Tribal Wildlife Grant program at $8,000,000, a $1,000,000 increase from the FY2011 President’s budget request."
Officials back environmental reform, Klamath Commissioners vote to support changes to Endangered Species Act, H&N 4/27/11
KHSA premise unfounded
Dr. Richard Gierak,
Siskiyou Daily News, Letter to the Editor April
27, 2011, "Historically,
until the dams and reservoirs were built there
was no fall run of salmon as the river would
turn into marshes and swamps in a dry year. The
entire premise of removing hydroelectric dams on
the Klamath River has no scientific validity and
the KHSA was based on faulty assumptions which
have been scientifically dismissed."
Representative Denham Responds To EPA “Guidance” To Expand Clean Water Act Jurisdiction, 4/27/11. HERE for entire letter from Congressmen to EPA and Army Corp of Engineers: "170 House Republicans and Democrats recently wrote to EPA and the Corps of Engineers to express their concerns that the agencies are circumventing the proper regulatory process in order to push through this expansion of federal jurisdiction."Federal agencies await budget news, cuts expected by many offices, H&N 4/27/11. Review is good for potentially costly standards for Klamath River, H&N 4/27/11
Marzulla Law, LLC newsletter, Casitas water takings case 4/26/11 Judge issues final ruling on Scott, Shasta river valleys, Capital Press, posted to KBC 4/26/11 Help support requests to extend comment deadline for US Forest Service planning rule, posted to KBC 4/26/11
Sediment regulations rankle Scott Valley landowners, Capital Press 4/22/11 Oregon - Ag water quality bill moves to House floor, Capital Press 4/22/11 * May 23: Spotted Owl public comment deadline 4/21/11, H&N Klamath water report Groundwater meeting draws in many, Siskiyou Daily 4/21/11 Potato operation going green to reduce its power bills, H&N 4/21/11 Public employee compensation, Senator Doug Whitsett newsletter 4/21/11 After 2 Years of Obama, Here's Your Change, 4/23/11
April 18, California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and Laws. Environmentalism on taxpayers' dime, Victorville Daily Press Opinion April 18, 2011. "... the Center is one of four environmental groups seeking to protect the “spring run” of the Upper Klamath chinook salmon under the Endangered Species Act by submitting a petition seeking to designate the fish as a “distinct species....between 2000 and 2009, eight environmental groups — led by the Center for Biological Diversity — filed at least 1,596 federal court cases against the federal government....These same environmental groups are receiving billions of tax dollars in attorney fees for settling or ‘winning’ cases against the federal government.” 3.25 minutes: short video on our national debt. Ap 19-21: Senator LaMalfa townhalls How Alton Jones Foundation (known now as Blue Moon Fund) Switched from Art and Culture to Radical Green, posted 4/20/11. KBC NOTE: Many of the grantees, like Earthjustice, are the same recipients funded by George Soros and federal dollars, that fund lawsuits against Klamath Irrigators, miners, loggers, ...... (KBC reader who contacted us: thanks for the alert to fix bad links in Alton Jones page!)
LaMalfa Announces Town Hall Dates for April 19-21. Residents Stress Need for Congressional Action to Address California's Man-Made Drought, Natural Resources Committee, posted 4/17/11. "The deliberate diversions by the federal government of over 200 billion gallons of water away from the breadbasket of America cost tens of thousands of farm workers their jobs, inflicted up to 40 percent unemployment rates in the region, fallowed more than 150,000 acres of the most fertile farmland in our nation, and forced up the price of groceries across the country," said Water and Power Subcommittee Chairman Tom McClintock (CA-04).
Bible verses for
Sunday April 17, 2011, from Frank Tallerico, "as we
continue to study Hebrews 11 which focuses on Faith.
The way the world, and especially the USA is going
today, our Faith is our Rock and keeps us going in a
world that has gone amuck! Hebrews:8-12. NKJ:
By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to
the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And
he went out, not knowing where he was going.
By faith he dwelt in the land of promise as in a
foreign country, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob,
the heirs with him of the same promise;
for he waited for the city which has foundations, whose
builder and maker is God.
By faith, Sarah herself also received strength to
conceive seed, and she bore child when she was past the
age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised.
Therefore, from one man and him as good as dead, were
born as as the stars of the sky in
multitude----innumerable as the sand which is by the
Come to our protest April 21st! Water and Power Subcommittee Examines Federal Regulations that Cost Jobs and Raise Energy Prices, Natural resource Committee Chair Doc Hastings, posted to KBC 4/16/11. "“For many years, the central objective of our water and power policy was to create abundance – to make the desert bloom as the Bureau of Reclamation’s founders put it. But this original mission seems to have been lost to a radical and retrograde ideology that seeks to create, maintain and ration government-induced shortages,” said Subcommittee Chairman Tom McClintock (CA-04). “We need to return to abundance as the central objective of our water and power policy – by providing abundant water, clean and cheap hydroelectricity, new recreational centers, desperately needed flood protection, burgeoning fisheries and re-invigorated farms.” Wildlands Initiative" defunded in final CR, The Westerner, posted to KBC 4/16/11. “The ‘Wild Lands’ proposal issued by Secretary Salazar last December was another attempt by the Obama Administration to circumvent congressional authority in the Administration’s ‘War on Western Jobs.’ " Oregon DEQ accepts water petitions (from Klamath), H&N, posted to KBC 4/16/11
Editorial: Chinook listing would be new blow to region,
Redding Record Searchlight April 15, 2011 Yurok Tribe Doubles Land Base, North Coast Journal, posted to KBC 4/16/11 Constitutional Workshop by Constitution Professor Jim Huffman, to be in Klamath Falls tomorrow April 16. Free, at Triad School. 4/15/11. 9:30 a.m. -1 p.m. followed by potluck, sponsored by Klamath County Tea Party Patriots. DFG bullys and threatens Siskiyou irrigators: John McCamman and Neil Manji meetings in Yreka, 4/14/11. (John McCamman is the California state-wide Director of the Dept. of Fish and Game. Neil Manji is the Regional Manager based in the Redding, California office of DFG.) "When asked if CDFG intended to play “Hardball” over flows, McCamman responded, ”...Oh you people will know when we play hardball, because a lot of you will be in jail”. Oregon school funding by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 4/15/11
Herald and News: " April 22 public comment due on refuge draft plan
No salmon above Klamath River stateline, by James
Waddell, Karuk People tribal member 4/14/11. From A. L.
salmon are said not to run into the Klamath Lake or above,
and streams are much smaller and standing bodies of water
infinitely more important than in the northwest. …” Chinook salmon could get endangered species protection, Petition passes; year-long review process begins, H&N, followed by Agency will examine Klamath Chinook listing, Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 4/14/11. (KBC NOTE: each plaintiff, KLAMATH SISKIYOU WILDLANDS CENTER; ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION INFORMATION CENTER; KLAMATH FOREST ALLIANCE; CENTER FOR BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY" is supported by Earthjustice, supported by George Soros. They also oppose salvage logging trees burnt up in a fire. Same force and $ behind the NGO's in the KBRA.) Just pay the tribes the value of the fish on the Klamath River, H&N Letter to editor by Bill Staunton 4/14/11 TID well water levels 4/14/11 DFG director visits Siskiyou County, Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 4/14/11 Timber company wins $6.9M, Agency failed to say the contracts would likely be targeted, Capital Press 4/14/11
Faith 1, sent by Frank Tallerico for Sunday April 10, 2011, Hebrews 1, 1-7.
California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws 4/8/11: "carbon monoxide, Timber Harvest, SNAP Program, “spot bill” SB 618, and LOTS of water!"
Klamath Project 2011 Operations Plan Released, Bureau of
Reclamation Press Release 4/6/11 Siskiyou Co. Board of Supervisors and the Siskiyou Co. Flood Control District's response to the KBRA / Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Drought Plan, posted to KBC 4/6/11. "Please be advised that the County of Siskiyou, and the Siskiyou county Flood Control and Water Conservation District are, by this correspondence, placing you on notice that you are not to undertake or implement any drought plans or activities within their jurisdiction until such time as appropriate review, coordination, and consultation and necessary approvals have been obtained." (KBC NOTE: Siskiyou County Board of Supervisors opposes the KBRA/Klamath Dam Removal "agreement", and the county voted 79% opposed to removing Klamath Dams which are in Siskiyou county. However the gov't agencies, environmental groups, and Klamath Basin farm leaders (not constituents) deemed as KBRA "stakeholders" are forcing this "agreement" down their throats against their will.) Eliminating Duplicate and Burdensome Regulation, Ag e-update by Calif. U.S. Congressman Wally Herger 4/6/11. Siskiyou County Ag Census Trends 1992-2007, USDA
Reform the
ESA dinner in Klamath Falls 4/9/11, by the Klamath
County Republican Central Committee. Honored guests are
Allen Alley, Chairman of the Oregon Republican Committee,
Igor Berman, Calif. Congressman Tom McClintock's Chief of
Staff, and Dave Schott, Executive Director of the Oregon
Timber Industry Association Cattlemen pack wolf hearing, East Oregonian, posted to KBC 4/6/11
For Sunday April 3 from Frank Tallerico:
From the NKJ Hebrews
22. "let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and
our bodies washed
with pure water.
Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without
wavering, for He who promised is faithful.
And let us consider one another in order to stir up love
and good works,
not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as
is the manner of some, but exhorting one another,
and so much the
more as you see the DAY approaching."
Water Rally Protest vs DFG 4/1/11, POW. California Dept Of Fish and Game threatened to cite Mark Baird, Scott Valley, for using water on his own property. 150 people from Paradise, Calif. to Klamath Falls, Oregon came to the protest, including the Big Bucket from the Klamath Bucket Brigade.
Oregonians for Food and
Shelter 4/1/11. April 1 Scott Valley POW protest rally against DFG. "Join us as we all help turn-on the water in Scott Valley." (KBC NOTE: the Klamath Bucket and group of Klamath County citizens will be in Scott Valley in their war against DFG. Scott Valley came to Klamath in 2001 when the feds shut off our irrigation water. Later the news came out that the water shutoff was "not justified.")
Page Updated: Saturday August 20, 2011 09:08 PM Pacific
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