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THE WESTERNERTuesday, April 12, 2011“Wild Lands” Initiative Defunded in Final CR
Washington, D.C.
– Today, Western Caucus Chairman Stevan Pearce
(R-NM) released the following statement regarding
language included in H.R. 1473, the final budget
bill for fiscal year 2011, which will prohibit the
Department of the Interior from using taxpayer money
to fund the controversial Wild Lands initiative:
“The ‘Wild Lands’ proposal issued by Secretary Salazar last December was another attempt by the Obama Administration to circumvent congressional authority in the Administration’s ‘War on Western Jobs.’ It would have had tremendous negative impacts on job creation, energy production and recreation throughout the West and its defunding is a victory for all western states.
“On behalf of the
Congressional Western Caucus, I would like to thank
Speaker Boehner for ensuring this key provision was
included in the final negotiated bill. Speaker
Boehner and Republican leadership understand that
there is a ‘War on Western Jobs’ and we will
continue to work with them to stop these types of
job-killing initiatives while putting forward
legislation to bring jobs back to the West.
Congressional Western Caucus members Chairmen Mike
Simpson and Rob Bishop should be applauded for their
leadership on the ‘Wild Lands’ issue.
“As Chairman of the
House Interior and Environment Appropriations
Subcommittee, Mike Simpson played a key role in
defunding this dangerous initiative. Congressman
Simpson and the House Appropriations Committee
deserve the gratitude of all westerner job creators
for leading the effort to prevent taxpayer funding
of this job killing initiative.
“Chairman Rob Bishop must also be recognized for his tireless work in exposing Secretary Salazar’s effort to circumvent congressional authority to create de facto wilderness areas. As Chairman of the Public Lands Subcommittee, Rob Bishop was one of the earliest and most vocal critics of Secretarial Order 3310 and his vigorous oversight efforts should be applauded.” The Wild Lands policy, established by Secretarial Order 3310, asserts that the Bureau of Land Management has the authority to “designate appropriate areas with wilderness characteristics under its jurisdiction as ‘Wild Lands’ and to manage them to protect their wilderness value.” The Wilderness Act of 1964 gives Congress the sole authority to designate public lands as Wilderness areas.
The Wilderness
designation is the most restrictive land use policy
that can be taken as it places severe limitations on
public access to public lands. In addition to the
impacts on jobs and the economy, many forms of
popular recreation and access could be prohibited.
Section 1769 of the
FY2011 CR states:
“none of the funds
made available by this division or any other Act may
be used to implement, administer, or enforce
Secretarial Order No. 3310 issued by the Secretary
of the Interior on December 22, 2010.”
Page Updated: Sunday April 17, 2011 02:30 AM Pacific
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