Archive 202 - March 2019
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Commissioners, KRRC address dam removal concerns, H&N 3/31/19. "Klamath County Commissioners entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Klamath River Renewal Corporation...KRRC is also talking with commissioners in Siskiyou County, California, where three of the four dams proposed for removal are located. Cox said KRRC had not yet entered into an MOU with Siskiyou County, but hoped to soon..." Planning for water uncertainties, H&N 3/31/19. "Despite 121 percent of median snowpack, 101 percent of median precipitation in the Klamath Basin and a 93 percent water allocation for Klamath Project irrigators, uncertainties for some farmers in the Basin remain...In 2019, I plan on planting some permanent crops,” Paul said during the meeting. “With the new biological opinion, how likely am I going to be able to irrigate those crops in the future years?...If one out of three years we won’t be irrigating, I can’t make that work...2019 might look good, but with this new biological opinion, you have no certainty..." Dam removal a far cry from a done deal “Dam removal on the Klamath River is a natural-resource-management decision that PacifiCorp, as a regulated utility, is unwilling to undertake because of the substantial risks and uncertain benefits,” said PacifiCorp in comments to the California State Water Resources Control Board (Water Board) on Feb. 26...One major concern is whether KRRC will be able to afford the cost of dam removal, or that it will truly shoulder the significant liabilities facing PacifiCorp and its customers if the dams come out. Not only do the dams provide flood control, they also hold at least 20 million cubic yards of polluted settlement behind them..." * Instructions for writing to FERC regarding Klamath Dam removal 3/19/19
Conference call on water April 12 in Klamath; OWRD to host OWRC conference call 3/28/19. "The OWRD will ask the commission to consider adoption of proposed rules that manage groundwater and surface water in the Upper Klamath Basin." Air Dancers no longer match for Rogue wolf pack, Medford Mail Tribune, posted to KBC 3/28/19 Tule Lake Unit, WWII Valor in the Pacific Redesignated as Tule Lake National Monument, NPS Press Release 3/25/19 Klamath County Commissioners will discuss the MOU again on March 27, according to the following article. If it's public, attending would be a good idea. KRRC decision reversed, H&N 3/14/19. KCC's business meetings are at 8:30 a.m. every Tuesday, according to their website: 1 Corinthians 13:13. "So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love."
California Farm Bureau Federation Legislative Review 3/22/19 Another threat to Oregon's timber industry, Capital Press 3/21/19.
Klamath water year looks promising, H&N 3/21/19.
Bureau of Reclamation PUBLIC MEETING March 22, Friday,
1-3 at Klamath County Fairgrounds on 2019 water year.
(One whole day notice.)
Rebuttal penned to KRRC guest editorial by Dave Meurer,
reason Mr. Meurer feels it would be “unique” that “dam
removal might mean more water for farmers instead of
less” is because it doesn’t. There is nothing to support
that unaccountable assertion, and much which supports
the opposite....KRRC
members who have openly said that Keno will be
their next step...Do
not believe what they imply. FERC has not yet signed off
on this debacle." Modoc War apology bill proposed, H&N 3/21/19. John 3:16 - "For God so loved the world that He gave his only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but shall have eternal life." ITTSD Motion for leave to File Amicus Brief, filed by Lawrence A. Kogan 3/19/19, regarding Klamath Dam Removal. ITSSD Amicus Curiae Brief, filed by Lawrence A Kogan In Re Siskiyou County Water Users Association, Petitioner on Petition for Writ of Mandamus 3/19/19: "...The States, by assisting USG to shift jurisdiction over (Klamath) dam removal from EPA to DOI and FERC, effectively freed DOI from conducting the rigorous EPA-required scientific assessment of the significant risks to human health and welfare dam removal would trigger upon release of decades of contaminants accumulated in the dam reservoir bottoms..." John 17:26 - "I (Jesus) have made You (God) known to them (His disciples), and will continue to make You known in order that the love You have for Me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.” * Groundwater Workshop in Siskiyou County: Understanding the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act on 3/14/19 KRRC decision reversed, H&N 3/14/19. In split vote, Klamath County OKs deal for dam removal, H&N 3/13/19.
THE GREAT EXPERIMENT, DECEPTION DEQ offering free well water testing in Klamath Basin, H&N 3/12/19 Record February snowfall reduces drought concerns, H&N 3/12/19. PLEASE ATTEND, or COMMENT before March 12!!! Hearing Scheduled on Bill That Would Ban Forest Practices on Over a Million Acres in Oregon, OFS 3/8/19: "On Tuesday, March 12 at 1:00 PM, the House Committee on Energy & Environment will hold a public hearing on HB 2656. HB 2656 is probably the most threatening bill to Oregon’s managed forests by banning harvest, road building, and the use of pesticides and fertilizers in forestland that supplies drinking water for public sources. Thus, locking up over a million of acres..." California Farm Bureau Federation Legislative Review 3/8/19: emission reporting mandates, climate change, forests, construction mandates in high fire zones, wildlife. Swan Lake project should be for water storage, H&N letter by Tim Plass 3/7/19. Name change likely to Tule Lake National Monument, H&N 3/6/19. KBC NOTE: The Tule Lake Committee has already helped obtain more than 1300 acres for their current designation of World War II Valor in the Pacific National Monument, honoring the Japanese living in America who were relocated to the Tulelake Relocation facility for four years until WWII was over. For more than a decade they have continued to sue the Tulelake Airport, City of Tulelake and Modoc County to shut down our airport that services 40,000 square miles, so they could acquire that land also to tell their story. See our Tulelake vs Japanese Controversy Page. U.S. plans to lift protections for gray wolves, Capital Press 3/6/19. National News - Record-breaking migration is overwhelming border agencies, H&N 3/6/19. "More than 76,000 migrants crossed the U.S.-Mexico border last month, more than double the number from the same period last year." COMMENT BY March 19! Reclamation requests comments on Klamath Project environmental assessment, 3/5/19. (KBC Note: this proposed EA lowers the cap on water deliveries to the Klamath Project, increases lake levels, projects more groundwater pumping, more unemployment, worse local economy, more seasons of insufficient water for Project. It's important to read this. It's a little over 100 pages. The Herald and News notice gave not nearly enough time to comprehend the document and make comments.) COMMENT BY March 19! Reclamation requests comments on Klamath Project draft environmental assessment 3/5/19 CFBF Legislative Review 3/1/19: Air quality, pot, climate change, zero greenhouse gas emissions, environmental regs, hemp, food, rural health and safety, drinking water fund, groundwater recharge, wildlife trapping, wildlife, ESA accidental take. California judge upholds wolf protection, H&N 3/1/19.
Page Updated: Saturday November 09, 2019 02:13 AM Pacific
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