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 PRESS RELEASE: [ODFW-News] Commission approves revisions to Oregon wolf plan
Salem, Oregon - The Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission Thursday reiterated its support for the Oregon Wolf Conservation and Management Plan as it approved moving certain sections of the plan to an appendix because they are not allowed under state law.
The Commission said it would continue to work with livestock owners, wolf conservationists and the Oregon Legislature to obtain the needed law changes to provide livestock producers with flexibility to protect their animals.
The sections moved to an appendix called for the Legislature to:

* Designate the wolf as a 'special status mammal' under the game mammal statute,

* Allow livestock owners without a permit to kill wolves caught 'in the act' of killing livestock, and

* Create a state-funded program to pay compensation for wolf-caused livestock losses and for proactive methods to prevent wolf depredation.
The three proposed legislative enhancements were not acted on by the 2005 Oregon Legislature. The rest of the plan remains unchanged.
The Commission approved the Oregon wolf plan last February after a comprehensive public involvement effort.
Oregon's wolf plan does not call for actively reintroducing wolves from other states or provinces, but managing wolves that naturally disperse into Oregon.
No wolves are confirmed in Oregon at this time, but biologists expect wolves to establish a permanent Oregon population as the Idaho wolf population grows and disperses.
Wolves currently are protected under both the state and federal endangered species acts.
The seven-member Commission is the rulemaking body for fish and wildlife issues in Oregon.



Page Updated: Thursday May 07, 2009 09:15 AM  Pacific

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