Ridin' Point
- a weekly column published in the
Pioneer Pressby Marcia
Armstrong, Siskiyou County
Supervisor District 5
(ran in the Pioneer Press Oct.
11, 2006) |
Stream and
Wetlands System Protection Policy,
9/29/06 |
In order to “fill gaps”
in the current Basin Water Quality Plan, the
North Coast Regional Water Quality Control
Board (NCRWQCB) is working on a region-wide
Stream and Wetlands System Protection Policy
Currently, the
Basin Plan identifies the “beneficial uses”
of each water body – such as cold water fish
(salmon,) agriculture and recreation. It
then determines what the water quality must
be like to support those uses. For example,
salmon need cold water and clean gravel of a
certain size for spawning beds. The Plan
specifies a (numeric) range of water
temperature that is needed and may give a
description (narrative) of the maximum
amount of sediment that the river can move
and still maintain clean gravels. If a water
body is found not to be meeting the
requirements of its beneficial uses, then a
Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) is
established. Activities found to “pollute”
or cause the water body to exceed its TMDLs
will be monitored and changed through
regulation and incentive to reduce their
impact to target levels. The Salmon, Scott,
Shasta and
Rivers all have TMDLs established or
in the process of being set.
The regional SWSPP
will be in addition to the TMDL process for
each water body. The policy’s first purpose
is to protect the overall hydrologic
structure, (stream channels; riparian areas;
floodplains, wetlands and the connection
between them.) The second purpose is to
protect the functions that these physical
characteristics perform: filtration, flood
water storage, groundwater recharge,
distributing river energy and nutrients,
fish and wildlife habitat etc. The third
purpose is to consider the impacts to these
characteristics by all human uses together
on a cumulative and watershed basis.
Narrative water quality objectives will now
be set for hydrology, active channel,
floodplains, riparian vegetation and
in-stream habitat.
SWSPP will aim to
maintain soil infiltration of water, prevent
excessive erosion or depositing of sediment
by encouraging space for river meanders,
moderate flows, protect floodplain buffers,
establish and maintain riparian vegetation
and protect instream habitat.
Implementation of
the SWSPP will be done on the basis of
locally developed watershed plans that
propose changes and “best management
practices” to avoid, minimize and mitigate
negative impacts. The policy envisions local
government agencies or watershed councils
creating the plan. The watershed plan will
include an inventory and assessment of
wetlands and riparian areas. “Performance
goals” and “management measures” by resource
users will be established to accomplish
SWSPP goals. Grant funding will be available
on a competitive basis for projects. Both
River and Shasta River TMDLs already
reference the SWSPP. “Waste Discharge
(permit) Waivers” allowed under the TMDL
will be subject to compliance with the
conditions of use and programs under the
Meeting with Bruce
Ho and NCRWQCB staff, the question arose –
Doesn’t this prescribe one land use over
another? (The example given was agricultural
vs. fish habitat.) Staff explained to the
effect that water quality objectives for
agriculture were principally salinity
levels. However, “water quality” habitat
factors for fish included shade, clean
gravel, cold water, cover and channel
structures that depend upon an entire well
functioning hydrologic system to exist. So,
requiring land uses to be subservient to
those habitat needs does not pose a conflict
under water quality considerations.
The NCRWQCB will
be meeting with “interested stakeholders”
over the next several months. Their Staff
Report Workshop is anticipated in the spring
of 2007. Public review and comment will be
in the spring-summer of 2007. The final
public adoption hearing is expected in the
fall of 2007.