Coast line being polluted
Celebrity septic tanks thought to be responsible
Herald and News 10/5/06
MALIBU, Calif. (AP) — The
mystery: Just whose waste is befouling
the most celebrity-saturated stretch of
California coast?
The suspects: Malibu residents
whose septic tanks might let what gets
flushed down the toilet flow down the
hills and into the Pacific.
The strategy: DNA testing and
a pledge, if need be, to get court
warrants to inspect leaky tanks buried
beneath the backyards of Hollywood
“Going to get messy’
‘‘This is going to get
messy,’’ predicts Mark Pestrella, the
Los Angeles County public works official
tasked with the project.
Loyalty to septic system
Complaints filed against state firms
PORTLAND (AP) — The U.S. Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission has
filed three discrimination complaints
against Oregon employers in the past two
weeks, making it the agency’s busiest
year in Oregon since 1998.
The lawsuits against Conway
Inc., Video Only Inc., and Gresham
Nissan Subaru Inc. bring to four the
number of lawsuits filed so far this
year — three shy of the 1998 total.
The number of lawsuits could
be on the upswing because the agency
consolidated offices this year, shifting
responsibility over Oregon from its
Seattle office to San Francisco.
‘‘The San Francisco district
office is a very aggressive office,’’
said Joan Ehrlich, the district director
in San Francisco. ‘‘I believe in ending
discrimination. If we have to, we’ll
file a lawsuit.’’
runs deep in a city that was
incorporated to stop construction of a
sewer line. Residents who fiercely deny
that their tanks are the source of ocean
bacteria also fiercely guard their
privacy and their right to flush the
estimated 2,400 septic tanks in a city
strung along 25 miles of coast.
After decades of wrangling,
county officials are promising to get
tough — threats of hefty fines by clean
water regulators were an important push.
Sea water to be tested
Over the next few months,
investigators will begin testing sea
water. If DNA tests show waste is human
and not from, say, raccoons or coyote,
they’ll follow the trail up creeks that
traverse neighborhoods in Malibu, where
clean water advocates such as Pierce
Brosnan and Ted Danson live.
Where the tests show a
concentration of human waste, inspectors
will sleuth out the source. Though they
won’t request DNA samples from residents
to match waste with its human source,
they say they may ask a judge for
authority to inspect tanks of property
owners who bar them from taking samples.
Privacy is a concern
‘‘It is a big deal that the
county is now saying ‘We’re willing to
go on to properties to see what the
source of fecal contamination is,’’’
said Mark Gold, executive director of
the local environmental group Heal the
Malibu leaders have argued
that pollution comes from a wastewater
treatment plant, storm runoff and bird
droppings. The lack of a sewer system
limits development and preserves rustic
details amid million-dollar homes.