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Letter to KBC by Nita Still, Montague, Calif. regarding the United Nations' plan for us detailing wilderness areas, depopulation, endangered species taking of land, dams,"sustainability..."

(KBC NOTE: Watch the video Nita sent for you by Dr. Michael Coffman, http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=9076600110615006895  If you want to know why, why, why, this 30 minute video will share the UN documentation of the agenda that is being accomplished right here in your home town. Most people cannot bear to watch, because it's happening today. ESA, dam removal, downsize food production, sacred mice and land designations....Nita sounds radical, but, watch the video. The truth is radical)

The People who love what freedom we have left and want to increase it's abundance had better wake up and see how our bondage is unfolding through the Houses of Law in Washington D.C. under the Changes Obama promised.

Ever since John Muir formed the Sierra Club, beginning in the late 1800's, they have had an on-going plot to remove from our use all the land and water they can and preserve it for posterity so "they" will be able to enjoy it. What a farce! They are doing this through systems of Law and say this will be accomplished in 50 years. This will mean: no roads, no farming or ranching, no logging, no fishing or hunting, no trespassing on most lands, no electricity except in large cities, no more rural areas. We will be herded into big cities for smart growth under Agenda 21. No more sovereignty, all Freedoms removed and on and on! This is what Obama's "Change" means and this is why he was elected by the powers that be and through stupidity!

Have you heard of Y2Y-Yellowstone to Yukon? It was founded to give more land to the animals to roam and will create North America's longest wildlife corridor. It is 1,800 miles long and 2 million acres. The Senate passed this humongous 2 million acres of land and water for Wilderness. It will go before the House soon. The Fish and Wildlife favor this bill and it is supported by over 300 environmental groups as well as our Government of, for and by Obama. There has got to be something wrong with the F/W for they are also supporting the removal of our Green electrical supply, the four dams North of here. It looks like the Department of Interior is in cahoots with the Wildlanders and the United Nation's. (See Dr. Michael Coffman's video on Depopulation). http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=9076600110615006895 I know Obama is a One Worlder and so are all of the Traitors in our Senate and House. Treasonous, Sneaky Geithner, is manipulating the Banks and will also have us go on the Euro and Obama is helping! They are also going to be involved with the UN and their World Bank and the International Monetary Fund! This Stimulus Bill and all of our governments spending bills are depreciating our dollar and severely effecting, badly, unemployment as well as deteriorating our economy! Look up http://www.iucn.org

The concept of Y2Y was created by Dave Foreman in 1991. It was published in 1992 in "Wild Earth." By 1994, 75 thousand copies were distributed under a grant from, "Foundation for Deep Ecology." This Y2Y Bill (Senate Bill 5064) was conceived by Harvey Locke, past president of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Association, when he learned that a wolf had traveled 500 miles. Over 100 environmental groups helped him. Reed Noss, (enviro), who is a contractor and scientific adviser to the Department of Interior (DOI) said, that without connecting the protected areas that already exist and without establishing buffer zones, ecosystems are thrown out of balance and wide-ranging carnivore's can't survive. He also published a paper, "Endangered Ecosystems of the United States: A Preliminary Assessment of Loss and Degradation," encouraging taking Bio-regions or needed lands and waters to save all species, except us!

Thus you continue to have the threat of the Wildlands or The Wilderness Project being put into place by Congress and Obama. The way it is going, will be a lot less than 50 years, because the animals, fish, birds, and etc are more important than we are and the Green's are implementing ways to make us become extinct!

Mankind or humans are much less important to the ESA and the EPA, which have been threatening us for too many years. They want to get rid of 70% of us so the animals and etc. can be saved for posterity so people will be able to enjoy them. Too many Americans believe this garbage! Someone said that the American people have trouble understanding reality. They also have trouble discerning the Truth! We are being put into a cage of "smart growth," so we will be "sustainable," and Agenda 21 is being shoved down our throats by these conniving NGO's (Enviros) who are United Nations based.

Nita Still
Montague, CA


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