Disease and Chinook by
Siskiyou County supervisor Marcia Armstrong 2/18/05
This year's Chinook salmon run was a disappointment.
At the latest Klamath River Basin Fisheries Task
Force meeting, it was reported the returns to the
Klamath were estimated to be 88,777 fish with a 10%
early spawner
(grilse or "jack") component. This was well below
the predicted return level of 98,600 fish. Of
returning fish, an estimated 24,246 were "natural
spawners." This was considerably below the 35,000
threshold for returning natural fish (or
"escapement") established in connection with fishing
The Shasta River had an estimated chinook run of 833
fish ( 13.4% grilse;) the Scott had 445 fish (4.7%
grisle;) and the Salmon River had 626 fish
(15.3% grilse.) Bogus Creek saw about 3,700 fish
compared to 15,000 last year. About 24.6% of these
were estimated to be of hatchery origin. It should
also be noted that the grilse portion of the run is
often looked upon as an indicator of the health of
next year's run. (Chinook salmon return to spawn at
a variety of ages from 2 year old grilse to five
year-olds.) It was reported that the ocean reaches
its highest cyclical productive phase for salmon
next year, so there are hopes for better runs next
In the Scott River, it was observed that the
three-year aged old portion of the run was just
about gone. Looking back to 2001 when these fish
were juveniles, there was a serious incidence of
disease in the "mainstem" Klamath River that may
have effected the Scott River run.
There is a considerable amount of fish counting that
has been done on Chinook salmon over many years.
This is because of the value of the fish to
commercial, sports and tribal interests. A
substantial amount of funding is spent on fish
counts used to project the following year's run for
use by the Klamath Fisheries Management Council in
allocating fishing quotas. Chinook also return early
in the season when the rivers are at a level where
fish counts can be done.
Up until very recently, information about the
federally and State listed coho salmon has been
generally limited to whether the fish were either
present or absent in a stream. As coho spawn later
in the season when flows are high, it is more
difficult to get estimated fish counts. When the
Department of Fish and Game reviewed coho documents
during the State listing process, they determined
that about 1,400 streams had been sampled. Of these
streams, coho were documented to be present in about
500 of those streams.
Unlike Chinook, Coho return regularly at age three
to spawn. This creates a series of three "brood
years." In any stream, one brood year may be good
and another may not have any fish. A thorough
"presence and absence" survey would include a series
of several three-year sets. Unfortunately, historic
surveys were incomplete and there is minimal
information in most areas.
Danielle Quigley reported on data received thus far
from this last season's 58 river mile Scott River
coho survey. This survey ran from the confluence of
the East and South Fork of the Scott down to its
confluence with the Klamath River. The survey
observed 1,567 live fish, 578 carcasses and 958 "redds"
or nests where the coho had deposited eggs. In the
past, the biggest barrier to spawning had been a
disconnect between the tributaries and the Scott
River. This year, almost all tributaries were
connected by the first week of December. Coho were
able to into the lower reaches of Shackleford and
Patterson Creek, as well as French and Sugar Creek.
Unlike the prior two brood years, indications are
that this was a great year for coho.
Scott Foott and Jerri Bartholomew gave a briefing on
their studies of fish disease. Three main diseases
are affecting our fish - ceratomyxosis
(C-Shasta;) columnaris (gill rot) and parvicapsula
(kidney disease.). "C-Shasta" is a spore that needs
a worm (or "polychaete") as part of its life cycle.
In 2004, it was estimated that 45% of the juvenile
chinook in the Klamath River at peak out-migration
were infected with this fatal disease. (Local
steelhead have some immunity. No studies have been
done on the susceptibility of coho.) 94% of the
juveniles were found to be infected with
Scientists sampled a range of locations in the
Klamath system for C-Shasta last summer. The
infected worm was found in the mainstem Klamath and
as high up as the Williamson and the Sprague,
however fish mortality increased substantially in
the river below Iron Gate dam. It appears that the
reservoirs provide little habitat for the host worm
and the spores dilute out. The worm appears to like
nutrient rich areas, fine silt or sand, eddies, and
where mats of algae (chlodophora) or fresh water
sponges are found. Fish cannot infect other fish.
They can only be infected through exposure to the
Fish coming out of the Scott, Shasta and Salmon
Rivers were found not to be infected until they
reached the Klamath. Some "hot spots" were
identified. Fish left in cages for six hours at
Beaver Creek, taken back to the lab and placed in
clean water were found to have a 90% mortality.
This research is very significant. It means that
disease could be the major factor in recent chinook
fishery declines in the Klamath system. I think coho
susceptibility studies should commence immediately.
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