Siskiyou TMDL's by
Marcia Armstrong, Siskiyou County Supervisor
District 5, 10/31/06
This week, I got to drive over the new bridge
at Shackleford Creek. The bridge, spanning a prime
coho stream, has been several years mired in
environmental review and development. It is a
relief to know that heavy fire equipment can now
safely make the trip directly down Quartz Valley
Road without having to go 'round the long way. The
Cottonwood Creek bridge in Hornbrook has also been
completed; a fish barrier removed at Kelly Gulch;
and County crews have recently done flood repair
work to Copco Road, Scott River Road and Bar Road
.In my opinion, the County Road Department in my
neck of the woods is doing a great job!
Recently, the North Coast Regional Water Quality
Control Board (NCRWQCB) staff met with the County
to discuss implementation of the Scott River TMDL
(Total Maximum Daily Load limits for sediment and
water temperature.)
The County is required to: 1) Complete an
inventory of sources for river sediment from
County Roads in Scott Valley, establish a schedule
for correcting those sources, and sign a
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreeing to use
established best management practices for road
work. 2) Develop a groundwater study plan that
considers all groundwater, evaluates transpiration
by stream-side vegetation and identifies potential
solutions to mitigate any adverse impacts to
beneficial uses. 3) In addition, the County is
requested to pass a grading ordinance or other
"enforceable mechanism" to address land disturbing
The 5 County Coho Planning group was able to help
Siskiyou County acquire grant funding to start
training personnel for the road inventory in June
of 2006. By August 31, 20 miles of inventory had
already been completed. It is anticipated that all
the ground work will be completed sometime in
2008. Then a prioritized project list can be
developed. With the failure by Congress to
reauthorize the Secure Schools and Communities
Act, (which gives county roads and schools federal
payments in-lieu of a 25% share of National Forest
timber,) the Road Department is operating on half
of its former revenue. Actual project completion
will depend upon some sort of grant or other
funding to fix the problems. County Road personnel
continue to be trained in best management
practices and are operating accordingly.
Siskiyou County has retained jurisdiction over
groundwater use. The TMDL implementation plan
directs that, by September 8 of 2007, Siskiyou
County as lead, with partners such as the Siskiyou
RCD, Scott River Watershed Council (SRWC) will
create a formal groundwater study plan that will:
1) Evaluate changes in river flows and the water
table elevations from groundwater pumping; 2)
Determine the magnitude of groundwater recharge
from leaking ditches and percolation of irrigated
water; 3) Determine the impacts of water table
fluctuations on riparian vegetation; and 4)
Identify opportunities, such as conjunctive use,
to increase subsurface water storage. It is
suggested that Siskiyou County hire a contractor
to complete the study.
There will be much additional discussion among
partners concerning the study currently in place,
which measures static water levels and is modeled
after Tehama County's plan. SRWC also has in place
a "hypothesis testing" strategy developed with
input from many agencies. Discussions will explore
how these might satisfy expectations as envisioned
by the NCRWQCB. Funding would also have to be
acquired to complete any study plan.
The issue of a general grading ordinance has been
raised previously and denied by the Board of
Supervisors. However, at the Board's request, the
Planning Department has completed a draft Land
Development Manual for new construction which will
be first reviewed at a workshop of the Siskiyou
County Planning Commission on Wednesday November 1
at the Board of Supervisors' Chambers in the
Courthouse. The regular meeting starts at 9 a.m.
The SRWC and RCD will continue its work with
technical support and grant funding assistance to
landowners, helping to develop grazing and other
land use strategies to prevent, minimize and
control sediment and temperature impacts to rivers
and streams.