Rob Capriccioso
Indian Country March 24, 2009
Secretary of Energy Steven Chu
addressed the NCAI winter conference,
during which he promised to fully
empower a tribal office in the energy
department and to hold a summit this
year on energy issues that affect
Indian country.
WASHINGTON – A group of tribal energy experts has
asked the Obama administration to consider specific
incentives to help tribes play a substantial role in
beefing up the nation’s hydropower infrastructure.
In early March, the
Intertribal Council on Utility Policy sent a
letter to Department of Energy Secretary Steven Chu
suggesting ways tribes with wind energy resources can
supplement current hydropower resources. The group is
a nonprofit organization that addresses energy,
telecommunications and environmental issues affecting
member tribes in North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska
and Wyoming.
At a recent meeting of the National Congress of
American Indians, Chu promised to fully empower a
tribal office in the energy department and to hold a
summit this year on energy issues that affect Indian
country. He also said he supports energy tax
production credits for tribes.
The letter highlights issues and makes requests that
seem to align with Chu’s pledges.
“Tribal renewable energy, such as the hundreds of
megawatts of wind power awaiting development in the
northern Great Plains, can make a significant
difference in augmenting federal hydropower diminished
by the current decade long drought, since wind neither
consumes water as conventional power cooling plants
do, nor does it add green house gases to the
atmosphere contributing to the loss of snow pack,” the
letter noted.
The letter added that
Area Power Administration, and to some extent the
Bonneville Power Administration and
Valley Authority, are running out of water to
provide power. The three groups are regional power
marketing administrations within the energy
The authors of the letter said, too, that under
present policies and practices, WAPA is running an
increasing public debt by buying retail coal power.
Officials with Intertribal COUP said the Department of
Energy could encourage the use of tribal wind power
with a demonstration project for the purchase of
federal supplemental power by establishing a federal
“feed-in tariff” that would:
• Facilitate the integration of large scale
distributed wind interconnected on the WAPA grid;
• Eliminate the need for non-Indian ownership of
reservation projects, which is presently required
under federal production tax credit incentives;
• Provide capacity value to wind power, and;
• Address the environmental justice issues created by
the historic build out of the federal dam system where
the federal reservoirs permanently flooded the Indian
reservations in the Dakotas to provide flood control
protection to downstream non-Indian communities.
Bob Gough, a leader with Intertribal COUP, said he’d
also like to see Chu address cost concerns raised in a
recent WAPA draft report on the study of wind and
hydropower feasibility.
Citing cost, the report suggests a limit to WAPA’s
purchase of tribal wind power to only one tribal
project site, which Gough said misses the opportunity
for the full benefit of one large, distributed project
built across 20 reservations in six upper Great Plains
Intertribal COUP leaders said Chu knows all too well
that water resources, especially in the West, are
dwindling, and fast action is needed.
In an article entitled “The Future is Drying Up”
published in 2007, Chu noted that even the most
optimistic climate models for the second half of this
century suggest that 30 to 70 percent of snowpack will
disappear. The estimates indicate that water resources
will be highly limited.
“There’s a two-thirds chance there will be a
disaster,” Chu wrote in the article, “and that’s in
the best scenario.”
Tribal energy experts said wind and solar power from
reservations provides safe and relatively easy
solutions to at least some of the problem.
“Secretary Chu, you are now in a position to make a
sustainable difference in federal policy within the
federal family by supporting the development of
significant renewable energy resources in partnership
with Indian tribes across the country through the
creative policies, such as feed-in renewable energy
tariffs, for the federal power marketing
administrations, such as WAPA, BPA and TVA,” the
letter stated.
“This initiative has significant implications for
water, energy, national security, environmental
justice, carbon emission reduction, climate change and
tribal economic development, and we look to you for
Chu has not yet responded to the letter, nor to
requests for comment on it. Gough said, though, that
the secretary seemed aware of the options outlined in
the letter during a recent meeting with tribal leaders
in Washington.