Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.
False image of tribal importance
Karuk tribal member letter regarding Tribes that interrupted Warren Buffet's stockholders' meeting.
"For Pete's Sake! I can't believe so many people are actually
listening to Leaf Hillman! He was a foul-mouthed Pot grower, a
pretend Shaman, a womanizer and abuser! He never did anything
for salmon for the tribe until it became "Profitable" from
Enviros! He never attended Tribal Council meetings each month
to explain his Natural Resource Department's operations. A
tribal councilperson went to Orleans to find out why he failed
to show up. He was down by the Klamath River "...wacked out of
his gourd on Pot!" The Council member's words, not mine. He
has fired other Karuk employees for little things that he didn't
like. But, nobody fired him for assault and battery with a
deadly weapon, in the presence of children! How come he used
Karuk money to bail himself out of jail?
When people begin to listen to Leaf Hillman or Craig Tucker or
other loud-mouthed people proclaiming the their children are
"...starving because the salmon are all gone!" Don't be
suckered in! Karuks, Yuruks, Hupa and other "Indians" all go to
Raleys and Safeway just like everybody else!
Makes me angry that these people call themselves Karuk!"
James A. Waddell
Member of the Karuk Tribe HERE for more articles on Hillman. |
Page Updated: Thursday May 07, 2009 09:14 AM Pacific
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