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July 12, 2011
Letter to government agencies who were recipients of letter by Karuk spokesman Craig Tucker who was conjuring up a "summit" with the agencies to fix the Scott River:
by Mark Baird, Vice President Scott Valley Protect Our Water, Vice President Siskiyou County Water Users Association

Dear sir,

S Craig Tucker, the paid activist for the Karuk Tribe, has called a "summit" meeting involving several agencies of the Federal and State government. Your agency is included in this list. I phoned Mr Tucker on 7/12/11 to make inquiries as to his, ( the Karuks), motives for the meeting. I also made inquiries as to the statutory jurisdiction which compels the Karuks to hold meetings with regards to a river upon which they do not live, do not own water rights, do not fish, do not own property, and do not pay taxes.
Tuckers responses were not surprising. He replied regarding problems on the Scott, "well, you know, there are not enough fish." Regarding jurisdiction, Tucker replied, "The Karuks have no statutory jurisdiction but, you know, the Karuks are a fishing people and there are not enough fish." I pointed out that the Yuroks seem to take tens of thousands of Salmon out of the river every year and are accountable to no one for the take, but he did not seem to think this was adequate.
My next question is for you and/or your agency. Why does the Government seem to favor agendas which purposely exclude the taxpayers, and citizens of the Scott and Shasta Watershed and instead choose to deal with an Indian tribe, with no historic ties to the area (Scott Valley, is historically Shasta country), no jurisdiction, no vested interest in the community and no right what so ever to speak for the people who actually live, work and pay taxes in the Scott River Watershed.
Are you truly blind to the obvious grab for grant and restoration money? The Karuk Tribe gained Federal status by taking a treaty signed by and for the Shasta people. This is common knowledge in this area. Everyone usually laughs at how easy it has been for the State and Federal Government to be taken in by this and by the Karuks in the never ending search for grant money.
Now, to the citizens of this watershed, this scam, has ceased to be funny. When the Karuks were engaged in spurious activity like the Stienacher Road Decomissioning, or any of the other many and obvious thefts of government money, most of us just shake our heads at the ease with which the government can be swindled. Seriously, your agency should do a little investigation into these issues. You should be more careful about whom you associate with. Our sheriff and some of our long time residents, ( some of whom are Native American), could provide evidence to what I have said.
Now this organization of so called environmentalist are out to take property and water rights which do not belong to them. We can clearly see right through this cloak of environmentalism, just as though the emperor had no clothes on at all!
We, the citizens and taxpayers of the Scott River Watershed demand that the Government of the United States and the State of California discharge its responsibilities according to its respective Constitutions. The state has no authority to make treaties with " Indians not taxed", under the U.S. Constitution. The Federal Government has no authority to consider Dependant Nations such as the Karuks claim to be, over and with out regard for the owners, citizens and taxpayers of the State of California.
We, the citizens of the Scott River Watershed Demand to be included in any meeting regarding OUR economic, environmental, cultural or political future. We are good stewards of our land, homes and environment. We like to catch fish as much as the Karuks do. We care deeply about our Valley. We should, we live and work here. Our children grow up here.
We will not submit to despotism, tyranny, environmental fraud by the Karuks or any one else. Be prepared to defend your position in the court of public opinion and elsewhere if this obvious environmental fraud is allowed to continue.
The citizens of Siskiyou County DEMAND equal protection under the law. The citizens of Siskiyou County DEMAND equal representation. The citizens of Siskiyou County DEMAND that Federal and State Statutes regarding Coordination with local governmental agencies be followed to the letter. The people of this County do not yeild their sovereignty to the agencies who are supposed to serve them.
Mark Baird
Vice President Scott Valley Protect Our Water
Vice President Siskiyou County Water Users Association


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