Attention Mr. Richard Smith:
from Gail Hildreth Whitsett
May 18, 2005 (regarding Barnes federal acquisition)
I would like to make some scientific and then
personal comments regarding the proposed acquisition
of the Barnes Ranch to convert into a national
wildlife refuge around Upper Klamath Lake.
For nearly four years I have been active in the
geological scientific review of the Upper Basin,
from the ODEQ’s Upper Klamath Lake TMDL Advisory
Board to being an invited peer reviewer the Oregon
Water Resources Department’s most recent ground
water study in Klamath County. I believe I have sat
in on nearly every meeting regarding the geology and
physical science oriented aspects of the basin and
its waters. My comments are related to this body of
knowledge. My opinions follow:
- Breaching the dikes around the Barnes property
will have the effect of heating the waters left
trapped in subsided areas behind the dikes. There
will not be a circulating affect of the lake, only
an initial flow inward of the lake’s already
shallow and warm waters into the lower elevation
areas behind the dikes. The water will suspend the
fine soil profile of the farm and grazing land and
then stagnate and heat the shallow water over the
majority of the land area.
- The ODEQ’s Upper Klamath Lake TMDL will be
further violated through this re-suspension and
periodic oxidation of the heavy peat soils,
causing the freeing of additional naturally
occurring phosphorus into the Lake waters.
- Gradually the land behind the dikes will
infill with sediment and the already limited water
storage capacity of the Barnes Ranch will be
negligible. Your actions will cause the
accelerated geological evolution of the lake into
a playa. It has been reported several times, in
engineering reports that had the lake not been
diked off initially, it would have been
nonexistent as a lake today. It is a very old and
dying system already and the misinformed idea that
allowing the lake to revert to some natural state
will prolong its longevity, is against all
geologic scientific fact we base the science on
today. In fact, it will accelerate the lake’s
physical demise.
- Your agency has a huge number of biologists
and most that I have met have little/no
professional geologic/ engineering background.
Consequently many of the problems the state and
federal government faces today with regard to the
Upper Klamath Basin water systems is a direct
result of that basic lack of knowledge. Many
federal staff in the Basin, while pursuing their
own agendas to return the lake to "a natural
state" have denied the scientific public input
brought to them repeatedly by very well informed
and educated individuals.
- In 2003, Jonathan La Marche a hydrologist from
the Oregon Water Resources Department presented a
scientific paper on water storage around Upper
Klamath Lake, which shows that water storage would
have been non-existent in four out of the last ten
years on lands surrounding the Upper Lake. The
idea of spending multi-millions of public tax
dollars for land that will be nothing more than
"lakeside" property many years is astonishing.
- Additionally, ranches surrounding the Barnes
property will sustain flooding for periods of time
when the Barnes property is flooded. Is it your
plan to buyout these ranches as well? Why not
simply state the purpose initially and stop the
pretense. If the federal agencies want to control
and own all of the land around Upper Klamath Lake,
then say so, instead of doing so piece by piece.
This is an ill informed acquisition for the
stated purpose of water storage and a total waste of
money of the part of the federal government. When
will it become apparent to the bureaucracies that
the more land put into marsh throughout the Basin,
the less water becomes available for any purpose,
due to natural heating, evaporation and infilling
through erosional processes?
Thank you for the opportunity to discuss this
with you. Your agency would be well advised to talk
with some of the older individuals who remember
their parents working the areas around the Upper
Lake. They would find that it was not unusual prior
to diking, to be able to walk across the mud flats
from some of the surrounding areas into what we now
would call the middle of the north part of the lake.
There is much history to be learned from the locals,
instead they are often treated with distain by
agency personnel.
Gail Hildreth Whitsett
900 Court St. Rm S-302
Salem, Oregon 97301