Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.
SOLUTIONS Even now the federal agencies ask us for local solutions. We find solutions. We found them 40 years ago. Most often they do nothing. Here are some solutions by local residents: For Long Lake storage go HERE.
of cormorants shot to protect Columbia
salmon, H&N 5/29/15
One fix for Basin
water issues may not
exist. Multiple
smaller ideas could
prove to be a better
long-term solution
by Tom Mallams for
H&N 2/15/15. "After
reading the article
“Fatally Flawed,”
and the extremely
negative letter
penned by Dan Keppen
mentioned in it,
speaking as one
Klamath County
commissioner, I feel
a response is in
order." Going for launch with the salmon cannon, H&N posted to KBC 9/28/14. "Salmon may soon have a faster way to make it around dams. There’s a new technology that’s helping to transport hatchery fish in Washington. It’s called the salmon cannon.." Cal-OR Bi-State Alliance ALTERNATIVES to the KBRA and KHSA (Klamath dam-removal agreements), May 2014. Saving the Klamath River Dams, the best alternative for Siskiyou and Klamath Counties, May 2014, Cal-Or Bi-State Alliance Good ideas exist; we just have to find them, by Dennis Jefcoat, Chiloquin, OR. 5/31/11. "Why are we giving away, at public expense, 90,000 acres of the Mazama Tree Farm, via the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement, when the county could purchase the land and manage all aspects of timber and biomass production for the benefit of all citizens of Klamath County?" Supes seek salmon solution – in Yakima, by Ric Costales, Siskiyou Daily News 3/2/11 Solution for Klamath: Editorial: Fish passage project brings jobs, hopes for habitat, Roseberg News Review 7/13/10 Try something different; dredge the lake instead, H&N letter by Steve Souder, posted to KBC 6/5/10