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Salmonids in the Pacific NorthWest

prepared by Dr. Richard A. Gierak 1/4/10

Dr. Gierak has Bachelor degrees in Biology and Chemistry, and has a Doctorate in the Healing Arts


With the planting of Salmonids in California in 1895 and multiple subsequent plantings in addition to the erection of dams and hatcheries in the Pacific Northwest by 1950 the total landings of all species of Salmonids was 149,000 metric tons with 80% caught in Alaskan waters. With continued hatchery production, in 2007, the total landings was 403,000 metric tons in the Pacific Northwest with 97% caught in Alaskan waters. From the standpoint of commercial fishing the production of salmonids is a positive human intervention with a 273% increase since 1950.

However, the serious decline of commercial salmonid production in the States of California, Oregon and Washington have been attributed to the very human intervention that has proved successful for commercial salmonid production for over 100 years. At present Fish & Wildlife, Fish & Game and environmental NGO’s are proposing removal of dams and hatcheries which they theorize that salmonids will return to historic spawning grounds and increase production. The reality is that without dams and hatcheries there would be little salmonid production in the Pacific Northwest as historic data demonstrates.

Scientific analysis of decreased salmonid production

An in depth study of river and ocean conditions has been undertaken and it must be noted that there has been a historic rise in the temperature of the Pacific Ocean driving cold water salmonids North into Alaskan waters. Since the 1700’s we have not seen such a warming of the Pacific Ocean and the Graphic representation clearly illustrates a historic rise since the early 1970’s. In an attempt to understand this temperature rise it was discovered that there has been a comparable rise in the Ring of Fire volcanic activity since the early 1970’s. It was also discovered that planetary earthquake activity and heat content of the Pacific Ocean have also increased dramatically since the early 1970’s. The graphic representations states it clearly. There is no foundation for theorizing that removal of dams or hatcheries will restore salmonids in California, Oregon and Washington States.

Recent developments in the salmonid question

In recent months Fish & Wildlife, Fish & Game and environmental NGO’s have theorized that increases in the Caspian Tern in the Columbia Basin, in the State of Washington, has been a causative factor in decreased salmonid production as they predate upon salmonid smolts. Rather than considering thinning of the Tern population they are proposing relocating some of them throughout Washington, Oregon, Idaho, California and Nevada. The rationale behind this proposal is ludicrous as the relocation and building of new habitats for the Tern would seriously affect present ecosystems in addition to allowing them to continue populating new areas for these predatory birds. As has already been presented the causative factor in decreased commercial salmonid production in Washington, Oregon and California is the increased warming of the Pacific Ocean driving cold water salmonids North into Alaskan waters.

Another aspect of the salmonid controversy is that with the increased numbers of salmonids in Alaskan waters there is concern that there are too great a number of them and that there may not be enough food for these increased numbers and they are proposing that perhaps hatcheries should be shut down or seriously decrease their production.

Conclusions based on data from NMFS, NOAA, NASA & webecs in the United Kingdom

The decrease of salmonid populations in California, Oregon and Washington States is as a direct result of a historic rise in Pacific Ocean temperature driving salmonids North into Alaskan waters. Removal of dams and hatcheries and relocation of Caspian Terns will not restore salmonid fisheries but will ultimately destroy the Pacific Northwest commercial salmonid fisheries. It is apparent that temperature rise in the Pacific Ocean, volcanic activity increase in the Pacific Ring of Fire, global earthquake activity and increased heat content of the Pacific Ocean are the result of a planetary cycle and dams or hatcheries cannot be blamed for reduced salmonid runs in Washington, Oregon and California..

Respectfully submitted;

Dr. Richard A. Gierak

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