Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.
Klamath Basin Restoration (KBRA) Agreement, Draft 11
The January
2008 version of KBRA directly Targeted the Rogue
River Project. 2010 version – where the water will come from, go, and who decides
17.3.1 B
Within one year of
the Effective Date, the Coordinating Council shall identify a lead entity to undertake a study to evaluate the feasibility of replacing or otherwise reducing the
diversion from the such that existing uses and users of that diversion are kept whole. Upon completion of the study, the lead entity shall recommend to the Parties further action pursuant to Section 17.3.2.
After facing a
firestorm for targeting
18.2.6. Additional Conservation [Jan 2010 version] The Parties shall support continued investigations of methods to achieve
conservation of
You might hear that the so called allocation for the project provides protection for the Klamath Project. (See 21.3.1.B e. page 151). The “allocation” that supposedly assures water supplies is referred to as Appendix E-1 below. The so called protection is that irrigators outside the Klamath Project will be targeted first, then the Tribes and the Enviro’s can still sue to try to shut down the project, once there has been a meaningful effort to shut down Medford area irrigators and other irrigators outside the Klamath Project.
iv. Assurances Once Diversions Limitations Are In Effect After Appendix E-1 is in effect as provided in Section 15.3.1.A or after the applicable deadline in Section 15.3.8.A for implementation of the On-Project Plan, whichever is earlier, a Party other than Federal and State Public Agency Parties shall not seek to enforce Applicable Law to impose further limitations on the water quantity for diversion, use, and reuse in the Klamath Reclamation Project, beyond the limitations that result from the application of Appendix E-1, unless:
a. The Party has certified that the applicable parties are timely implementing the actions in the Off-Project Water Use Retirement Program under Section 16.2.2, wetlands reconnection under Section 18.2, additional
storage under
Section 18.3, Interim Flow and Level Program under Section 20.4, the Restoration Plan under Sections 10.1 through 10.2, and related actions contemplated under this Agreement; or, in the event of non-performance, such Party has made Best Efforts to correct any nonperformance;
b. Applicable after the issuance of the Findings of Fact and Order of Determination in the KBA, the Party has
requested that the
Klamath Tribes and individually and severally, make water right calls under water rights that they hold for instream use not affecting diversion, use, or reuse of water by the Klamath Reclamation Project;
c. The Party has taken into account any evaluation the TAT has completed pursuant to Sections 12.2.1 through 12.2.3 on the effects of any actions contemplated by this Agreement that have been implemented;
d. The Party has considered reasonably available actions within its ability to enforce Applicable Law, outside of the Klamath Reclamation Project, where such enforcement would benefit the Fisheries or other aquatic resource of interest, and has concluded that such alternatives are not reasonably likely to provide timely or effective relief;
e. Notwithstanding the representations on Effective Date in Section 21.3.1.B.ii, and after consideration of the effects of any such actions that have been implemented, the Party then believes that the water quantity of diversion, use and reuse in the Klamath Reclamation Project may result in jeopardy of listed Species under the Endangered Species Act or other prohibited impact
to the natural
resources of the other Applicable Law;
Section 15.3.1.C
page 77 advocates transferring project water
rights instream, if this were to come to pass
this would be disastrous for irrigators. The
Bureau of Reclamation has filed for roughly 1.1
million acre feet, the maximum net amount ever
diverted for the Klamath Project from
Naturally granting the project 600,000 acre feet more than they have ever used would be absurd, since water rights in the Adjudication are generally limited by beneficial use, and users outside the Klamath Project are challenging these absurdly high claims. However, OWRD has generally been rubber stamping claims that are no longer challenged. Provisions inserted by Settlement Proponents mandate support for these absurdly large claims of the Klamath Project, and bars any further opposition to these claims by parties who sign on and want benefits of KBRA (See section 19.5.3 page 136)
15.3.1 C. Dedication Within four years after completion of the events described in Section 15.3.1.A, the Secretary and KPWU shall provide Notice to the Parties of whether and to what extent they will seek to transfer to instream use
water rights to the
Klamath River and Settlement Points of Diversion identified in Appendix E-1 in amounts that are in excess of the applicable maximum DIVERSION quantities that can be diverted under Appendix E-1. Any such quantity or quantities transferred shall utilize the then current process to request a transfer of water rights under Applicable Law and shall not exceed amounts allowed under Applicable Law.
There are numerous provisions which imply that there could be valid unresolved claims for instream rights, in the State of California and Oregon, that could be very injurious to Medford irrigators and other irrigators outside the Klamath Project. For example see the below section
15.3.2 C. Tribal Rights Unresolved-Unquantified KPWU agree that the water rights, whatever they may be, of the
States, acting in its capacity as trustee for these federally-recognized
Indian tribes of
the or determined in any way by this Agreement or any related documents. KPWU also hereby provide interim Assurances, subject only to Section 15.3.8.B, that they will not protest, contest, object, or block any assertion of water rights by the Yurok Tribe, Karuk Tribe, or the
not inconsistent with Sections 15.3.6.A, 15.3.7.A, 15.3.8.B, and 15.3.9. The interim Assurance in the preceding sentence will:
i. Become permanent and unconditional upon the publication of the notice by the Secretary described in Section 15.3.4.A; or
ii. Terminate if the Secretary publishes the notice described in Section 15.3.4.C.
20.5.2.E. Identification of Needs and Priorities for Stream Flow Restoration for the Klamath Basin in Oregon Within five years of the Effective Date, the ODFW, in cooperation with the OWRD Field Services Division, shall update its Streamflow Restoration Needs and Priorities Identification work list done originally under the Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds in 2000 that prioritizes individual water availability sub-basins for streamflow restoration activities in the Klamath Basin based on fishery concerns, along with opportunities to restore instream water for individual water availability basins. This prioritization list shall be used to target future opportunities to restore instream water within the Klamath Basin consistent with and to implement this Agreement.
16. Off-Project Water Program 16.1. Scope and Purposes The purposes of the Off-Project Water Program are to: (i) develop an Off-Project Water Settlement (OPWAS) if possible that, upon approval, resolves water rights disputes between the Off-Project Irrigators, Klamath Tribes, and BIA; and (ii) through the OPWAS, or the Water Use Retirement Program (WURP) described in Section 16.2.2, provides for increased stream flow and inflow into Upper Klamath Lake through voluntary retirement of water rights or water uses, or other means as agreed to by the OPWAS Parties, or the UBT consistent with Section 16.2.2, to improve Fisheries habitat and also to provide for stability of irrigation water deliveries in the Off-Project Water Program. The area for the Off-Project Water Program (Off-Project Area) shall consist of the following sub-basins: the Wood River, Sprague River, Sycan River, and Williamson River sub-basins. The Parties who develop the OPWAS, referred to as the “OPWAS Parties,” shall be Klamath Tribes, Upper Klamath Water Users Association (UKWUA), and the BIA.
Page Updated: Sunday February 07, 2010 03:41 AM Pacific
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