Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.

by: Commissioner Linthicum 

I've talked to several folks regarding yesterday's article, Ken Can't Count. The basic objection is that jobs are jobs and any job is better than no job. The premise of the argument goes like this: Full-time work is best;  part-time or temporary work is good; no work is terrible. Therefore, why shun these jobs? After all, jobs are jobs.

All things being equal... I understand. The point is well-made.

But... what if all things aren't equal?  Here’s the rub – there is more going on here than meets the eye.

All the newspaper outlets ran the exact same story. Here's a Google search just to make the point. The Obama Administration views this as a “Jobs Bill.” Here, in the Klamath watershed, everyone is aware of the "KBRA = JOBS" media campaign and Salazar’s charter is do to his boss’s bidding. He will fervently promote the jobs side of this story without allowing any questions about its cost or the impact on our basin's future.

What does the cost-side of the story look like?

For any business or individual to create a job, or supply a benefit, they must have the financial resources to do it. The hamburger shop must charge enough for their burgers, pickles, lettuce and tomatoes to pay the counter-person, cook, janitor and accountant. All of these positions could be the owner or hired-help but there must be enough incentive for the worker to continue to show-up. Maybe all it takes is a cup of coffee and an extra donut, but there must be some incentive.

What does the government sell to cover their operating costs? Nothing!

Where do they get the trillions of dollars for their enormously complex system for supplying benefits, regulating businesses, defending the shores, destroying dams and the like? From taxpayers! It all comes off of your plate — and your children's plate (remember 40% of all Federal Spending is on borrowed money).

In the simplest terms, to put a donut on a government employee’s napkin, I first need to take that donut off of your plate. This is redistribution.

Wait... In this illustration the economy hasn’t been harmed one bit. You still have your job, the government worker has his, the donut factory is still selling donuts at the same rate... What’s wrong?

Indeed, some people might not see the problem that this Great Donut Caper (GDC) presents. It is a fundamental private property rights issue. If the donut belongs to you then it ought to trouble you to think that it could be legislated to someone else. However, if your okay with the ethical and moral implications of this seemingly small infringement, let me point out some other unseen implications.

The transfer of the donut from the private sector to the public sector yielded no net gain — there are still the same number of donuts in the economy. No new donuts were created. Likewise, to create a job in the public sector necessarily requires the extraction of the equivalent resources for that same job from the private sector.

In other words, in the same way someone lost a donut, someone will lose a job. The resources must come from somewhere — and it all comes off of your plate. This helps explain why our economy is suffering despite all of the newspaper hoopla about government efforts to create jobs.

1 Comment

  1. Finnious T. Fogbottom ~ September 23, 2011 16:28

    Here are a couple more mechanisms used in the redistributive process: 1. United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/unpfii/en/drip.html The use of indigenous downstreamers to usurp legitimate long standing upstream rights was the reason for the declaration; at least in the minds of some. Australia is also having a whole bunch of fun with that. As it turns out the 2008 Aussie draught and supposedly related worldwide grain shortage wasn’t because there wasn’t enough water, it was (like in the Klamath) simply reallocated to the new superior sustainabull rights holders. 2. The Just Third Way. Concentration of Property = Concentration of Power You’ll love this one. In this well worked plan we all become joint owners of everything. Even a certain aspect of the USDA is on board with that idea. Just for the sake of crazy conspiracy speculative conversation Past Secty of Commerce Brown may have been on that page as well. In fact the word is that he thought he could get a huge portion of Agenda 21 rolling through his commerce domain. Some speculate though that after he changed his mind about all of that his plane conveniently went down. Two military doctors found bullet rain in his head and torso during the stateside autopsy. They were confined to base and the story sort of went way. What is bullet rain? Well if you fire a bullet in area of the once soft spot at the top of ones head the projectile travels reasonably well in a downward path without exploding any large and noticeable bony structures. It can be easy to miss if it looks like death came by way of multiple impact traumas, unless an x-ray is taken and it picks up a suspicious metallic fragment pattern. The crazy speculation was simply that maybe he didn’t die in the crash as planned. So anyway, Oil rich Iraq was going to be the first large scale new order Just Third Way test case. W sort of fowled their plans up. http://www.globaljusticemovement.org/thirdway.htm http://www.globaljusticemovement.org/subpages_thirdway/gfx_overview.htm http://www.cesj.org/thirdway/comparison3rdway.htm Just a couple of things to think about as the change from representative government to consensus governance slithers into the Klamath. Oh you would be shocked to find out how many seemingly local organizations have UN ties
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