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Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
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Who really has jurisdiction over Oregon’s water?

Herald and News Letter to the Editor 1/27/10 by Frank Vaughn, Lakeview
    I have not read the so-called Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement, but from reading the Herald and News I can not determine how the entire Basin is to be restored, nor to what level it to be restored.

    Looking at the water issues being discussed leads me to believe that neither side has really discussed just who really has jurisdiction over water in Oregon.

    When Oregon became a state, as I read the Constitution, it retained all water rights within the state. Unless the Oregon Legislature has ceded some or all of those water rights to another government entity, none of those such as the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Environmental Protection Agency, Endangered Species Act, Bureau of Indian Affairs and Fish and Wildlife Service, and others have any authority as to how water in Oregon is allocated, or when.

    Any action taken on the restoration agreement stands to affect all Oregonians as well as all U.S. citizens, so our opinions should be considered.

    Do not remove the dams. The Mazama Tree Farm is only an appeasement offering to the Klamath Tribes and should be removed from the restoration agreement.

    I do not believe that the Tribes have a legal claim to any water that is controlled by the Link River Dam. Therefore, their claim would be to the dead water pool.

       Is there anyone on either side who researched the true water laws and have the integrity to share that information with the public? Especially concerning any or all federal agencies.

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