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Water Crisis
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varied in water agreement
spokesman: No stance on water agreement
by TY BEAVER, Herald and News 10/10/10
The company did sign the Klamath
Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement, allowing the removal
of the dams if federal studies determine it is a better
option than relicensing.
Klamath County residents are impacted by PacifiCorp’s
role because as ratepayers they will be paying for dam
removal or relicensing.
Opponents of the KBRA, which aims to resolve water
disputes in the Klamath River watershed, have differing
view on PacifiCorp’s role.
One environmental group said stakeholders were too
willing to make a deal with PacifiCorp.
Burden on ratepayers
Tom Mallams, an irrigator off the Klamath Reclamation
Project, said the power company was pressured into dam
removal by the federal government, but willingly put the
burden of the removal on its ratepayers.
Proponents said it took time for PacifiCorp to seriously
consider dam removal. The company has been a good
partner though proponents say they aren’t surprised
PacifiCorp held back from fully endorsing its
participation until everything is finalized.
Art Sasse, spokesman for PacifiCorp, was adamant in
saying the company has no position on the KBRA.
The company also has no position on the advisory
measures going before voters in Klamath and Siskiyou
counties asking whether their respective local
governments should participate in the restoration
The company is supportive of the dam removal settlement,
though, as it is the best and most economical outcome
for ratepayers, as pointed out by the Oregon Public
Utility Commission, Sasse said.
“Our role has been and always will be to protect our
customers,” he said.
The company, however, will relicense the dams if removal
doesn’t occur and is performing a variety of actions to
mitigate impacts of the dams on the river, including
effort to help fish and improve water quality.
Mallams said Pacifi-Corp’s statement that it looking out
for ratepayers is false. The company, he said, is
looking out for its shareholders and principal owner,
Warren Buffet.
He believes federal officials pressured the company into
dam removal by making relicensing financially difficult.
But, he said, PacifiCorp stopped being a victim when it
took a deal that made it immune to any long-term
problems with dam removal.
“They have the sweetheart deal of the century as far as
I’m concerned,” Mallams said.
Sean Stevens, spokesman for the environmental group
Oregon Wild, said it was interesting that PacifiCorp
strongly opposed dam removal before 2008, and then that
year, advocated removal as the most affordable option.
“What ever allows them to get the best deal for their
shareholders, they’re going to do that,” he said.
less likely
Stevens said the KBRA makes dam removal less likely, as
it ties the action to a document that requires extensive
funding, something the federal government may not be
willing to support, especially in today’s tough
financial times.
Proponents said it made sense for PacifiCorp to be
reluctant about dam removal, saying businesses are
naturally conservative and serve to protect their
Craig Tucker, Klamath campaign coordinator, said the
company eventually realized the benefits of removal,
both for it and its ratepayers.
“I don’t expect power companies to champion the
environment, but they’re not an adversary,” he said.
Becky Hyde, an off-Project irrigator, said dam removal
is only a part of the KBRA and she’s spent the majority
of her time making sure the agreement allows irrigators
However, she said, PacifiCorp has been a good partner
and is becoming more vocally supportive of dam removal
as studies are conducted and completed.
Page Updated: Monday October 11, 2010 01:18 AM Pacific
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