Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.
Fish over farmlands? It shouldn’t happen
Herald and News
Letter to the Editor by
Kevin Fure,
Falls 11/19/10
Instead of printing the
same Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement problems every day,
I suggest you print parts of an article from the April
National Geographic.
It tells how a
sardine-sized fish (delta smelt) brought the town of
Mendota, which was labeled “the cantaloupe center of the
world,” to its knees.
This town west of Fresno
raised over 50 different crops to feed people and now
depends on food drives as its unemployment rate hits 40
I urge people who think
farmers don’t need water to take a trip down and see
firsthand what happens to a community that favors fish. This
oncerich quarter-million acres of farmland is now mainly
Are we a lot smarter
than that? Exactly what I thought before a bird shut down
almost all of our
Anyway, our suckers will
be just fine once the Tribes get the Mazama Tree Farm. I
should also be fine, I think.
I have money invested in
some kind of a plan, which I forgot how I signed up for, but
the payments are easy and come on my monthly electric bill.
It has something to do
with tearing down dams that produce emission-free energy. I
have made nothing yet, but I’m sure this will be big because
I know there are thousands of dams in the United States
alone and not a lot of them are being torn down like they
want to do here.
Let’s hope nobody
catches on to our great plan. I also read your column by Dr.
Gott and wanted to ask him if there is any treatment, pills
or herbs that bring back common sense once people lose it.
Is there hope?
Page Updated: Monday January 31, 2011 01:07 AM Pacific
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