Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.

Who gets the real dam removal money? 

By C.E. “Mac” McEwen, Siskiyou Daily News February 13, 2009, Montague, Calif. -

Dear Editor,

From what we read the removal of Klamath River dams is a done deal and the ratepayer/taxpayer will take it
in the shorts big time. Still I have questions
i.e. who are the ones making this “Agreement”, individuals by name and occupation not some group? 
Who paid for and under what authority was it done? 
Where is/was the Brown Act? 
Where and what is this alternative energy and what is its real cost?

Now are the tree huggers and grass squeezers going to stand up and say that the big lie and PR is the program 
they have as in “Clean, Renewable, alternative energy”. See Roseburg and Klamath dams. 
As usual their goal post are on wheels.
As for fish it is well known the over fishing is the problem and no one wants to fix that. The river Indians 
are a part of that problem. Coho, another bogus red herring “pun intended” as they are just a plant (check DFG 
net site) and can be augmented at any time. 

So now we get to the meat of this millions/billions dollar boondoggle, Who gets the money and why, what is 
the real agenda?
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