Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.

A Salmon is a salmon no matter where it's hatched
To the Editor of Pioneer Press October 14, 2009 by Nita Still, Montague

Please think as you read.   

The KBRA,Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement was created to remove the dams. The KHSA, Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement was created on how to do it. Are we and the BOS Board of Supervisors going to just sit there and let a bunch of
Environmentalists take out our dams without using an existing law to keep them? Removing the dams will NOT restore the Klamath to a natural state. The dams are not causing algae to grow. Warm and shallow water, phosphorus and nitrates from past volcanic activity, and sewerage are. 28 groups, mainly GAG's, (Green Advocacy Group's) using the ESA, have done this and will effect thousands of people.   

The Enviros, work with four things to make the changes they desire. The ESA, the environment, our culture and economy. They are wrecking our economy and culture and removing the use of our environment. Now they want to take out a natural dam called Keno, below the warm, shallow and algae ridden Klamath Lake. The salmon have been on earth for over the last 20 million years, and for the last 50 years have been dwindling in numbers on both coasts.    Salmon can be grown in hatcheries and still be free to swim 190 miles up the Klamath and its tributaries. The majority of the fish caught by Indians is near the mouth of the Klamath. A salmon is a salmon no matter where it's hatched. When they go further than Iron Gate, they are bruised and battered and uneatable, especially when the river is low and warm, and breeding bacteria. This is documented. The Klamath Indians historically came down to the mouth of the Shasta River to catch their salmon, where they dried them and then carried them home to Oregon. This is documented.   

At the expense of the health of an ecosystem, the farmers and ranchers have used the water for agriculture to grow foods and meet the needs of the people. In essence, this is what a GAG member, Curtis Knight of Mount Shasta Regional Manager of California Trout said.    

 It is a crime that a small Elite group of Deep-ecologists can insult We The People with their plans for turning 55% of America into a Wilderness and keep filing and winning law suits to get their way. If they win on taking out the dams it will be their blue print to take out many more dams they have their little hearts set on. They have formed their blueprints, the KBRA, AIP (Agreement in Principle) and the KHSA, and have committed themselves to the principle of dam removal by lawsuits, secret agreements, condemnation, conniving and ridicule because they want to implement their plan of restoration, meaning, rewilding every land and waterway they can by taking the farmers lands and water rights. This is documented. Go to Environmental Perspectives Inc.   

 This is a path of increasing repressive measures and is a source of treason and terror to all citizens and their God given Rights and Freedoms. The trouble is, they are not the only ones who are practicing this. Our own governments have sided with them and they have not even visited to see what is really happening and have not even talked to the people who are most effected. We do not even get a chance to vote on this!
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