Letter: No evidence to remove dams
by Rex Cozzalio Hornbrook, Calif, Wallowa County
Dear Editor,
Regarding the
editorial on
the Klamath dams:
Finally, someone who has actually read the AIP, KBRA, related
documents and followed the progression of events in search of the
truth, unlike those gaining benefit by creating and interchanging
self serving "evidence" and those well intentioned but lacking the
actual historical background to see beyond the rhetoric!
Thank you for a breath of fresh air in a whirlwind of self
Living for generations directly below where Iron Gate Dam now
sits, before and after, and above any other confluence, we receive
perhaps the "greatest" actual effects of the dams along the entire
river. "In the water" over 50 times per year for over 50 years, I
can honestly say the water quality, quantity, riparian stability,
algae, and even temperatures are better because of the dams.
Having presented to agencies and legislators in Washington D.C.,
to the Oregon Senate SB 76 committee, and to various regulating
agencies, there appears little to no interest in the documented
and experienced history and current realities and solutions, only
in the political and financial benefits produced from the hundreds
of millions spent and the billions to come from the ratepayers and
taxpayers funding what will prove to be the most extensive asset
reallocation in U.S. history.
Unfortunately, unlike the completely unheeded proven options
available at a fraction of the cost that would satisfy all needs
except for those seeking unearned advantage, the current direction
will produce nothing but un-returnable disaster for the
individuals, communities, ratepayers, taxpayers, and the Klamath
environment they claim to protect. It will set into motion an
unstoppable historically proven progression to total Klamath
watershed shutdown for all but the powerful and wealthy, with
those promoting the devastation inversely receiving the least
consequence of failed decision.
Rex Cozzalio Hornbrook, Calif.