Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.
Electing same supervisors? Pioneer Press May 6, 2009 To the Editor by Nita Still, Montague: The KBRA (Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement) was done in secret and it was a done deal before they even began! So, "A final dam removal agreement must be made before June 30?" What the Greens want is what they get. Craig Tucker is treasonous because he is a member of the Friends of the River and probably an associate of the Trouts Unlimited. Both of these groups are about removing all dams on any and all rivers. It does not matter what the true land owners want, it is what the Shadow Government wants. All these governmental agencies are treasonous. They do not care what the American people in Siskiyou or Jackson County want. All they care about is their pocket book and how they are treated by this Shadow Government while destroying what the American people hold dear to their hearts. The Environmentalists want to destroy our economy. As Donald Ross, Secretariat of the Rockefeller Family Fund said: "If it means shutting a plant down, or it means stopping a pulp mill in Sitka or what have you, that's what has to happen... It's gonna be either a different kind of economy or it's not gonna be there." February, 16-17-2007. Three members of our Board of Supervisors: Marcia Armstrong, Jim Cook and Michael Kobseff attended a Regional Training Workshop on how to use Coordination with the Federal government and have a say as to what they are doing with the dams. They were going to form a Natural Resource Committee to help them with the Coordination. But Marcia did something that got "Who's Who" up in arms and so the whole thing was cancelled. It was a shame, for even though their attorney understands Coordination they did not set a date for the meeting to occur and they have written two letters. You have to set a date, time and place to meet and the government has to respond in kind. Now it looks like all the powers that are controlling us have made up their minds and are going to do whatever they want, even if it is to turn all the cities up here in Siskiyou and Jackson county back into Wilderness. Are you going to reelect the same Board of Supervisors again? God, I hope Not! Nita Still, Montague Response by Siskiyou County Supervisor Marcia Armstrong: The Siskiyou County Supervisors and County Counsel have have
already met in groups of two (Brown Act requirement) with Dept. of
Interior officials who flew out specially from Washington DC to
discuss our issues and concerns. We continue to "coordinate,"
however, these meetings are covered by confidentiality agreements
and Ms. Still may not be aware of them. In addition, Supervisor
Cook has met with County Counsel and Interior Secretary Salazar in
Washington, D.C. To my knowledge, Ms. Still has not attended the
many public updates that the Board has given on the issue this
year. |
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