MEDFORD, Ore. - A group of Rogue
Valley irrigators and Klamath Basin water users are
warning Jackson County commissioners to keep a close
eye on how the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement
could affect Rogue Valley water supplies.
The KBRA, which outlines the removal of four Klamath
River dams, could be signed as soon as next month.
Enough groups, including government representatives,
Indian tribes, fishermen, and conservation groups must
approve the final document before that happens.
Portland-based utility PacifiCorp, which owns the
dams, has already agreed to terms for their removal.
Beatty Rancher Tom Mallams, President of the Klamath
Basin Off Project Water Users Association, is
concerned that if KBRA takes effect, it could threaten
water supplies for the valley. Speaking before Jackson
County commissioners Wednesday morning, Mallams warned
the board that water diverted to Jackson County from
Four Mile Lake, and possibly Hyatt and Howard Prairie
lakes, could be in jeopardy.
"Our belief and our attorneys believe... that the
diversions that come into the Rogue Valley from the
east side are very definitely at risk here," said Tom
Mallams, President of the Off-Project Water Users
State Watermaster Larry Mintear declined to comment on
the allegations, but says he'll review the issues with
the board next week.
Up to this point, county commissioners have not said a
lot about the KBRA and the water negotiations taking
place in the Klamath Basin. Commissioners have
scheduled a workshop session at 9 a.m. next Tuesday to
get more information from the Jackson County
Watermaster and others about how the KBRA could
potentially affect the county.
In a statement the Klamath Water Users Association
said they "support long term water supply security for
the Rogue Valley irrigators".
A statement from Karuk Tribal Spokesman Craig Tucker
said the agreement does not change or affect water
districts in any way.
Actual removal of the dams would not start until 2020.
In addition to the parties signing the KBRA, the
removal of the dams is contingent on a water bond that
is now before California voters.