Reader Comments
I will repeat this again for at least the third time. ESA has the final say whether irrigators recieve water or not!
"The Tribes" (not all local members agree) give up nothing.
"John Q. Public" gives up four hydro-electric generating dams. Buys the "Tribes" the old Mazama Tree Farm.
Wow! What a deal!
Tired of the same old song and dance? I urge Dems and Repubs alike to re-registor Independent. Maybe, just maybe that will make our elected offal sit up and start doing something for the constituency "
Does he know dam removal is the first item in the KBRA? Did you ask him, Joe, if he supports eliminating green hydro power for from 30,000 to 70,000 homes, because that is what this AIP/ KBRA agreement is about. Can he tell us from where he is going to produce the replacement electricity (guess he must like coal fired) and can he tell the elderly and poor and middle class how they are going to pay for their increased power bills?
Furthermore, if we wanted to support "secret meetings" with government officials and private government supported interests, while leaving the general public out of these meetings, we would be Communists.
And while we are at it, we're not interested in the destruction and devaluation of private property along the Klamath River and dams on the Klamath, either ( also another communist/ Marxist tennent).
So the Republican party can take its choice - speak out against the unwarranted removal of productive green energy producing dams across this nation or lose some of their base supporters. They will not have it both ways.
Many of the old guard faithful are ready to leave, if this is the path the party choses to pursue. Pass the message along, Joe. "