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Feds push ahead to end farming and ranching in Siskiyou County

John W. Menke, Ph.D. /PPJ Contributor


the ultimate opportunity for ranchers-selling their public land grazing permits on Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management administered public lands with the caveat that their allotments will never again be used for livestock grazing.”


Note the gun toting wardens at the front of the public meeting in the video–these guys are afraid of old gals and guys coming to public meetings in serene rural Redding, CA.

In the YouTube video, the balding (like me) gentleman at the right-corner of the table is Gary Cadd who was on the National Marine Fisheries Service-dominated North Pacific Fishery Management Council that meets in Alaska. He is a goldmine of information on the corruption of bycatch of coho and Chinook salmon in the Gulf of Alaska affecting our fish populations in California and Oregon.

He spoke with many “observers” on the airplane in trips he took to Council meetings between Anchorage and Seattle, and learned first-hand that the NMFS-employed lay-public observers are kept below deck on ocean trawlers so the bycatch (coho and Chinook salmon) are pitched overboard before the observers are allowed above deck to see the fish being retrieved out of the trawl nets–the Chinook contain coded wire tags needed to document the origin of the fish (see below) and the coho have marks allowing them to be associated with their hatchery origin.

Fishing would have to stop if the excessive bycatch limits were observed on deck. The observers during debriefing, before being swept back to Seattle, are discouraged in their reporting of illegal activity of Chinook and coho salmon bycatch–I have a friend and former student who has personally experienced this corruption in debriefing by NMFS or other government agents.

Yes, NMFS is facilitating a “tragedy of the commons” in the Pacific Ocean and now we know why! Their purpose along with the California Department of Fish and Game (read their strategic vision–it is a wolf in sheep’s clothing!) is destroying agriculture along the West Coast of the United States in the process.

Interestingly, excessive water diversion of small coastal streams by marijuana growers dewater coho salmon summer-rearing habitats in the really important coastal stream coho habitats of California–but that is another story all in itself.

NMFS and CDFG wardens are too chicken to take on the the drug mafia because of personnel risks in doing so–so it it much easier and less risky to take on ranchers!

US Department of Interior and California Department of Fish and Game are also facilitating the removal of 4 hydro-electric dams on the Klamath River to destroy agriculture in the Upper Klamath Basin and Siskiyou County, CA–in my backyard!

Getting electricity generation onto fossil fuels rather than hydroelectric power with all California’s cap and trade greenhouse gas-driven programs to price power for irrigation pumps so high that hay can no longer be profitable in the Upper Klamath Basin, Oregon and Siskiyou County, California with the dams out.

Gary also learned about purposeful destruction of code-wire-tagged frozen salmon fish heads waiting to have their CW-tags retrieved (they are cut out by hand, a person can process about 150/day) to provide the data necessary to determine catch limits in the future. The freezer holding the heads in Auke Bay, Alaska, NE of Juneau, AK (see map attached–I happened to have a 1976 map of North Western British Columbia where I used to fish) was purposely unplugged or otherwise made to thaw, so the managers of the freezer could justify pitching the heads in the ocean and therefore not retrieve the CW-tags with their inscripted numbers identifing what hatcheries the fish were raised at. This procedure is controlled by international treaty between US and Canada. Talk about corruption of even international treaties just to kill agriculture.

Department of Commerce I guess is maybe even more corrupt than the Department of Interior, and Department of Agriculture is following along nicely in the chain of destruction of our food chain in the United States.

During the low-ebb Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO) of the earth and the concomitant reduced upwelling (bait fish food for salmon) of the ocean off of Californina, Oregon and Washington states, low numbers of salmon were caught off the California and Oregon coasts and reduced numbers were spawning in the Klamath and Sacramento River systems. This provided a ‘media crisis opportunity’ for governments to control land use along tributary streams where many salmon spawn and rear juvenile salmon.

The corrupted Federal and State government agencies in California and Oregon have had a big push during this PDO cycle to control agriculture in these two states, especially in my home county of Siskiyou while the salmon were spending all their feeding time up north in the Gulf of Alaska.

So the government was taking advantage of the media-manufactured crisis of too few salmon when, in fact, the salmon were doing just fine, they were just feeding elsewhere.

Gary Cadd’s knowledge of what has been going on is critical information because we now know the new Strategic Vision for California Department of Fish and Game is to create willing seller ranchers by threatening to take their irrigation water away from them, and in the process get them to sell their land to the government through their intermediary land broker, the infamous “The Nature Conservancy”.

In the December 5, 2011 issue of the Western Livestock Journal, REVA–”The Rural Economic Vitalization Act” (H.R, 3432) introduced by Smith (D-WA), Grijalva (D-AZ), Lee (D-WA), Blumenauer (D-OR) and DeFazio (D-OR) was introduced to create the ultimate opportunity for ranchers-selling their public land grazing permits on Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management administered public lands with the caveat that their allotments will never again be used for livestock grazing.

This will kill the ranching industry in the western United States where the bulk of forage for livestock is produced on public lands for summer grazing. The primary author of the bill was Mark Salvo of WildEarth Guardians.

Have a nice day!

One Response

  1. per agenda 21, agriculture, fences, grazing, and property rights in general, like the family unit, are unsustainable.

    they do not want humans on the land in question at all. they removed the people in the gulf. they removed the home owners from the tehachapi desert. they have given the residents of dillon beach in marin less than 5 years to vacate the land they thought they would be able to retire to, and those who are retired, thought they would be able to live their lives out on. this is just the beginning.

    so…what shall we do?


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