Letter to the
Editor of Herald and News by Steve Cheyne, Klamath
Basin farmer 10/17/05
Regarding H&N article, 'Salmon Return to
followed by H&N article:
HERE for parts of John C. Boyle's book, referred to in this
Mr. Fought,
If the newspaper would see fit to list the e-mail
address of the
various reporters, I would have sent this to Dylan
Darling instead of
to you. I wish to take issue with the ever expanding
notion that the
dams on the Klamath River are responsible for the
demise of the Upper
Klamath River Salmon Runs. I don't have issues with
the article Mr.
Darling wrote other than that. It seems that there
is an expanding
tendency in society today to be politically correct,
rather than simply
correct. That is quite unfortunate, for decisions
influencing future
water resource management decisions need to be based
on correct
information. With all of the controversy involved in
the Klamath River
water wars, that item ought to be more than self
evident at this point
in time.
In the instance of the dams, it is very simple to
look at the Klamath
River dams with the lack of fish ladders and leap to
the apparently
obvious conclusion..."no wonder there are no Salmon,
they can't get
past the dams". That seems to be the mantra of the
tribes, and
therefore this is the position that seems to have
become a recurring
theme in media representation of the issue. Now
obviously the dams will
prevent re-establishment of any upstream salmon
runs. However, that is
not the point. The point is that the dams did not
extirpate the salmon,
the Federal Government did. They did it by 1898,
twenty years before
the first dam. They did it under the guise of the US
Bureau of
Fisheries (the precursor agency of the US Fish and
Wildlife Service) at
a site called Klamathon. This is somewhat downstream
from Iron Gate
Dam. The Bureau of Fisheries was concerned with low
Salmon runs and
became convinced that the newly developed concept of
fish hatcheries
would be the solution. There began a period in the
late 1890's where
the Bureau of Fisheries established a fish trap at
the Klamathon site,
with the idea of replacing natural run fish with
hatchery fish. The
best science of the day (actually French science,
maybe we should blame
the French) was that hatchery propagation would
provide a eight fold
increase in fish production. The conclusion seems to
have been that
replacing natural runs with an eightfold increase in
hatchery fish
would be the obvious solution to the low Klamath
River Salmon runs.
This is chronicled in John C. Boyle's much
ignored book, Fifty Years
on the Klamath. In this book are copies of actual
between the California Department of Fish and Game
and concerned
Klamath River sportsmen who were questioning the
lack of provision for
a fish ladder on the original Copco Dam. The
California Fish and Game
response said that the fish ladders were
un-necessary because their
extensive surveys had determined there were no
anadromous fish runs
It is a separate decision whether or not it is a
good thing to try
and re-establish upriver salmon. The point is to be
sure we correctly
include historical information in the debate. Also
we need to be wary
of terms such as Best Management Practices and Best
Available and the
Law of Unintended Consequences. Those things are
what got us into this
mess in the first place. The Bureau of Fisheries
used the Best
Available Science to conclude that the Best
Management Practice was to
replace natural anadromous runs with hatchery
production. The obvious
unintended consequences affect everyone. It has
instead become vogue to
trash agriculture or the power companies for the
Steve Cheyne
to return to Klamath
Photo courtesy of the U.S. Bureau of
Salmon fishermen display their catch at the
Link River rapids in 1891. Federal
scientists plan to put salmon into cages in
Upper Klamath Lake and the Williamson River
as part of investigation of whether salmon
should be returned to the Basin. They have
been cut off since 1918 because of power
dams on the Klamath River |
October 16, 2005
By DYLAN DARLING, Herald and News
Salmon will be swimming soon
in the waters of Upper Klamath Lake and the
Williamson River.
But they won't have much room to roam.
The year-old chinook sal-mon
will be confined to 2-foot submerged cubical mesh
cages that will be put in the water early this week
by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Scientists want to see how the salmon react to the
lake and river's waters and say the tests could be
used in planning a return of the sea-running fish to
the Klamath Basin.
Federal officials are weighing whether PacifiCorp,
which has a series of five power and water
regulating dams on the Klamath River, should be
required to install ways for salmon to get around
the dams as part of a new 50-year license.
Currently salmon swim up the Klamath River to the
188-foot Iron Gate dam near Interstate 5 and the
California-Oregon border, about 40 river miles from
Klamath Falls.
The Fish and Wildlife Service has a long-standing
interest in returning andromous fish, or sea-faring
fish that swim up fresh water rivers to spawn, to
the Basin, said Phillip Detrich, field supervisor
for the service's Yreka office.
The fish haven't been in the Basin since the first
power dam was built on the river in 1918.
”There are several very
important questions that have to be answered before
putting the fish back,“ said Detrich, who handles
Basin-wide issues for the service.
The tests will evaluate how
the water quality affects salmon's physical changes
as they grow into smolts, young fish ready to go
from fresh water to salt water.
The salmon will be put in the water Monday and
Tuesday and will be in for two weeks.
”Essentially they will be captives, they will be put
in pens - one in the lake and one in the
(Williamson) river,“ Detrich said.
The salmon, which were
hatched at the Iron Gate Hatchery, won't be able to
sneak out of the cages, which are a cube of fine
mesh designed to keep the fish in and predators out,
said John Hamilton, deputy field supervisor at
Yreka. The tests won't cause salmon to be found in
the lake or river.
After two weeks in the water, the salmon will be
killed and dissected to see how they reacted to the
water. A repeat of the tests is planned for the
spring. Cost of both tests is $45,000.
Other questions scientists
hope to answer are whether there is enough spawning
habitat for salmon in the rivers that feed into
Upper Klamath Lake. The rivers are home to a famous
trout fishery. Trout and salmon can usually
co-exist, but if there is limited habitat, the fish
may start competing for resources.
”If there is only habitat for one salmon then it's
not going to make ecological sense,“ Detrich said.
”We recognize that conditions are considerably
changed since 1918, when the fish were last up
Some argue that salmon never
swam up into the Basin, but Detrich said federal
scientists have reviewed fisheries reports, historic
photographs and newspaper reports that lead them to
believe that salmon were a familiar fish here.
”There is actually a pretty abundant record of
salmon coming all the way up through Upper Klamath
Lake up to the Sprague River,“ Detrich said.
But before scientists get
too deep into the historic and scientific questions,
policy questions will need to be answered.
In February 2004, when PacifiCorp applied for a new
license with the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, plans for providing fish passage past
the dams weren't included. Since then, the
7,000-page application has been reviewed by Basin
stakeholders, and the company and stakeholders are
working on a settlement. And federal agencies also
are vetting the application and could ask the
commission to attach conditions to the license.
Detrich said the Fish and Wildlife Service may
require that the Portland-based company make changes
to its dams to allow for a return of salmon to the
Basin. The requirements could include ladders for
fish to climb on their way upstream, screens from
power turbines and bypass tubes for their swim
Jon Coney, PacifiCorp spokesman, said the company
hadn't heard of Fish and Wildlife Service's plans to
test salmon in the Basin.
The relicensing deal is not complete, and Coney said
the company is keeping all options on the table,
including fish passage. In its application,
PacifiCorp said putting in fish ladders, screens and
bypasses would cost $100 million, and said if plans
called for salmon in the Basin, the best way to get
them there would be by truck.
”We are curious to see what happens,“ Coney said.
The power company is curious, but water users are
nervous about the idea of opening up the Basin to
sea-run fish.
Although the chinook salmon is not protected under
the Endangered Species Act, it may eventually be
included like its cousin, the coho salmon, said Greg
Addington, executive director for the Klamath Water
Users Association. Federal scientists say coho
historically didn't swim into the Basin past Keno.
Federal protection of coho in the Klamath River and
sucker fish in Upper Klamath Lake has already put
tension on the Klamath Reclamation Project, which
serves 240,000 irrigated acres with water from the
lake, and caused a major water shortage in 2001.