Tuesday, December 2, 2003

For Immediate Release

Walden, Kupillas to Meet with Veterans Affairs Secretary Over Future of White City Dom

Meeting continues Walden effort to focus Secretary’s attention on importance of Dom to southern Oregon veterans, economy

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Congressman Greg Walden (R-OR) and Jackson County Commissioner Sue Kupillas will meet with Secretary of Veterans Affairs Anthony Principi in Washington, DC, on Monday, December 8 to discuss the future of the White City Domicilliary, formally known as the Southern Oregon Rehabilitation Center and Clinics (SORCC). Walden arranged for Kupillas to meet with Principi to give the Secretary an opportunity to hear firsthand from a southern Oregon community leader how important the Dom is to the region’s veterans community and economy. Also meeting with Principi will be Troy Ferguson, an 11-year Marine Corps veteran who serves as Walden’s veterans affairs staff member in Medford.

In July 2003 the National Capitol Asset Realignment for Enhanced Service (CARES) Commission proposed closing the inpatient Domiciliary and Compensated Work Therapy programs of the SORCC and relocating them elsewhere in the Northwest. Walden has led an effort among Oregon’s congressional delegation in opposition to the recommendation.

"Eliminating or substantially reducing the level of care offered at the Dom would have a devastating effect on the veterans of our region who depend on the facility, in addition to the more than 400 local residents who are employed at the SORCC," said Walden. "Every indication – from patient satisfaction to efficiency of the cost of care to the range of services provided – suggests that we should be investing in the Dom, not shutting it down or diminishing its services. I’ve communicated with Secretary Principi repeatedly concerning this matter and I’ll continue to do everything in my power to protect the Dom and stand up for the veterans of our region. I’m grateful to be able to work with Commissioner Kupillas and other local leaders who have joined together in opposition to this proposal."

In response to the July proposal to diminish services at the Dom, Walden and Senator Gordon Smith (R-OR) sent a letter to Secretary Principi on July 30 expressing opposition to the CARES Commission’s recommendation. In early September, Walden reiterated his opposition to the proposal and requested that Principi schedule a public hearing in southern Oregon to give CARES Commissioners the opportunity to hear testimony from local veterans and public officials on the importance of the Dom. Principi agreed to Walden’s request and directed the commissioners to travel to Medford, where a public hearing was held on October 3. Commissioner Kupillas testified at the hearing and Walden submitted detailed testimony explaining the necessity of maintaining the level of services at the Dom. Several hundred local veterans attended the hearing.

The SORCC provides a range of outpatient health care services to the veterans community of southern Oregon. The SORCC is the second-most cost efficient facility in the Veterans Health Administration and the highest-rated facility in patient satisfaction in Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) 20, which serves Oregon, Alaska, Idaho and Washington. It is a nationally recognized leader of inpatient domiciliary and counseling services for homeless veterans and veterans battling substance abuse.

Commissioner Kupillas stressed the importance of speaking to Principi directly about the future of the Dom and expressed gratitude to Walden for arranging the meeting.

"It's critical that Secretary Principi understands the importance of this facility to southern Oregon," said Kupillas. "I certainly appreciate Congressman Walden’s ability to set up this meeting so quickly so we can speak to the Secretary about the SORCC before he makes a final decision regarding services at the facility."

Congressman Walden represents the Second Congressional District of Oregon, which includes the 20 counties of central, southern and eastern Oregon. He is a Deputy Whip and member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and the House Committee on Resources.
