Sten, Kerr, McGuire Sign on to Clinton Campaign
September 4th 2007, Portland Willamette Week
Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign has announced
its Oregon steering committee. She’s snagged a number of
local notables, including Sen. Ron Wyden’s chief of staff,
Josh Kardon, who’ll serve as chairman; Portland Commissioner
Erik Sten; and former state Democratic Party chair Paddy
That said, some of Oregon’s heavy hitters—Kitzhaber, are
you out there?—have yet to pick sides. |
At last count, John Edwards was leading the state, at least in
terms of fundraising. (Check out The New York Times’ neato map.)
Edwards has so far out-raised Clinton in Oregon by roughly
$81,000. But it’s still very, very early in the race, and
Clinton’s organization could catch up quickly.
From the Clinton campaign’s release:
"I believe Hillary Clinton has what it takes to get us out of Iraq
and back on track in tackling our real priorities," said Portland
City Commissioner Erik Sten. "Our families need healthcare, early
education and jobs that make a living wage. By investing in
American ingenuity to stop global warming, we can build an economy
and place in the world that is sustainable. Hillary will do the
hard work in Washington that we need to be successful in Oregon."
"Hillary Clinton has the strength and experience to deliver the
change we need, and is far and away the best-qualified person
running for President," said Josh Kardon, Chair of the Oregon
Steering Committee. "That's a big reason she was able to attract
so many talented Oregonians from across the state to lead her
Oregon campaign. From Umatilla County to Clackamas, from Jackson
County to Douglas, from Lane County to Multnomah, Hillary's Oregon
steering committee is unrivaled in representing the true diversity
of our state."
"I'm honored to have the support of this distinguished group of
leaders from across Oregon," Clinton said. "With their help, we
can bring our message of change throughout Oregon and the nation."
• Erik Sten, Portland City Commissioner
• Andy Kerr, Environmental Activist and Writer, Ashland
• Bob Williams, Co-founder and Co-Chair of the Black Caucus of the
Democratic Party of Oregon and retired labor leader, Clackamas
• John Russell, Businessman, Former Chair, Portland Development
Commission and the Mayor's Business Roundtable, Portland
• Sue Shaffer, Chairwoman, Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of
Indians, Canyonville
• Susan Soonkeum Cox, Former Member, White House Commission on
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, Eugene
• Paddy McGuire, Former Executive Director, Democratic Party of
• Sue Castner, Political Activist, Portland
• Jane Hill, Former Executive Director, Oregon Trial Lawyers
Association, Pendelton
• Carol Butler, Activist, Portland
• Elisa Dozono, Attorney, Miller Nash, and Board Member, Japan
America Society of Oregon, Portland (Counsel)
• Josh Kardon, Chief of Staff, U.S. Senator Ron Wyden, Portland
Edwards’ state leadership team is here.