Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.
The latest on TID well pumping.
TID (Tulelake Irrigation District)
was told they must pump their wells, with no
reimbursement, to keep Klamath Lake at required
level, or there would be a water shut off---$200
million worth of crops in the ground. The BOR
sent much more water than required was sent down
Klamath River this year....the irrigators are
blackmailed into FIXING the problems of the entire
Klamath River watershed, even when they have retired
land and water rights this year, and conserved
(forgone) water.
The power company is filling its reservoir. Is there extortion and blackmail happening down river and above the Klamath Project with a forced aquifer depleting? No---only the Klamath Project is targeted. The USFWS does not even have a water plan. The water storage in the upper Klamath Basin are flooded wetlands now 92,000 acres), which were taken out of ag production for 'more water to go around'. Rather than a brief irrigation, their standing water uses 2ce as much water as irrigation from absorption and evaporation. TNC has standing water everywhere. But here is how much groundwater TID has been forced to pump.
Page Updated: Saturday February 25, 2012 05:10 AM Pacific
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