Natural Resource Budgets
Take Hit
In the February session the
Natural Resource agencies took
disproportionate additional
cuts. While most agencies took
about 3.5% in cuts, the NR
agencies took 5-6%. While this
was not good news, it is better
than the 8.5% cut that ODA had
been bracing for. These cuts are
leading ODA to not fill some
vacant positions, and to use a
"one-time" fix of lottery
dollars to fund the state's weed
control and insect pest
prevention and management
Additionally, according to Ways
and Means Co-Chair,
Representative Dennis Richardson
(R-Central Point), another $28
million in budget cuts will be
taken in May during the
Emergency Board deliberations.
The Co-Chairs are asking state
government agencies to
specifically review their middle
management in preparation for
these additional budget cuts.
Important Bills Fail Not
Included in Final "Deal"
Representative Mike
Schaufler |
While there were many legislators,
especially Republicans, who worked
hard to protect Natural Resource
budgets and increase job
opportunities, one member worth
bringing to your attention is
Representative Mike Schaufler
(D-Happy Valley). Mike has
consistently and forcefully stood
against his Caucus urging the
legislature and Governor to pass
bills that encourage job growth in
the state. He even took on Governor
Kitzhaber when he appeared
personally to testify against HB
4098 which would have required
annual timber harvest on state
forests to equal 85% of annual
growth, asking the tough questions.
Additionally, Rep. Schaufler, along
with the Republicans fought to pass
HB 4101, sponsored by Rep. Mike
McLane (R-Powell Butte) that would
have taken a small amount of water
for Oregon agriculture from the
Columbia River system.
Whether both bills would have passed
or not will never be known as the
Governor's opposition evolved into a
strategy that pitted the big
"Business Lobby" in Oregon against
agriculture and timber businesses
using the excuse that Republican
leaders were holding up his agenda
to secure passage of the timber and
water bills. The truth is that the
Republican leaders were as
supportive of the Health and
Education agenda in the legislature
as the Governor was. The difference
is Co-Speaker Hanna and his Caucus
were trying to insure that Health
Care, Education and Jobs were all
passing in concert.
Co-Speaker Bruce Hanna |
OFS thanks Co-Speaker Hanna, his
caucus and Rep. Mike Schaufler for
their hard work and tenacious
effort. We are sorry the "Good Guys
and Gals" were the ones that took
the spear. They did not deserve the
negative press and the ugly public
perception that derived from it.
OFS, Farm Bureau and OFIC will
remember who our friends are.
Had the "major business association
lobbyists" dissuaded the Governor
and stayed committed to passing the
water and timber bills, more than
12,000 new jobs could have been
realized in Oregon. The Governor,
and the majority of Democrat
legislators, argued that federal
control should be relegated to
Oregon, allowing for the increase of
timber harvest from federal lands.
We agree that federal harvests
should be taking place, but think of
the jobs that could be created if
Oregon had a larger harvest of both
state and federal forests.
Unfortunately as long as the
lobbyists for major business
associations bow to the Governor
every time he threatens to "veto or
non-support", we will never know.
Pesticide Related
Legislation Kept to a Minimum
With the budget consuming much of
the air in the building, and
legislators still trying to figure
out how the 30-day session works,
there was not a lot of pesticide
related activity. Bills of note that
we may see again next session:
HB 4151 - Environmentally
Preferable Procurements: HB
4151 would require Oregon Department
of Administrative Services to
consider how "green" the products a
contractor uses are, and give
preference to bidders who use these
products, even if the cost is
greater to the state. DAS would
require businesses submitting a bid
for a government contract to track
down ingredients and health impacts
of all the ingredients and residues
greater than 100 parts per million
in every chemical product they use,
and report that as part of the
procurement process.
Not only is this unrealistic, it
takes contractors time, adds to
their costs, and eventually inflates
the cost to the state for no real
tangible benefit. The bill did not
receive a hearing. OFS opposed this
HB 4060 - Genetically
Engineered Fish Ban: This
bill is a retread of last year, with
some of the more ridiculous
provisions removed. HB 4060 would
prohibit the import, transport
within, cultivation or release of
any genetically engineered (GE) fish
or shellfish (live or otherwise) in
Oregon. Previous iterations of the
bill included products such as cat
food and fertilizer that may contain
GE fish, but HB 4060 applies only to
actual fish.
Contrary to the proponent's claims,
GM fish pose no more danger to wild
salmon than any other similar fish
and should not be treated any
differently. The bill had a hearing
in the House Committee on Energy,
Environment and Water, but did not
move out of committee OFS opposed
this bill.
Meanwhile, Outside of the
It often seems that there is no rest
for the weary, and that is doubly
true during legislative session.
While we are busy fighting our
legislative battles, plenty of
regulatory issues continue to swirl.
From the Triangle Lake study, to
NPDES permitting, to Board of
Forestry appointments, there is a
lot going in state government of
concern. OFS will continue to work
hard representing our member's
interests in both legislative and
regulatory activities.
Triangle Lake Exposure
There have recently been 2 major
advancements in the Hwy 36 (Triangle
Lake) investigation. First, early
last week OHA released the data from
the urine sampling taken last year.
The results were what we expected,
there was no atrazine found in ANY
of the samples, and the numbers of
2,4-D detected were on par with
national general population numbers.
The other half of the report
including the test results from the
soil, water, and local food samples
should be released shortly. The full
urinalysis report can be found
Shortly after that was released, it
was announced that the planned
spring 2012 urine and environmental
sample collection efforts would be
postponed. Despite cooperation by
forest landowners, OHA was unable to
find enough willing participants in
the areas that would be sprayed this
With this announcement, and the
positive results from the original
testing, it is time to ask how much
more time, money, and effort should
be put into the investigation.
NPDES Pesticide General
Permit (PGP)
Despite the uncertainty surrounding
the NPDES PGP, you are now required
to follow the permit guidelines if
you will be spraying pesticides on,
or within 3 feet, of water. You can
find the permit requirements along
with additional materials at the DEQ
There is a lot of confusion
surrounding the permit, so please
contact DEQ or OFS if you have any
Board of Forestry
On Feb. 10 the Senate Rules
Committee approved Governor
Kitzhaber's appointments to the
Oregon Board of Forestry. They are:
Nils Christoffersen,
executive director of the
Wallowa Resources, a nonprofit
organization in Enterprise,
Ore., that works "to design and
realize a new, healthier rural
Tom Insko, a
manager for Boise Cascade in
Elgin, Ore.
Cindy Williams,
a fishery scientist and director
of aquatic science and
conservation education at the
National Center for Conservation
Science and Policy in Ashland,
They will replace Peter Hayes,
Jennifer Phillippi and Calvin
Mukumoto, whose terms have expired.
Fertilizer Research
The Lower Umatilla Basin (LUB) has
been dealing with high nitrate
levels in their groundwater for some
time, and DEQ is pointing towards
agriculture as the main cause. This
increased pressure from DEQ led a
group of farmers in the basin to
seek a mechanism to fund research
that might challenge those
assumptions. It was suggested that
there could be some funding
available through the ODA fertilizer
research program.
Under the fertilizer statute, ODA is
allowed to appropriate up to $.25 of
the fertilizer tonnage fee for
research. Projects would be granted
funds by the Fertilizer Research
Committee made up of 7 members
appointed by the Director of
Agriculture. Due to a lack of
interest, that Committee has not
been active in several years.
While the full $.25 may be too much
to take out of the general
fertilizer program budget at this
point, there is widespread agreement
that there should be some amount of
the fee going towards research.
Currently the tonnage fee is $.35,
and the statutory cap is $.45, so
the fee can be raised an additional
$.10 under rule to help fund the
ODA Director Coba appointed the
Fertilizer Research Committee last
month. The members are: Jim Pittam,
Simplot; Bob Gasser, Basin
Fertilizer; Tom Wimmer, Marion Ag
Service; Don Wysocki, OSU; Peggy
Clough, Umatilla Co. Fair &
Fairgrounds Manager; Jennifer
Freeborn, Horse Trainer; and Toby
Primbs ODA.
The committee has been given a
target of $70,000 in grants for each
of the next 3 years. Recognizing the
specific needs of the LUB, the
committee will be directed to target
$50,000 of the funds to qualifying
projects in the basin. The
additional $20,000 will be available
for all qualified proposals,
including a LUB proposal if the
committee sees fit. If the research
program is successful, and there is
sufficient interest, it will be
continued on past the initial 3 year
period. The request for proposal
(RFP) should be released shortly.