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Obama Releases Terrorist Binyam Mohamed
How Long Before He Re-joins Al-Qaeda?


Binyam Mohamed yesterday became the first freed terrorist of the Obama administration.  He was released to British authorities who promptly, as expected, released him back into the general population.  Shame on our British friends!  Where is Margaret Thatcher when we need her?

Mohamed is now free as a bird in London.   While British officials made assurances that Binyam would be ‘monitored,’ we have seen in the past that 61 terrorists released from Gitmo have returned to terrorism –  even through some went through the so-called “rehab” program in Saudi Arabia.

Do you want to see more terrorists like Binyam Mohameds being
RELEASED from Gitmo into the general public?
We’ve got to stop this madness NOW!
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Are we expected to believe that after other Gitmo detainees have been released and then show up in Al Qaeda propaganda videos weeks later that Binyam Mohamed is going to live a quiet law abiding life and stay in good olde England?

Just take a look at his record of accomplishment so far.

•    He is Ethiopian born but lived in the US for 2 years and the UK for at least 6 until he traveled to Pakistan in
•    In Pakistan he linked up with Al Qaeda operatives who sent him to al Farouq training camp in Afghanistan.
      This camp is infamous for training 9/11 hijackers.
•    There, he received military training as well as training in document forgery and phone number encryption from
      high ranking al Qaeda operatives
•    There are indications that Osama Bin Laden personally visited this camp several times while Mohamed was
      training there and lectured the students about the importance of attacking America.
•    He trained in urban warfare and explosives techniques in Kabul, and fought alongside the Taliban against the
      Northern Alliance.
•    Took part in Al Qaeda planning sessions where he proposed attacking subway stations and possibly planned
      detonating a “dirty bomb” with fellow Gitmo inmate Jose Padilla but was instead told to plan on bringing down
      high-rise apartment buildings by blowing out the lower floors.

Why Obama would ever even think of allowing him
to go free is thoroughly incomprehensible.

But Mohamed may only be the first in a trickle that could turn into a tidal wave of Gitmo detainees released under the Obama Administration.  The new President has already made sure that charges were dropped against the alleged mastermind of the USS Cole bombing of 2000, Abd al ahim al Nashiri.
Abd al ahim al Nashiri is now held at Guantanamo Bay.
In addition to masterminding the USS Cole bombing that claimed the lives of 17 U.S. Sailors, he is suspected of helping plan the bombings of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania that occurred in 1998. He is also thought to be very close to Osama bin Laden.

Despite all that, military courts were forced to drop charges on him earlier this year by Obama’s executive order.  Could Nashiri be next in line to be released?

Obama is taking his liberal policies in the war on terror too far. Bowing to foreign pressure to close Gitmo should not come at the price of risking the loss of more American lives, and more attacks on our homeland and our allies.
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              Page Updated: Thursday May 07, 2009 09:14 AM  Pacific

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