Column by Marcia Armstrong, Siskiyou County
District 5
posted to KBC 10/19/06
Upcoming Events shaping Klamath Basin natural
Three events are emerging that may shape the
future of natural resources in the entire Klamath
River Basin: (1) The “Stakeholder Congress” or
Sustainable Watersheds Bring Sustainable
Communities conference being held November
7-9 at the Holiday Inn (Hilltop Dr.) in Redding;
(2) The Bureau of Reclamation’s CIP (Conservation
Implementation Program) working session being held
December 6-7 at the Red Lion Hotel in Medford; and
(3) The California/Oregon Governor’s Summit to be
held in December – either in Klamath Falls or
If you are a natural resource user, this freight
train has left the station and is rapidly rolling
down the tracks. If you are not on board, you’d
better hustle to grab that caboose and start
running toward the engine and its controls.
The “Stakeholders Congress” is a follow-up on the
Chadwick sessions held throughout the Klamath to
try and bring multiple interests together in
“consensus” about issues and projects. This group
“consensus” agenda could then be promoted for
funding and policymaking from the state and
federal government. The flyer says that
“participants will be coming together to create
visions for resolving water issues that would
facilitate restoration and sustainability of the
river and all the communities involved.” Sessions
will include: (1) We Are One Basin; (2) Progress
in the Basin, and (3) Moving Towards
Sustainability. Contact: Lindsey Lyons/ Oregon
State University Extension (541) 883-7131
The Bureau of Reclamation, as part of its
mitigation for operational impact on threatened
coho salmon, continues to work on the Conservation
Implementation Program. “The CIP is intended to
coordinate conservation and restoration efforts
throughout the Klamath River Basin and provide
technical and funding resources to achieve Klamath
River Basin ecosystem restoration and water
management goals.” It’s four goals are to: (1)
Restore the Klamath River Basin ecosystem; (2)
Further fulfill tribal trust responsibilities of
the Federal Government; (3) Allow continued,
sustainable use of water; (4) Foster lasting
partnerships between Governments and private
stakeholders. A working session will be held to
gain agreement on the organizational structure and
1st-year goals for implementing the CIP. Contact:
John Hoey (425) 893-6448
CA Governor Schwarzenegger and OR Governor
Kulongoski have recently announced that they will
hold a Summit on Klamath River issues in December.
All I know is what I have read in the newspapers.
According to one article, the Governors are asking
“stakeholders” (such as the Stakeholder’s
Congress?) to form consensus on prioritized issues
and to present proposals and legislation for
consideration by the state and the federal
government. Invitees apparently will include
Klamath irrigators, fishermen, American Indian
tribes, PacifiCorp, environmental organizations
and Congressional representatives. Note that
County government, mid-Klamath interests and
resource users are not even mentioned.
In correspondence that I have seen, the tribes and
“lower Klamath River” have identified as major
issues: (1) Removal of the lower four Klamath
River dams; (2) Adequate in-stream flows for fish;
(3) Prevention of fish parasites and disease; (4)
Addressing poor water quality; and (5) Planning
for future dry years. Irrigators in the Upper
Klamath Basin want continued cheap electrical
rates and a reliable water supply. Both of these
regions have identified and articulated the issues
that most impact their social and economic
interests. What about the mid-Klamath?
My priorities would be:
(1) Respect for local control - the County's
land/resource use planning authority, groundwater
authority and local water use right adjudications;
(2) Supporting agricultural industry in the Shasta
and Scott Valleys by - a) fully funding projects,
studies, and monitoring identified by local
Resource Conservation Districts and recently
endorsed by County Resolution; b) backing the
Programmatic Incidental Take Permit (ITP) and 1602
permits for the Scott and Shasta Rivers; and c)
simplifying compliance with water quality
(3) Promoting and supporting a healthy wood
products industry for forest-dependent communities
along the Klamath and to supply local mills;
(4) Keeping dams in place, but allowing for
fish-by-pass and making sure that any agreements
recognize and respect the valuable private
property interests of landowners around the
reservoirs; and
(5) Supporting and respecting our local mining
Although others have already jumped in to set the
agenda to center all around fish production, the
Klamath and its communities are not entirely about
fish. Many other important socio-economic
interests related to other natural resource uses
are being severely affected by restrictions for
School enrollment in Siskiyou County has declined
by 25-30% since 1990 as we have lost many of our
young families. Average unemployment during this
period has been 12.3%. Poverty has risen 32.9% to
18.6% of the population. Median income for the
county in 1999 was $29,530 – compared to the
California median of $47,493. Let’s be frank and
say that more fish will not fix these problems
unless it is accompanied by support of all the
resource uses that contribute to our local