October 2007 From miner/fisherman Jeff to writer
Dan Bacher. Basically what we have here... So Dan, if
a poster agrees with you, and caltrout and the karuks, and slams
dredging, or it's process, or the Governor, or the process, it's
jim-dandy a-ok with you- I saw what you wrote that you did not
include here on this page... 1) example: "This veto occurs within
the context of Governor's increasing attacks on California's
fisheries and ecosystems. " But then the Title says it all doesn't
it? [
http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2007/10/15/18454139.php ]
So, if someone has something contrary to say about one of u-all,
or your thought processes, then you send out emails tellin a
poster not to say anything degrading...?
Why are you so afraid of freedom of speech? Or is speech only ok
when you posses a delete button? When only one voice is heard,
danny, one may as well be in Russia or Iran...oppossite regimes,
same tyrants.
I ask you again; Show me the documentation that you have that
states that dredging under current california regulations is
positively deleterious to salmon and it's habitat.
You can't produce it so you have to shut people up?
Have you even READ the VETO?
Did the Gov veto this because he attacks California's fisheries
and ecosystems?
Read it; other than shutting down alot of rivers and quadrupling
dredgers fees, everything else is already a law rule or regulation
... so this bill is unnecessary. WHY? Because Current law ALREADY
gives the Department of Fish and Game (Department) the necessary
authority to protect fish and wildlife resources from suction
dredge mining.
It has promulgated regulations and issues permits for this
Permits for suction dredge mining must ensure that these
operations are not deleterious to fish and allow the Department to
specify the type and size of equipment to be used.
See, danny, before they gona let you get your permit, they already
gona tell when how where you can do it; Not forgetting What and
Why. theys gona tells yah what you can use and why you can't use
this or that.
'In its regulations, the Department may also designate specific
waters or areas that are closed to dredging. '
See here, they ALREADY can shut down just about any dang waterway
they dream any reason up for. AND they most certainly Do.
and then there's: "...the notion that scientific environmental
review should precede such decisions. " Now this he got wrong you
see; IT'S more than a 'notion' it too is already a law.
So you see other than completely removing dredgers from the
rivers, as you apparently wanted, this Bill was completely
So i have pop quiz for you: How many fish does a dredger kill when
he is not even allowed (by regulations already) to be on the
river/s during spawning season? BEEEP Come on yer faster than
that... question 2: When the dredger is sittin at home and yer up
to your waist in the river walking on unseen redds and yellin
"FISH ON" - who's killin salmon during spawning season?
(Hey don't get me wrong here; I am a fisherman first and dredger
fourth or fifth)
So please stop with your rhetoric until you come to terms with
your own hypocrisy and prejudice.
There are boocou bunches of studies done that state dredging under
current regulations have de minimus and less than significant
effects on fishery and habitat. Go to google and type in "ab1032"
there's lots of real great info that leads one right to the
studies or reference.
As to the karuk I am not going to tell you that they lied to you;
Apparently one isn't free to say anything like that so You can
determine that one for yourself by reading what the DFG biologist
actually said in court/s and I will expose their lies on websites
that support free speech:
Heres for you dan because you must be pretty busy out there in the
wilds swattin mosquitoes with that there fishing pole. {added-that
pole doesn't kill salmon?}
(If a tree falls in the forest will a salmon hear it on the end of
your pole?)
and such as:
(you might want to pay particular attention to what your OWN Dr.
Moyle had to say below - funny how time or money or sympathy can
change an opinion)
"The results from Resurrection Creek indicated that there was no
difference in the macroinvertebrate community between the mining
area and the locations downstream of the mining area in terms of
macroinvertebrate density and taxa richness. The sampling was done
35 days after mining had been completed for the season and shows a
rapid recovery of the mined areas." (The U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency – 2001.)
"Dredge tailings are often referred to as good salmonid spawning
substrate. In the Trinity River, chinook salmon have been observed
spawning in the tailing piles of suction dredges ( E. Miller pers.
comm. ).
Steelhead in Idaho streams have been reported to spawn in gravels
recently disturbed by human activities ( Orcutt et al. 1968 ).
In the American River , Prokopovich and Nitzberg ( 1982 ) have
shown salmon spawning gravels have mostly originated from old
placer mining operations." (Hassler, Somer & Stern 1986)
"Anadramous salmonids held and spawned in Canyon Creek in close
proximity to suction dredge activity. During the 1984-1985
spawning season, fall-run chinook salmon, coho salmon and
steelhead spawned in areas actively dredged during the 1984 dredge
season (fig.). In August 1985, spring-run chinook salmon and
summer-run steelhead were holding near areas where suction dredges
were being operated (fig. 23). During the 1985 spawning season,
fall and spring-run chinook salmon spawned in areas actively
dredged during the 1985 dredge season (fig. 24)." (Hassler, Somer
& Stern 1986)
"If dredge mining regulations were expounded upon and miners were
made aware of the instream habitat needs of salmonids, the most
serious impacts of suction dredge mining could be reduced. Suction
dredgers may even be able to enhance certain areas of the channel
for rearing and spawning fish, if some of the limiting factors of
a reach of stream are identified (ie. cover, woody debris, low
velocity refuges, clean gravels). In Canyon Creek, current CDFG
suction dredge regulations eliminate conflicts with salmonid
spawning, incubation, and fry emergence by restricting mining to
summer months. The 15.24 cm maximum aperture size for dredges is
appropriate since stream substrate is large, but larger apertures
may be too disruptive in the small channel." (Stern 1988)
"Fish and invertebrates displayed considerable adaptability to
dredging, probably because the streams naturally have substantial
seasonal and annual fluctuations (Moyle et al. 1982). These
fluctuations, in the form of flushing winter flows, can greatly
reduce the long term impact of dredging. Even during the
relatively mild winter of 1980/81, high flows still filled the
hole created by dredging on NFAR with a sand and gravel mixture
and eliminated all sand from the main streamed. After the high
flows in winter and spring of 1981/82, no substrate changes caused
by dredging in the previous summer were evident on Butte Creek.
Saunders and Smith (1965) observed a quick recovery in the trout
population after scouring of a heavily silted stream, which, along
with the quick temporal recovery of stream insects seen in this
study, implies that suction dredging effects could be short-lived
on streams where high seasonal flows occur." (Harvey 1986)
"…dredge mining had little, if any, impact on water temperature."
(Hassler, Somer & Stern 1986.)
"Although distinct to even the most casual observer, dredge plumes
in Canyon Creek were probably of little direct consequence to fish
and invertebrates. Suspended sediment concentrations of 20,000 to
100,000 mg/l which impact fish feeding and respiration (Cordone
and Kelly 1961) greatly exceed the highest level of 274 mg/l
measured in Canyon Creek. In general, dredge turbidity plumes were
highly localized and occurred during midday which is not a peak
feeding period for steelhead (Moyle 1976). Laboratory studies by
Sigler et al. (1984) found that steelhead and coho salmon
preferred to stay in channels with clear water, and turbidities as
little as 25 NTU's caused a reduction in fish growth. In contrast
to Sigler's results, young steelhead in Canyon Creek appeared to
seek out dredge turbidity plumes to feed upon dislodged
invertebrates even though clear flowing water was available
nearby." (Stern 1988)
"In the 1997 permit, EPA defined a small suction dredge as those
with nozzles less than or equal to four inches. EPA is proposing
to redefine the small suction dredge range as less than or equal
to six inches. Information provided in EPA’s suction dredge study
and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) study support the
conclusion that there are local but short term effects on both
water quality and macroinvertebrate communities in the mining
areas. On the Fortymile River, dredges larger than those proposed
under this GP showed that turbidity was reduced to background
levels within 250 feet. It is expected that small dredges would
have even less impact on the downstream receiving water quality."
(U.S. Environmental Protection Agency – 2001.)
That's it dan- you have fun now hear...