The Klamath Irrigation Project is an American
success story that we should be proud of. We are
a century old partnership of hundreds of
families working the land and an American vision
to build communities and feed the world. We the
farmers, ranchers, businessmen, teachers, and
professionals, with the assistance and blessing
of the United States, are the "Klamath
Irrigation Project".
Dependable Water for irrigation and
Affordable Power for pumping has sustained
the Klamath Project for most of its 100 years of
operations. Our challenge for the next 100 years
will be to secure our water and energy needs in
a Western America that is growing faster than
resources can be developed to sustain that
growth. Year 2001 was a tragic example of
conflicting need, and a renewed call for
vigilance, cooperation, and action.
The Klamath Water Users Association was
created over fifty years ago to represent and
protect the water rights and electrical power
reservations of our irrigation community. Today,
it remains as our primary mission.
In partnership with Reclamation, the Water
Users are promoting work done by the National
Academy of Science to see that Endangered
Species recovery is properly dealt with on a
watershed wide basis, instead of the unjust and
impractical focus on the Klamath Irrigation
Project operations. Soon a "Undepleted Flow
Study" will have cleared peer review and be
available to correct flawed historical water
flow perceptions and demands contained in
current Biological Opinions. There is now
political inertia to update the Endangered
Species Act to provide better science and
technical review, along with protecting the
property rights of individuals.
Water Users continues to seek and support
ecosystem improvements that will provide
identifiable benefits to endangered species with
compliance relief for our farms, while
maintaining the integrity of our communities.
We have a lot of work to do to secure our
irrigation future. There is no one "Silver
Bullet" solution to our Endangered Species
issues. Our future will be a complex series of
technical, scientific, legal, political, and
negotiated settlement actions. In that, the
Bureau of Reclamation and Water Users
partnership continues to be diligent and active.
I would like to introduce Klamath Water Users
"Power Committee" chairman Scott Seus who will
give you an update on our activities regarding
electrical power costs for our future.