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 Congressman Walden Introduces The Forest Emergency Recovery and Research Act (HR 4200)

Hello Everyone,

Congressman Walden asked me to let you know of a very exciting event tomorrow.  In the morning Greg will introduce The Forest Emergency Recovery and Research Act (HR 4200), a bill which would provide our federal land managers the tools and resources necessary to complete a swift and thorough evaluation of forest conditions after an ice storm, wildfire or other catastrophic event and allow for expeditious plans to recover the health of these lands.  It encourages public participation, follows an overwhelmingly bipartisan (and congressionally approved) appeals and litigation process, and requires collaboration with states, local governments, tribes, colleges and universities, and other interested parties.

Natural catastrophes such as wildfire, hurricanes, tornadoes, ice storms and windstorms are frequent occurrences in the forests of the United States.  As chairman of the House Subcommittee on Forests and Forest Health, Greg has held seven hearings throughout the nation on what needs to happen after a catastrophic event strikes our federal forests.  The message was overwhelmingly clear: we need to improve our forest management policies. 
It's hard to believe that it takes an Act of Congress to remove a dead tree out of a forest, but that's the unfortunate reality of where we are at today - and the public, and our forests, deserve better. 

Tomorrow morning Greg and a solid lineup of some of the 99 original cosponsors from both parties and around the country will announce the introduction of The Forest Emergency Recovery and Research Act, a common sense piece of legislation that is good for our forests, good for the environment, and good for our communities.

Attached is a packet of information which outlines the provisions in the bill and addresses the key points that others are already attacking it on.  Please feel free to contact our office anytime and we would be happy to answers any questions you may have about the Forest Emergency Recovery and Research Act.

<<FERRA HR4200 Information Packet.pdf>>

Colby Marshall
Legislative Assistant, Congressman Greg Walden (OR-2)




Page Updated: Thursday May 07, 2009 09:14 AM  Pacific

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