[2] A Revolution In Fish Tracking Gets
Under Way
The Corps of Engineers hosted its
annual research review last week in
Portland, where scientists reported on the
latest results in their fish survival
studies in the Columbia Basin and discussed
innovations in fish tracking methods that
promise a revolution in fish research with
the use of ever-smaller acoustic tags.
Now weighing only about six-tenths of a
gram, the tags are surgically implanted in
fish, and send out acoustic 'pings' that are
picked up by receiver arrays placed just
about anywhere researchers want. The ability
to track fish over wide areas is their major
benefit over PIT tags, which require fish to
pass through a relatively confined space,
such as a fish ladder, to be detected at
However, while the acoustic tags use tiny
batteries lasting only 30 to 60 days, the
PIT tags are 'passive,' and only respond
when detected, so they can work indefinitely
and identify individual fish through the
adult stage and even longer. Other research
groups are still finding thousands of PIT
tags at bird colonies where terns and
cormorants have feasted on the annual
migration, especially steelhead.
So far, much of the acoustic tag research
has focused on whether the tags themselves
have adverse effects on fish, since they are
much bigger than PIT tags. They are also a
lot more expensive, costing around $250 a
The results seem pretty positive on all
counts, though, and Corps researchers think
the improved precision will be worth it.
They plan to tag 25,000 fish with them next
The increase in precision has already
impressed researchers, such as Lynn McComas
from NOAA Fisheries, who led a group that
used the new tags in a pilot study of fish
survival in the Columbia estuary. Until now,
survival estimates there have been fraught
with uncertainty.
With a string of receivers spread on the
river bottom across the mouth of the
Columbia, the new work has generated enough
data for some preliminary survival data for
Snake River spring chinook traveling from
Idaho all the way to the ocean. Initial
findings for the four release groups in the
study show that about 80 percent make it
from Lower Granite Dam to the mouth of the
Snake and, around 40 percent make it all the
way downriver to the ocean, while estuary
survival from Bonneville to the ocean ranged
between 60 and 85 percent.
For fall chinook moving through the
estuary, the researchers found that 85 to 99
percent of earlier release groups made it
through the estuary, but survival
deteriorated for later groups, ranging from
67 percent to only 17 percent for the last
group in the study.
There is still plenty of work going on
with PIT-tags, which only cost about two
bucks apiece. Other researchers have used
them since the early 1990s to estimate
inriver survivals of spring chinook from
Lower Granite to Bonneville. In 2006,
survivals were the highest they have seen
since they started keeping track, averaging
around 60 percent.
Survival through individual reaches
averaged 93 percent. For steelhead, inriver
survival averaged 38 percent, with 88
percent survival through individual reaches.
But better inriver survivals don't mean
more fish will come back in the future. NOAA
Fisheries scientist Bill Muir said the
dramatic increase in adult return rates
since 1999, is "largely independent" of
hydro system survival.
Muir also pointed to an analysis by
fellow federal scientist John Williams that
suggests the PIT-tagged wild returns
actually underestimate the run at large. The
same holds for hatchery chinook, though
questions were raised about just how robust
the estimates of wild untagged smolts really
were, since they are not counted. Using data
from the Fish Passage Center's own CSS
study, the feds said the same results were
evident there, too.
Canadian scientist David Welch also
reported on his initial findings on
near-ocean survival of some Snake and Yakima
River spring chinook. (See
NW Fishletter 222).
Using acoustic tags that are larger than
the Corps' version and longer-lasting, Welch
has followed small groups of both barged and
inriver migrating fish past the mouth of the
Columbia to detection arrays off the
Washington coast and the northern tip of
Vancouver island. His initial findings
showed about 20 percent of both the Snake
and Yakima inriver migrating fish made it to
the first ocean array off Willapa Bay. About
5 percent of the Snake fish and 2.5 percent
of the Yakima fish were detected off
Vancouver Island.
Welch said the results show no evidence
of any delayed mortality for the Snake fish,
which deal with four more dams in their
downstream migration.
His research also found that survival of
barged Snake River spring chinook (from
Dworshak hatchery) was about double that of
the inriver-migrating Snake fish, about 38
percent, but their ocean survival to
Vancouver Island was half that of the
inriver fish.
Welch's 2006 data show that each group of
Snake fish, whether inriver or barged,
exhibited "substantially less" survival in
the 560-km stretch between Willapa Bay
(southern Washington coast) and Vancouver
Island than in the entire 960-km distance
between the Snake and the Willapa receiver
array. His study also showed that there was
significantly higher survival for Snake
River barged fish than for inriver migrating
Snake smolts.
Survival of the two Yakima groups (199
fish each) to the north end of Vancouver
Island was miniscule--two fish were detected
from one group, and none from the other.
That result was similar to the detections
for Snake inriver migrants. Of two 198-fish
groups released in early May, only one smolt
was detected from the first group, and three
from the second.
Barged fish from the Snake fared better,
with eight detections in one group that was
barged downriver June 7, adding up to an 8
percent overall survival rate to Vancouver
Island, with a 3 percent survival rate from
the second group, barged June 15.
A closer look at barged fish came from
NOAA Fisheries scientist Doug Marsh, who
announced findings from ongoing survival
studies of barged and inriver wild spring
chinook from the Snake. Though adult returns
to Lower Granite Dam were small--only two
dozen in the case of the barged spring
chinook--they outperformed inriver migrating
(non-detected) chinook by 2.64 to 1.00.
Barging from Little Goose showed benefits as
well, doing 60 percent better than inriver
For barged steelhead, the results were
nothing less than spectacular. They
outperformed non-detected inriver migrators
by 800 percent.
Other new research that may shed light on
the vagaries of barging fish reported that
overall, barged fish were in better shape
than their inriver brethren, based on lab
tests that assessed their ability to ward
off marine bacteria.
More evidence of the overall benefits of
barging came from an analysis by staffers at
the University of Washington's Columbia
Basin Research group. By analyzing PIT-tag
data from hatchery releases from 1996 to
2004, they found ocean survival of the
different groups was the most influential
factor in determining smolt-to-adult
returns. They said transport-to-inriver
return ratios and SARs varied broadly with
annual flow levels, and that in most cases,
barged fish from Lower Granite and Little
Goose did better than inriver fish.
-B. R.
The following links were mentioned in
this story:
The Corps of Engineers annual research