For the first time in history, recreational fishing
boats in Santa Cruz, Moss Landing, Monterey, Morro Bay
and other ports along the northern and central
California Coast didn't go out fishing for chinook
salmon on the traditional opening day of the season. The
boats stayed in port on Saturday, April 5, due to an
unprecedented emergency closure imposed by the Pacific
Fishery Management Council (PFMC).
The federal PFMC and the National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS) in March took action to close the already
open ocean sport fishery between Horse Mountain and
Point Arena on April 1, 2008. In addition, they took
emergency action to close the April 5 sportfishing
openers in San Francisco and Monterey port areas (south
of Point Arena to the U.S.-Mexico Border).
"These actions are being taken to protect Sacramento
River fall Chinook salmon which returned to the Central
Valley in 2007 at record low numbers," according to a
statement from the California Department of Fish and
Game. "Even if all ocean sport and commercial fisheries
are closed throughout California, salmon returns are not
projected to meet the escapement goals required by the
PFMC Salmon Fishery Management Plan."
The PFMC has produced three ocean salmon fishing season
"options" (effective May 1, 2008 through April 30, 2009)
for public comment.
Option 1 provides very limited commercial and sport
fishing after May 18.
Option 2 provides no commercial or sport fishing after
March 31 but allows a non-retention research project to
collect tissue samples for genetic stock identification
Option 3 provides no fishing between Cape Falcon, Oregon
and the U.S.-Mexico border.
The PFMC will meet April 7-11 in Seattle to adopt a
final regulatory packet from the three "options" listed
above. More information regarding the PFMC meetings and
options can be found on the PFMC Web site at
The impact of these closures will be devastating to the
lives of fishermen, fisherwomen, and the thousands of
people employed by businesses that depend upon healthy
runs of salmon.
In light of the salmon disaster, the following is an
excellent commentary on the Central Valley Chinook
Decline by Peter B. Moyle, Professor of Fish Biology,
University of California Davis, on Google News.
Moyle gives a brief history of the many factors that led
to the historic decline that culminated in the
unprecedented salmon collapse. He explains the complex
interaction between freshwater conditions and ocean
conditions - and how "blaming 'ocean conditions' for
salmon declines is a lot like blaming the iceberg for
sinking the Titanic, while ignoring the many human
errors that put the ship on course for the fatal
"'Ocean conditions' may be the potential icebergs for
salmon populations but the ship is being steered by us
humans. Salmon populations can be managed to avoid an
irreversible crash, but continuing on our present course
could result in loss of a valuable and iconic fishery,"
says Moyle.
He lists short run remedies as well as long term
solutions to the salmon dilemma - and closes with an
optimistic note that "there is a reasonable chance that
Chinook salmon populations will once again return to
higher levels, as they have in the past, although not
Comment by Peter B Moyle, Professor of Fish Biology,
University of California Davis
Multiple Causes Of Central Valley Chinook Salmon Decline
- Mar 31, 2008
Ever since EuroAmericans arrived in the Central Valley,
Chinook salmon populations have been in decline.
Historic populations probably averaged 1.5-2.0 million
(or more) adult fish per year. The high populations
resulted from four distinct runs of Chinook salmon
(fall, late-fall, winter, and spring runs) taking
advantage of the diverse and productive freshwater
habitats created by the cold rivers flowing from the
Sierra Nevada. When the juveniles moved seaward, they
found abundant food and good growing conditions in the
wide valley floodplains and complex San Francisco
Estuary, including the Delta. The sleek salmon smolts
then reached the ocean, where the southward flowing,
cold, California Current and coastal upwelling together
created one of the richest marine ecosystems in the
world, full of the small shrimp and fish that salmon
require to grow rapidly to large size. In the past,
salmon populations no doubt varied as droughts reduced
stream habitats and as the ocean varied in its
productivity, but it is highly unlikely the numbers ever
even approached the low numbers we are seeing now.
Unregulated fisheries, hydraulic mining, logging,
levees, dams, and other factors caused precipitous
population declines in the 19th century, to the point
where the salmon canneries were forced to shut down (all
were gone by 1919). Minimal regulation of fisheries and
the end of hydraulic mining allowed some recovery to
occur in the early 20th century but the numbers of
harvest salmon steadily declined through the 1930s.
There was a brief resurgence in the 1940s but then the
effects of the large rim dams on major tributaries began
to be severely felt. The dams cut off access to 70% or
more of historic spawning areas and basically drove the
spring and winter runs to near-extinction. In the late
20th century, thanks to hatcheries, special flow
releases from dams, and other improvements, salmon
numbers (mainly fall-run Chinook) averaged nearly
500,000 fish per year, with wide fluctuations from year
to year, but only about 10-25% of historic abundance. In
2006, numbers of spawners dropped to about 200,000,
despite closure of the fishery. In 2007, the number of
spawners fell further to about 90,000 fish, among the
lowest numbers experienced in the past 60 years, with
expectations of even lower numbers in fall 2008
(probably <64,000 fish). The evidence suggests that
these runs are largely supported by hatchery production,
so numbers of fish from natural spawning are much lower.
So, what caused this apparently precipitous decline in
salmon? Unfortunately, the causes are historic, multiple
and interacting. The first thing to recognize is that
Chinook salmon are beautifully adapted to living in a
region where conditions in both fresh water and salt
water can alternate between being highly favorable for
growth and survival and being comparatively unfavorable.
Usually, conditions in both environments are not
overwhelmingly bad together, so when survival of
juveniles in fresh water is low, those that make it to
salt water do exceptionally well. And vice versa. This
ability of the two environments to compensate for one
another’s failings, combined with the ability of adult
salmon to swim long distances to find suitable ocean
habitat, historically meant salmon populations
fluctuated around some high number. Unfortunately, when
conditions are bad in both environments, populations
crash, especially when the heavy hand of humans is
The recent crash has been blamed largely on “ocean
conditions.” Generally what this means is that the
upwelling of cold, nutrient-rich water has slowed or
ceased, so less food is available, causing the salmon to
starve or move away. Upwelling is the result of strong
steady alongshore winds which cause surface waters to
move off shore, allowing cold, nutrient-rich, deep
waters to rise to the surface. The winds rise and fall
in response to movements of the Jet Stream and other
factors, with both seasonal and longer-term variation.
El Nino events can affect local productivity as well, as
can other ‘anomalies’ in weather patterns. And Chinook
salmon populations fluctuate accordingly.
The 2006 and 2007 year classes of returning salmon
mostly entered the ocean in the spring of 2004 and 2005,
respectively (most spawn at age 3). Although upwelling
should have been steady in this period, conditions
unexpectedly changed and ocean upwelling declined in the
spring months, so there were fewer shrimp and small fish
for salmon to feed on. According to an analysis by an
interdisciplinary group of scientists, conditions were
particularly bad for a few weeks in spring of 2005 in
the ocean off Central California, resulting in
abnormally warm water and low concentrations of
zooplankton, which form the basis for the food webs
which include salmon. All this could have caused wide
scale starvation of the salmon. Note the emphasis on
could. While the negative impact of ocean anomalies is
likely, monitoring programs in ocean are too limited to
make direct links between salmon and local ocean
“Ocean conditions” can also refer to other factors which
can be directly affected by human actions, especially
fisheries. For example, fisheries for rockfish and
anchovies can directly or indirectly affect salmon food
supplies (salmon eat small fish). Likewise, fisheries
for sharks and large predators may have allowed Humboldt
squid (which grow to 1-2m long) to become extremely
abundant and move north into cool water, where they
could conceivably prey on salmon. These kinds of
effects, however, are largely unstudied.
Meanwhile, what has been going on in the Sacramento and
San Joaquin rivers? On the plus side, dozens of stream
and flow improvement projects have increased habitat for
spawning and rearing salmon. Removal of small dams on
Butte Creek and Clear Creek, for example, has increased
upstream run sizes dramatically. Salmon hatcheries also
continue to produce millions of fry and smolts to go to
the ocean. On the contrary side:
* The giant pumps in the South Delta have diverted
increasingly large amounts of water in the past decades,
altering hydraulic and temperature patterns in the Delta
as well as capturing fish directly.
* The Delta continues to be an unfavorable habitat for
salmon, especially on the San Joaquin side where the
inflowing river water is warm and polluted with salt and
toxic materials. Most of the rest of the Delta lacks the
edge habitat juvenile salmon need for refuge and
* Hatchery fry and smolts are released in large numbers
but their survivorship is poor, compared to wild fish,
although they contribute significantly to the fishery.
Nevertheless, they may be competitors with
better-adapted wild fish under conditions of low supply
in the ocean. Most of the hatchery fish are planted
below the Delta, to avoid the heavy mortality there.
* Numbers of salmon produced by tributaries to the San
Joaquin River (Merced, Tuolumne, Stanislaus) continue to
be exceptionally low, in the hundreds, and the promised
restoration of the San Joaquin River appears to be
stalled for lack of federal funds.
Thus reduced survival of wild fish in fresh water,
especially in the Delta, combined with the naturally low
survival rates of hatchery fish, most likely contribute
to the plummeting numbers of adult spawners. This is
especially likely to happen if young salmon also hit
adverse conditions in the ocean, especially as they
enter the Gulf of the Farrallons. The growing salmon can
also hit other periods when food is scarce in the ocean,
along with abundant predators and stressful
temperatures, at any time in the ocean phase of their
life cycle.
The overall message here is that indeed “ocean
conditions” have had a lot to do with the recent crash
of salmon populations in the Central Valley. However,
they are superimposed on a population that has been
declining in the long run (with some apparent
stabilization in recent decades). The salmon still face
severe problems before they reach the ocean, especially
in the Delta. In the short run, there are only a few
‘levers’ we can pull to improve things for Central
Valley salmon which include shutting down the commercial
and recreational fisheries, reducing the impact of the
big pumps in the South Delta, and perhaps changing the
operation of dams (increasing outflows at critical
times), regulating hatchery out put, and reducing other
ocean fisheries. In the longer run (10-20 years) we need
to be engaged in improving the Delta and San Francisco
Estuary as a habitat for salmon, reducing inputs to the
estuary of toxic materials, continuing with improvements
of upstream habitats, managing floodplain areas such as
the Yolo Bypass for salmon, restoring the San Joaquin
River, and generally addressing the multiplicity of
factors that affect salmon populations. There is also a
huge need to improve monitoring of salmon in the ocean
as well as the coastal ocean ecosystem off California.
Right now, our understanding of how ocean conditions
affect salmon is largely educated guesswork with guesses
made long (sometimes years) after an event affecting the
fish has happened. An investment in better knowledge
should have large pay-offs for better salmon management.
Thus blaming “ocean conditions” for salmon declines is a
lot like blaming the iceberg for sinking the Titanic,
while ignoring the many human errors that put the ship
on course for the fatal collision. Managers have
optimistically thought that salmon populations were
unsinkable, needing only occasional course corrections
such as hatcheries or removal of small dams, to continue
to go forward. The listings as endangered species of the
winter and spring runs of Central Valley Chinook were
warnings of approaching disaster on an even larger
scale. “Ocean conditions” may be the potential icebergs
for salmon populations but the ship is being steered by
us humans. Salmon populations can be managed avoid an
irreversible crash, but continuing on our present course
could result in loss of a valuable and iconic fishery.
On a final more optimistic note, there is a reasonable
chance that Chinook salmon populations will once again
return to higher levels, as they have in the past,
although not quickly. However, the lower the population
goes and the more the environment changes in unfavorable
ways, the more difficult recovery becomes.
Recovery is officially defined by the goals set by the
Anadromous Fish Restoration Program under the Central
Valley Project Improvement Act which has pledged to use
"all reasonable efforts to at least double natural
production of anadromous fish in California's Central
Valley streams on a long-term, sustainable basis". The
final doubling goal is 990,000 fish for all four runs
combined. We have a long way to go and some major course
modifications to make if we are to reach anything close
to that goal.