Triplicate staff
Determining fall chinook salmon fishing in the Klamath
River's reach is initiated by the Pacific Fishery
Management Council. Every year, the group predicts the
number of adult fish returning to the river the following
From that number, the council determines what the
harvestable surplus should be. American Indian tribes
receive 50 percent of that amount, and the remaining catch
is split among in-river fishing, and ocean sport and
commercial fishing.
This area, known as the Klamath Management Zone,
stretches from Humbug Mountain in Curry County, Ore., to
Horse Mountain in Humboldt County. The zone was set up to
manage the Klamath stock.
Of the 50 percent fall chinook allocation set for
tribes, the Yurok Tribe can harvest 80 percent, and the
Hoopa Valley Tribe receives the remaining 20 percent.
These tribes have federal reserve fishing rights.
Federal fishery managers determine the ocean chinook
season each year, considering the previous year's
coast-wide runs as indicators of future abundance.
Managers must consider a minimum number of spawners
returning to rivers when planning the ocean season.
Each spring, the Yurok Tribe holds a number of meetings
for tribal members to gain input on the fall season, and
ideas are brought to the Tribal Council for review. The
council then decides how many fish will go toward
subsistence or commercial fishing. All Yurok tribal
members are eligible to go subsistence fishing.