Salmon closure worst in history
(KBC NOTE: This article quotes Glen Spain, PCFFA spokesman and Eugene attorney. Spain has initiated numerous lawsuits against Klamath irrigators including getting compensation for the 2001 water shutoff. He has written Oregon salmon trollers trying to convince them not to deal with the Klamath irrigators: "the leadership of the Klamath Water User's Association (KWUA) do not care about fish -- they care about making sure they have all the irrigation water they want, and the fish be damned. The current closed door efforts of the KWUA to "woo" certain salmon trollers on the Oregon coast to their cause is one example of how they hope to use fishermen for their purposes." PCFFA filed lawsuits with tribes against Klamath irrigators getting a reasonable power rate since they pump the water 7 times, then uphill into the Klamath River to provide mandated higher-than-historic river flows. You won't read that in the Oregonian or Herald and News. Now Spain helps write the Settlement Agreement for supposed irrigation water and better power rates for irrigators with a verbal agreement to quit suing us if we sign on the dotted line. It demands dam removal and land to the Klamath Tribes who sold their reservation. KWUA and districts have signed this blackmail document with no vote from their constituents.)
The closure of 1,200 miles of the West
Coast’s salmon fishery is being called the worst
ever, surpassing the 2006 closure caused by the
collapse of Klamath River Basin salmon stocks.
“This is the largest fishing disaster in
history, bar none,” said Glen Spain, the Pacific
Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations
regional director.
Fe d e r a l a u t h o r i t i e s
declared the West Coast ocean salmon fishery a
failure Thursday.
From page A1
expected to be debated this month in Congress.
The two helped provide $60.4 million in
disaster relief for West Coast salmon f ishermen
last year after commercial salmon fishing was
virtually eliminated in 2006.
“ This declaration by NOAA, which comes on
a day that should mark the opening of salmon season
on the Oregon Coast, is a crucial first step in
providing disaster assistance to a fishing industry
being devastated by yet another salmon closure,”
Wyden said in a prepared statement.
Not related to Klamath
Spain, who helped negotiate the proposed
Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement, said the West
Coast closure is not related to ongoing fisheries
problems in the Klamath River Basin.
“The issues down there are quite
independent of the Klamath. The reality is this is a
frightfully different situation,” he said, noting
the declines are affecting the Sacramento and San
Joaquin rivers in California’s Central Valley. “It’s
a deeply stressed ecosystem. It’s ominous
The decision opens the way for Congress to
appropriate economic disaster assistance for coastal
communities in California, Oregon and Washington.
“This is a bleak year,” Jim Balsiger, NOAA
Fisheries Service acting assistant administrator,
said in announcing the declaration in Portland.
The agency in charge of ocean fishing
estimated that the value of this year’s lost catch
was $22 million — 90 percent of the fiveyear average
— and direct income losses to sport and commercial
fishing boats, processors, bait shops and other
related businesses at $60 million in the three
The governors of Washington, Oregon and
California, who requested the declaration, have
estimated that rises to $290 million as it ripples
through the economy. California is seeking $208
million, Oregon $45 million and Washington $36
Sens. Gordon Smith and Ron Wyden, both
Oregon, said they would join senators from
California and Washington seek emergency funding in
the Supplemental Appropriations bill
because the whole system is collapsing.”
T he c lo su r e a f fe c t s
salmon-dependent f ishing economies in California
and Oregon from the California/Mexican border to the
Columbia River. The 2006 closure shut down fishing
along 700 miles of coastline.
“The Klamath has essentially been shoved
aside by a much larger disaster,” Spain said.
Washington will have partial closures to
prevent impacts on salmon migrating from California,
but Alaska salmon fishermen are not directly
The closures, recommended last month by
the Pacific Fishery Management Council, were
triggered by unprecedented low projected adult spawn
returns to the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers.
This year’s Central Valley returns of Chinook salmon
are estimated at less than 60,000, not even half the
minimum 122,000 spawning adults required to replace
the current generation. Returns were as high as
800,000 in 2002 and historically ranged from 2
million to 2-1/2 million.
“This makes 2008 the
third year in a row where California and Oregon
commercial ocean salmon fisheries have been severely
restricted or closed entirely, and fishermen have
lost all or nearly all of their usual income,” Spain
said of the impact.