FEEDBACK: Best Available Science For River Ops--
From John McKern, Walla Walla, Wash. Friday, March 7, 2008
Columbia Basin Bulletin
In reference your lead article in CBB, 02/29/2008: REDDEN
I would like to know what "best available science"
Earthjustice has that convinces Judge Redden that he knows
better how to run the federal hydropower system than the
agencies charged by Congress with that responsibility.
I believe the best available science is that gathered by
the Corps of Engineers Anadromous Fish Evaluation Program and
the Northwest Power and Conservation Council's research funded
under their Fish and Wildlife Program. In 2007, the Corps
funded 51 studies at over $90 million and the NPCC funded
nearly $20 million in additional research. The Corps has been
funding dam related fish research for seven decades and the
NPCC for another two decades. Who out there has funded more
research or gathered more "best available science" on the
impacts of the Columbia River Dams on fish and wildlife?
It seems that all Earthjustice and the dambusters have to
do is allege that there is better science out there somewhere
and the judge brings his gavel down hard on the federal
agencies. Having been on the firing line for one of those
federal agencies for many years, I know that the environmental
laws require them to use the "best available science." Knowing
many of the players still fighting the battle, I am confident
that they are using the best science. However I don't see any
evidence that Earthjustice has better science, and I am
appalled that our laws, ones which Judge Redden is sworn to
uphold, don't require him to use the "best available science."
Based on bogus information that belies the "best available
science" the honorable judge's spill program will kill more
juvenile salmon again this year than correct operation of the
hydropower system by the federal agencies. If you don't
believe that, then YOU have not kept up with the "best
available science."
John McKern
Walla Walla, WA 99362