The California Department of Fish and Game
announced Friday the release of its final
fish-kill evaluation titled "September 2002
Klamath River Fish-Kill: Final Analysis of
Contributing Factors and Impacts.”
This evaluation finalizes the preliminary
report that was released to the public in
January 2003.
A draft of the final report received peer
review from several cooperating state and
federal agencies, tribes and stakeholders,
as well as Humboldt State University
fisheries pathologist Gary Hendrickson and
Oregon State University fisheries biologist
Doug Markel.
"Our goal with this report was to document
the conditions in the river that contributed
to this fish kill," said Don Koch, regional
manager for the Northern California-North
Coast Region of DFG. "It is our hope that
the information will be useful to the
decision-makers as they balance and manage
the limited resources of the entire Klamath
Basin. We also hope that the analysis and
recommendations in this report will help
minimize the risks of future fish kills in
the Klamath Basin."
Copies of the report are available on DFG's
Web site at
"Our findings are very similar to those of
two other reports prepared by the U. S. Fish
and Wildlife Service and the Yurok Tribal
Fisheries Program," said Steve Turek, a DFG
senior environmental scientist and one of
the authors of the report. "We found that
the primary cause of the fish kill was a
disease outbreak caused by two pathogens
brought on by stressful environmental
conditions and high densities of fish."
The two pathogens responsible for the death
of more than 33,000 adult salmon and
steelhead in September 2002 were the
myxozoan parasite Icthyopthirius multifilus
commonly referred to as Ich, and the
bacterial pathogen Flavobacterium columnare
referred to as Columnaris.
These pathogens are common in aquatic
systems and are present at all times in the
Klamath River.
The report finds that unusually low flows,
low river volumes and an above-average run
of salmon resulted in abnormally high fish
densities in the lower 36 miles of the
Klamath River. Apparently, large numbers of
fish congregated in the lower river one to
two weeks before the onset of the fish-kill.
"While we do not fully understand why these
fish held in the lower river in such large
numbers, we can hypothesize that upstream
migration was impaired due to physical,
water quantity or water quality barriers,
the disease itself, or a lack of
environmental cues for the fish to head
upstream," Turek said.
The report concludes that abnormally high
densities of primarily natural fall-run
Chinook salmon, coupled with the normal
presence of pathogens and typical warm river
temperatures, created ideal conditions for
the disease outbreak which ultimately
resulted in the fish kill.
"This was an unprecedented event in the
Klamath River and one of, if not the
largest, fish kills of adult anadromous
salmonids recorded on the West Coast," Turek
Other adult fish kills have occurred on the
Rogue River in Oregon, Butte Creek in
California, and the Babine and Frasier
rivers in British Columbia.
Common threads in many of these fish-kill
events include disease, high fish densities,
low flows and warm water temperatures.