Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.

Bill Pauli, State Farm Bureau President, inspires Modoc County.
      Thank you Mr. Pauli

November 9, 2004, KBC

Pauli spoke regarding the election, Arnold, being involved, and agricultural education. He was also at the Congressional Hearing in Klamath Falls this summer addressing the Endangered Species Act while the tribes were trying to drown out his voice. He saw the challenges we face in letting our voices be heard.

Those attending the Modoc County's annual Farm Bureau dinner meeting in Alturas were pleased to have Bill Pauli, State Farm Bureau President, as their honored speaker.  In this time of unrest with unscientific, agenda-driven federal regulations, and a scary election, over 100 hard-working agricultural producers came to hear Pauli (and eat Basque food).

Pauli spoke about the Presidential election, "Compared with the alternative, it is very very good." President Bush has been supportive of food producers and people who work on the land, believing that they can work compatibly with our wildlife and natural resources.

Regarding Arnold Schwarzenegger, Pauli said that he came into office with no governance experience. He felt that Arnold did not know enough about the Sierra Conservancy acquisition of millions of acres, 70% which was already government-owned, when he supported it. He said that Arnold is learning. There is hope.

Pauli addressed the 'roadless' deadline coming up November 15th. This effects fishing, outdoor recreation, timber harvest, fire fighting, and virtually all public access to our forests. Send your comments before November 15th. Information to write is on KBC's calendar.

Getting involved is extremely important, according to Pauli, in the survival of American agriculture, ranching, and rural living.  His drive is working in communities and educating the American populace.  Educate and be involved at the local level. Engage in talk shows, speak at colleges, and support agricultural education. Farm Bureau has spent over one million dollars this year supporting 'California Country', a TV show educating school children about country living, agriculture, and where people's food comes from. Pauli stressed the commitment and energy needed to fulfill this challenge. He added that 'environmental' groups are well-organized and well-funded in brainwashing our school children.

The Farm Bureau collected over 100,000 letters for death tax repeal.  He encouraged the group, saying, "collectively we can make a difference."

Being from the Klamath Basin, enduring constant battles to retain our land and water rights to irrigate, his speech was encouraging and motivating.  It's hard not to lose hope.

Following his speech was an auction and a raffle, with home-made pies and quilts, as well as other gifts and services.  It was refreshing to be in a room full of hard working, faithful stewards of the land who want to put in a days work and be left along by agenda-driven urban bureaucrats. Even not knowing most of the people, being there just felt like home.

Thank you Mr. Pauli.




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