Hearing on The Endangered
Species Act 30 Years Later: The Klamath Project
Statement of
Dr. William M. Lewis, Jr.
Professor and Director
Center for Limnology
University of Colorado at
Chair, Committee on Endangered
and Threatened Fishes in the Klamath River Basin
Board on Environmental Studies
and Toxicology
Division on Earth and Life
National Research Council
The National Academies
Before the
Water and Power Subcommittee
Committee on Resources
U. S. House of Representatives
July 17, 2004
Good morning, Mr. Chairman and members of the
Committee. My name is William Lewis, Jr. I am
professor of Environmental Science and Director
of the Center for Limnology at the University of
Colorado's Cooperative Institute for Research in
Environmental Sciences. I recently served as
chair of the National Research Council's
Committee on Endangered and Threatened Fishes
in the Klamath River Basin. The
National Research Council (NRC) is the
operating arm of the National Academy of
Sciences, National Academy of Engineering,
and the Institute of Medicine; it was
chartered by Congress in 1863 to advise the
government on matters of science and
The Lost River sucker and shortnose sucker of
the Klamath River basin were listed as
endangered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
under the federal Endangered Species Act in
1988. These two fish species, which are
restricted in their distribution to the Klamath
River basin, were so abundant a century ago that
they served as a major food source for American
Indians and supported a commercial fishery. Both
species are large, have a long life span, and
can tolerate a number of kinds of environmental
extremes that many other fishes cannot. The two
species originally occupied much of the upper
half of the Klamath River basin. Their
distribution and abundance are now much reduced,
and most of the present subpopulations are not
In listing the two endangered sucker species,
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service cited
overfishing as one cause of decline. Other
causes are also important, however, as indicated
by the failure of these species to recover after
a ban on fishing in 1987. The U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service identified water management
practices (including water-level manipulation
and entrainment of fish through irrigation
structures), adverse water quality, introduction
of competitive or predatory fishes not native to
the Klamath basin, physical alteration of
habitat such as marshes and spawning areas,
blockage of migration pathways, and genetic
isolation of subpopulations. These factors are
related to a number of human activities,
including irrigated agriculture, power
production, and livestock management.
The coho salmon, a migratory species that
spends approximately half of its life in streams
and the other half in the ocean, is distributed
from California to the Aleutian Islands. It is
divided into distinctive genetic subgroups that
are termed "evolutionarily significant units."
One of these evolutionarily significant units
spawns and develops through its early life
stages in waters of the Klamath River basin and
nearby drainages. Although once abundant in the
Klamath River basin, it has declined notably
over the last 80-90 years. As a result of its
decline, it was listed in 1997 by the National
Marine Fisheries Service as threatened under the
federal Endangered Species Act. In evaluating
the decline, the NMFS listed overfishing as one
initial cause. Prohibition of fishing for wild
coho (as distinguished from hatchery fish, which
bear hatchery markers) has not led to recovery,
however. In attempting to identify other factors
that may be suppressing coho, the NMFS has
listed irrigation-related flow manipulation of
the Klamath River, physical blockage of
migration pathways by dams or irrigation
structures, high temperature or other poor
water-quality conditions related in part to flow
manipulation, and physical habitat impairment.
Coho presently occupy only the lower portion of
the Klamath River basin, below Iron Gate Dam.
Their previous distribution, prior to the
installation of mainstem dams, extended
upstream. Coho mature almost exclusively in
tributary waters, and migrate to the ocean
during spring to complete the second half of
their life cycle prior to their return for
spawning, after which they die.
As required by the Endangered Species Act
(ESA), the two listing agencies responsible for
ESA actions on behalf of the listed suckers and
coho salmon have conducted formal consultations
with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, which
manages water in parts of the upper portion of
the Klamath River basin through its Klamath
Project, which serves 220,000 acres of private,
irrigated agricultural lands. Because water
management is a potential direct or indirect
factor affecting the listed species, the
consultations were intended to produce
documentation of the operational effects of the
Klamath Project on the listed species, and to
elicit proposals from USBR for avoidance of
jeopardy to these species through future
operations of the Klamath Project. The listing
agencies have engaged in numerous rounds of
consultation with the USBR. The consultations
have culminated in the production of biological
assessments by the USBR and biological opinions
by the listing agencies. In its biological
assessments, the USBR has proposed changes in
water management and screening of its main water
intake as well as some other measures intended
to benefit the fish. In all cases, however, the
listing agencies have found the USBR proposals
inadequate and have required more extensive
changes in water management and some greater
commitments to other actions as well.
The agencies released assessments and
opinions during early 2001, as they had in
previous years. The biological opinions of the
two listing agencies for 2001 required
substantially increased stringency in management
of water by the Klamath Project. Specifically,
the USFWS required that annual minimum water
levels in Upper Klamath Lake, which is home to
an impaired population of endangered suckers, be
less extreme than in previous years, which in
effect eliminated part of the storage value of
the lake for the Klamath Project. In addition,
the NMFS required higher minimum flows
downstream of Iron Gate Dam. The effect of this
requirement was to reduce further the ability of
the USBR to store water in Upper Klamath Lake
for use in irrigation. Thus, the total amount of
water available to the USBR for use by the
Klamath Project in dry years was significantly
reduced as a result of the 2001 biological
After release of the 2001 biological opinions
by the listing agencies, it became clear that
2001 would be a year of extreme drought. Whereas
similar extremes of drought in recent years
(1992, 1994) had led to water restrictions for
the Klamath Project, they had not eliminated
irrigation on the private lands irrigated by the
Klamath Project. The new restrictions for water
level in Upper Klamath Lake and flows in the
mainstem Klamath could not be met, however,
without cessation of irrigation on the lands
served by the Klamath Project. While a small
amount of water was made available late in the
season, there was virtually no irrigation
through the Klamath Project during the growing
season of 2001. Thus, the coincidence of an
extreme drought with new restrictions on water
management combined to make disastrous
consequences for Klamath Project irrigators and
their economic dependents. Had 2001 been a
normal or wet year, the restrictions no doubt
would have generated much controversy, given
that the implications for drought years of the
future would have been evident through
calculations of water shortfalls in dry years.
The events combined, however, to force the
controversy to a crisis over a period of just a
few weeks, during which water users and their
supporters criticized the decisions of the
listing agencies, while parties with economic or
other interests in fish applauded the ESA-based
water restrictions as a step toward restoration
of the three listed fishes.
The economic hardship brought on by the
combination of drought and the new water
restrictions focused much attention on the
scientific basis for judgments that were made by
the listing agencies. Therefore, the U.S.
Department of the Interior and the Department of
Commerce asked the National Academy of Sciences
(NAS) to form, through the National Research
Council (NRC), a committee (the NRC Committee on
Endangered and Threatened Fishes in the Klamath
River Basin) that would be capable of assessing
the scientific and technical issues surrounding
the water restrictions. The committee's charge,
which was written by the U.S. Department of the
Interior and Department of Commerce in
consultation with NRC staff, called for the
committee to produce an interim report focusing
on the strength of scientific support for the
biological assessments and biological opinions
of 2001. In a second phase, leading to a final
report, the committee was charged with a broader
overview of the requirements of the listed
species for recovery in the future. The
committee released its interim report in
February 2002 and its final report in October
2003. As is the case with all NRC reports, these
two reports were rigorously reviewed externally
and were revised by the committee in response to
review under supervision of the NRC and the NAS.
In its interim report, the NRC committee
found that proposals by the USBR for water
management in the future left open the
possibility of establishing lower mean water
levels in Upper Klamath Lake and lower mean
flows in the Klamath River main stem than had
been the case over the past decade. Although it
was not clear whether changes of this type were
actually the intent of the USBR proposals, the
committee found the proposals unjustified on
grounds that lower mean operating levels and
flows were unknown and were not analyzed
scientifically by the USBR for its assessments.
In analyzing the USFWS's biological opinion
if 2001, the NRC committee found considerable
scientific support for a number of requirements
specified by the USFWS. For example,
installation of a fish screen to prevent
outright mortality of multiple age classes of
endangered suckers entering the Klamath
Project's main irrigation canal near the outlet
of Upper Klamath Lake was proposed by the USFWS,
and the committee found this recommendation
highly supportable. In examining the scientific
basis for a USFWS requirement that water levels
in Upper Klamath Lake be held higher than they
had been in the recent past, however, the
committee found considerable data, collected
primarily with federal support during the 1990s,
that the projections of benefit to the fish from
this change in management were contradicted by
evidence. Specifically, extremes of water
quality impairment producing mortality of
suckers in Upper Klamath Lake did not coincide
with years of low water level. Also, proposed
benefits sought through expansion of habitat
associated with higher water levels did not
appear in the form of a higher output of young
fish, as determined by sampling of fish during
the 1990s. Thus, the committee found the
scientific basis for the requirement for
stricter regulation of water levels in Upper
Klamath Lake to be unsupported scientifically,
but also noted that this conclusion would not be
a valid argument for expanded water-level
For evaluation of the needs of coho salmon,
the National Marine Fisheries Service relied
heavily on habitat modelling, which is common
practice for predicting the benefits to fish of
higher flows in streams or rivers. The modelling
results were not available in final form to the
NMFS when it wrote its 2001 opinion, and were
not available to the NRC committee during its
deliberations. Thus, the NMFS decisions in 2001
based on incomplete modelling could not be
considered well supported. More importantly, an
underlying assumption of the modelling was that
habitat requirements of coho salmon could be
equated with habitat requirements of Chinook
salmon, which also occupy the Klamath basin. The
committee noted that coho salmon are much more
strongly dependent on tributaries than Chinook
salmon, and therefore are less sensitive to
mainstem conditions during the rearing phase
than Chinook salmon. Thus, the overall approach
of the NMFS, in the opinion of the committee,
was scientifically weak. The strongest point
brought forward by NMFS had to do with possible
benefits of an April flow pulse that would
assist the young fish in migrating to the ocean.
While this benefit had not been quantified or
evaluated empirically, it at least had some
potential to be valid.
While the NRC committee found strong
scientific support for a number of requirements
given by the listing agencies in 2001, the
requirements related to water levels in Upper
Klamath Lake and water flow in the Klamath main
stem had no substantial scientific basis, in the
opinion of the committee. This conclusion, as
given in the interim report, generated much
positive reaction from the community of
irrigators and their economic dependents and
much criticism from environmentally oriented
observers. It seemed to many that the committee
had sided with the irrigators and against
environmental interests. The committee, however,
was merely responding to its charge, and was not
aligning itself with one set of interests or the
Following the issuance of the interim report,
the agencies were required to go through yet
another round of consultations and produce
assessments and opinions, as before, because of
the expiration of the 2001 documents after one
year. While the NRC report was not binding on
the agencies, it stimulated some changes in the
ESA consultations of 2002. In general, the
agencies were more energetic and innovative in
their consultations than they had been in
previous rounds, and were able to produce a
ten-year plans rather than one-year plans.
Although the ten-year plans can be reopened at
any time by the listing agencies, they provide a
degree of stability that favors both water
management and recovery actions. The USBR,
recognizing that use of water on behalf of fish
would be a constant feature of future water
management, offered increased concessions that
it considered to be useful but still consistent
with future delivery of meaningful amounts of
water through the Klamath project over a wide
range of water-year types. It proposed
development of a water bank, which might include
conditional water rights to be obtained by lease
or purchase and to be used to reduce pressure on
the irrigation water source during years of
drought. The USBR also offered an April flow
pulse below Iron Gate Dam to benefit coho during
their migration and made several other kinds of
concessions related to coho.
The two listing agencies found the proposals
of USBR to be useful but insufficient. Thus,
they found that the USBR's proposed operations
as outlined in the biological assessment of 2002
would leave the three species in jeopardy, and
they issued "reasonable and prudent
alternatives," as required by the ESA. The
reasonable and prudent alternatives placed
deadlines on a number of the proposals made by
USBR and also put a volumetric requirement on
the water bank. The USFWS, while continuing to
back the concept of benefit to the endangered
suckers from reduced water-level fluctuations in
Upper Klamath Lake, moderated its water-level
requirements so as to be more consistent with
the data collected on the suckers during the
1990s. Fish screening continued to be an issue;
screening of the main canal supplying the
Klamath Project was required by USFWS and was
accomplished during 2004. The USFWS made several
other requirements as well.
The NMFS continued to endorse its
habitat-based flow modelling leading to
requirements for higher flows in the Klamath
main stem, on grounds that expanded habitat in
the main stem would benefit coho. The NMFS
moderated the effect of these requirements on
the Klamath Project, however, by recognizing
that the USBR accounts for only approximately
half (57%) of total irrigation water use above
Iron Gate Dam. Thus, the NMFS apportioned to
USBR 57%, rather than 100%, of the quantitative
requirement for water needed to meet its
prescribed flows at Iron Gate Dam. It also
required, however, that USBR participate in
actions required to make up the balance (43%) of
the water required to provide minimum flows, and
it endorsed the water-bank concept.
In its final report, the NRC committee gave
several major conclusions relevant to the
long-term recovery of endangered and threatened
species in the Klamath River basin. First, the
committee noted that none of the three species
could be expected to recover through any program
that is primarily or solely based on
consultations with the USBR related to
operations of its Klamath Project. While the
Klamath Project consultations are mandatory,
factors suppressing the species extend well
beyond the Klamath Project. For suckers,
blockage of a large amount of potential spawning
habitat by Chiloquin Dam and by numerous small,
privately managed tributary dams and diversions
constitutes "take" (mortality or life-cycle
impairment) and must be eliminated or
circumvented. Restoration of habitat in
tributary spawning areas for the suckers above
Upper Klamath Lake also is critical, and
expansion of resting areas for larval fish at
tributary mouths for Upper Klamath Lake is
important. The committee viewed the feasibility
of reversing poor water-quality conditions in
Upper Klamath Lake as low for the near future,
and therefore recommended strong emphasis on
stimulation of the production of young fish for
Upper Klamath Lake to offset adult mortality and
expansion or introduction of subpopulations at
other locations where manipulation of
environmental conditions might be more feasible.
For example, the committee recommended
establishment of a subpopulation in Lake of the
Woods, where suckers were poisoned decades ago
in order to make way for game fish.
For coho, the committee recommended much more
emphasis on tributaries, where young coho either
succeed or fail in reaching the smolt stage for
migration to the ocean. The tributaries are
plagued by a variety of problems, including
excessive drawdown in summer, numerous blockages
and diversions that affect the movement of
salmon, high temperatures caused by loss of
riparian vegetation and excessively low flows
during summer, diversion of cold spring flows
that originally provided year-round benefit to
salmon, degradation of physical habitat by dams,
inadequate control of erosion, and effects of
livestock on stream banks and stream channels.
In addition, mainstem dams block access of coho
to tributary habitat, and introduction of large
numbers of competitive hatchery-reared fish
(mostly steelhead and Chinook) may reduce the
success of young, wild coho during their
downstream migration; both types of impairment
should be considered for possible action.
Correction of problems affecting coho obviously
must extend far beyond the boundaries of the
USBR's Klamath Project.
The NRC committee also diagnosed some
procedural and organizational problems with the
recovery efforts in the basin. There are no
adequate ESA recovery plans for any of the three
species. Funding for recovery programs has been
inadequate, and would not have supported actions
of the scope necessary to produce recovery.
Because of intense partisan feelings within the
basin about recovery strategies, the agencies
must find ways of fostering collaboration
through a diverse committee of cooperators who
are fully informed on recovery plans and
proposals, and who have the opportunity to
debate and contribute to them. Guidance for
well-meaning landowners who attempt to improve
the environment would be very useful in
maximizing the beneficial effects of private
money directed toward remediation.
The listing agencies in the Klamath basin
have been strongly criticized for using judgment
not supported by bedrock scientific information.
The NRC committee, as expressed in its reports,
did not agree with the notion that professional
judgment is a useless or inappropriate tool to
be used in environmental actions such as those
required by the Endangered Species Act.
Professional judgment, which involves
application of knowledge about the basic
requirements of a listed species, is mandatory
for agencies that implement the Endangered
Species Act. The NRC committee did note,
however, that the use of judgment is much more
defensible when data are not available, or when
judgment is confirmed by at least some data,
than when it proves to be inconsistent with
accumulating data. In the latter instance, the
listing agencies would more likely be effective
if they were to modify their judgments, and
should not be criticized for doing so, given
that modification of initial judgments in
response to observations or data is a constant
feature in all fields of applied science.
The committee concluded that there is much
untapped potential for recovery of the three
listed species in the Klamath River basin.
Recovery efforts must extend beyond the Klamath
Project and its operations to embrace all major
factors known to cause mortality or impairment
of the endangered fishes. If efforts of this
scope can be designed, and are supported by
steady funding from the federal government,
implementation of the Endangered Species Act in
the Klamath River basin could be an
inspirational example, especially for the
western states.
William M. Lewis, Jr.
July 17, 2004