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PLF applauds today's ESA regulatory changes: They will help the Federal Economic Stimulus Package"

Pacific Legal Foundation

SACRAMENTO, CA; December 11, 2008: The regulatory streamlining of the Endangered Species Act that was finalized today will help the economy and should be kept intact by the next administration, the President of Pacific Legal Foundation said in a statement.

PLF is the nation’s leading litigator for property rights and a balanced approach to environmental regulations.

“These regulatory changes are modest but intelligent, and they are pro-jobs, pro-economy, and pro-common sense,” said PLF President Rob Rivett.  “Federal agencies will be given more autonomy to decide, using their own scientific experts, whether projects that they might build or fund are environmentally sound.  These changes eliminate unneeded, redundant second-guessing by bureaucrats in other departments.  They should be left intact by the next administration.”

“These changes should be viewed as a key part of a federal economic stimulus program, because unneeded, redundant bureaucracy slows down worthwhile projects that provide jobs and boost the economy,” Rivett continued.  “Too often, the ESA has been used by environmental extremists as a tool to stymie essential projects such as hospitals, schools, affordable housing, and energy development.  The reforms finalized today bring positive change, reducing regulatory jam-ups that harm the economy without helping the environment.”

About Pacific Legal Foundation

Pacific Legal Foundation (www.pacificlegal.org) is the oldest and most successful legal organization that litigates for property rights and a balanced approach to environmental protection.  Among PLF victories:  The court ruling that ordered the delisting of the bald eagle.  View PLF’s 35th Anniversary video, featuring former U.S. Attorney General Edwin J. Meese III:  http://youtube.com/watch?v=HnBSlRQwxKU.

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