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Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
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(Wednesday, May 25, 2011)]


[Pages 30377-30382]


5-Year Reviews of Species in California, Nevada, and the Klamath Basin of Oregon


AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.


ACTION: Notice.



SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, are initiating 5-year

reviews for 53 species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as

amended (Act). We conduct these reviews to ensure that our

classification of each species on the Lists of Endangered and

Threatened Wildlife and Plants as threatened or endangered is accurate.

A 5-year review assesses the best scientific and commercial data

available at the time of the review. We are requesting any information

that has become available since our original listing of each of these

species. Based on review results, we will determine whether we should

change the listing status of any of these species. In this notice, we

also announce 5-year reviews that were completed for 32 species in

California and Nevada between April 1, 2010, and March 16, 2011.


DATES: To ensure consideration, please send your written information by

July 25, 2011.


ADDRESSES: For how and where to send comments or information, see

``VIII., Contacts.''


FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For species-specific information,

contact the appropriate person listed under VIII., Contacts.'' For

contact information about completed 5-year reviews, see '' IX.,

Completed 5-Year Reviews.'' Individuals who are hearing-impaired or

speech-impaired may call the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8337

for TTY assistance.




I. Why do we conduct 5-year reviews?


Under the Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.), we maintain Lists of

Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants (which we collectively

refer to as the List) in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) at 50

CFR 17.11 (for animals) and 17.12 (for plants). Section 4(c)(2)(A) of

the Act requires us to review each listed species' status at least once

every 5 years. Then, under section 4(c)(2)(B), we determine whether to

remove any species from the List (delist), to reclassify it from

endangered to threatened, or to reclassify it from threatened to

endangered. Any change in Federal classification requires a separate

rulemaking process.

In classifying, we use the following definitions, from 50 CFR


(A) Species includes any species or subspecies of fish, wildlife,

or plant, and any distinct population segment of any species of

vertebrate, that interbreeds when mature;

(B) Endangered species means any species that is in danger of

extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range; and

(C) Threatened species means any species that is likely to become

an endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a

significant portion of its range.

We must support delisting by the best scientific and commercial

data available, and only consider delisting if data substantiate that

the species is neither endangered nor threatened for one or more of the

following reasons (50 CFR 424.11(d)):

(A) The species is considered extinct;

(B) The species is considered to be recovered; or

(C) The original data available when the species was listed, or the

interpretation of data, were in error.


[[Page 30378]]


Our regulations at 50 CFR 424.21 require that we publish a notice

in the Federal Register announcing the species we are reviewing.


II. What species are under review?


This notice announces our active 5-year status reviews of the

species in Table 1.


Table 1--Summary of Listing Information, 22 Animal Species and 31 Plant Species in California and Nevada


Common name Scientific name Status Where listed Final listing rule




Behren's silverspot butterfly... Speyeria zerene Endangered........ U.S.A. (CA)....... 62 FR 64306; 12/05/

behrensii. 1997

California freshwater shrimp.... Syncaris pacifica. Endangered........ U.S.A (CA)........ 53 FR 43884; 10/31/


California red-legged frog...... Rana draytonii.... Threatened........ U.S.A (CA)........ 61 FR 25813; 05/23/


California tiger salamander Ambystoma Threatened........ U.S.A (CA)........ 69 FR 47212; 08/04/

(Central). californiense. 2004

Conservancy fairy shrimp........ Branchinecta Endangered........ U.S.A (CA)........ 59 FR 48136; 09/19/

conservatio. 1994

Delhi sands flower-loving fly... Rhaphiomidas Endangered........ U.S.A. (CA)....... 58 FR 49887; 09/23/

terminatus 1993


El Segundo blue butterfly....... Euphilotes Endangered........ U.S.A. (CA)....... 41 FR 22041; 06/01/

battoides allyni. 1976

Giant garter snake.............. Thamnophis gigas.. Threatened........ U.S.A (CA)........ 58 FR 54053; 10/20/


Kern primrose sphinx moth....... Euproserpinus Threatened........ U.S.A (CA)........ 45 FR 24088; 04/08/

euterpe. 1980

Laguna Mountains skipper........ Pyrgus ruralis Endangered........ U.S.A. (CA)....... 62 FR 2313; 01/16/

lagunae. 1997

Lange's metalmark butterfly..... Apodemia mormo Endangered........ U.S.A (CA)........ 41 FR 22041; 06/01/

langei. 1976

Longhorn fairy shrimp........... Branchinecta Endangered........ U.S.A (CA)........ 59 FR 48136; 09/19/

longiantenna. 1994

Lost River sucker............... Deltistes luxatus. Endangered........ U.S.A. (OR, CA)... 53 FR 27130; 07/18/


Lotis blue butterfly............ Lycaeides Endangered........ U.S.A. (CA)....... 41 FR 22041; 06/01/

argyrognomon 1976


Morro shoulderband snail........ Helminthoglypta Endangered........ U.S.A. (CA)....... 59 FR 64613; 12/15/

walkeriana. 1994

Palos Verdes blue butterfly..... Glaucopsyche Endangered........ U.S.A. (CA)....... 45 FR 44939; 07/02/

lygdamus 1980


San Francisco garter snake...... Thamnophis Endangered........ U.S.A (CA)........ 32 FR 4001; 03/11/

sirtalis 1967


Shortnose sucker................ Chasmistes Endangered........ U.S.A. (OR, CA)... 53 FR 27130; 07/18/

brevirostris. 1988

Smith's blue butterfly.......... Euphilotes enoptes Endangered........ U.S.A. (CA)....... 41 FR 22041; 06/01/

smithi. 1976

Vernal pool fairy shrimp........ Branchinecta Threatened........ U.S.A (CA, OR).... 59 FR 48136; 09/19/

lynchi. 1994

Vernal pool tadpole shrimp...... Lepidurus packardi Endangered........ U.S.A (CA)........ 59 FR 48136; 09/19/


Western snowy plover............ Charadrius Threatened........ U.S.A. (CA, OR, 58 FR 12864; 03/05/

alexandrines WA); Mexico 1993

nivosus. (Baja).




Amargosa niterwort.............. Nitrophila Endangered........ U.S.A. (CA, NV)... 50 FR 20777; 05/20/

mohavensis. 1985

Ash-grey paintbrush............. Castilleja cinerea Threatened........ U.S.A............. 63 FR 49006; 09/14/


Ash Meadows gumplant............ Grindelia fraxino- Threatened........ U.S.A. (CA, NV)... 50 FR 20777; 05/20/

pratensis. 1985

Antioch Dunes evening primrose.. Oenothera Endangered........ U.S.A (CA)........ 43 FR 17910; 04/26/

deltoides 1978


Bear Valley sandwort............ Arenaria ursina... Threatened........ U.S.A. (CA)....... 63 FR 49006; 09/14/


Ben Lomond spineflower.......... Chorizanthe Endangered........ U.S.A. (CA)....... 59 FR 5499; 02/04/

pungens var. 1994


California taraxacum............ Taraxacum Endangered........ U.S.A. (CA)....... 63 FR 49006; 09/14/

californicum. 1998


[[Page 30379]]



Catalina Island mountain Cercocarpus Endangered........ U.S.A. (CA)....... 62 FR 42692; 08/08/

mahogany. traskiae. 1997

Chinese Camp brodiaea........... Brodiaea pallida.. Threatened........ U.S.A (CA)........ 63 FR 49022; 09/14/


Chorro Creek bog thistle........ Cirsium fontinale Endangered........ U.S.A. (CA)....... 59 FR 64613; 12/15/

var. obispoense. 1994

Contra Costa wallflower......... Erysimum capitatum Endangered........ U.S.A (CA)........ 43 FR 17910; 04/26/

angustatum. 1978

Gowen cypress................... Cupressus Threatened........ U.S.A. (CA)....... 63 FR 43100; 08/12/

goveniana ssp. 1998


Hartweg's golden sunburst....... Pseudobahia Endangered........ U.S.A (CA)........ 62 FR 5542; 02/06/

bahiifolia. 1997

Hoffmann's rock-cress........... Arabis hoffmannii. Endangered........ U.S.A. (CA)....... 62 FR 40954; 01/31/


Howell's spineflower............ Chorizanthe Endangered........ U.S.A. (CA)....... 57 FR 27848; 06/22/

howellii. 1992

Keck's checkermallow............ Sidalcea keckii... Endangered........ U.S.A (CA)........ 65 FR 7757; 02/16/


Kneeland prairie pennycress..... Thlaspi Endangered........ U.S.A. (CA)....... 65 FR 6332; 02/09/

californicum 2000



Mariposa pussypaws.............. Calyptridium Threatened........ U.S.A (CA)........ 63 FR 49022; 09/14/

pulchellum. 1998

Monterey gilia.................. Gilia tenuiflora Endangered........ U.S.A. (CA)....... 57 FR 27848; 06/22/

ssp. arenaria. 1992

Morro manzanita................. Arctostaphylos Threatened........ U.S.A. (CA)....... 59 FR 64613; 12/15/

morroensis. 1994

Orcutt's spineflower............ Chorizanthe Endangered........ U.S.A. (CA)....... 61 FR 52370; 10/07/

orcuttiana. 1996

Red Hills vervain............... Verbena Threatened........ U.S.A (CA)........ 63 FR 49006; 09/14/

californica. 1998

San Jacinto Valley crownscale... Atriplex coronata Endangered........ U.S.A. (CA)....... 63 FR 54975; 10/13/

var. notatior. 1998

San Joaquin adobe sunburst...... Pseudobahia Threatened........ U.S.A (CA)........ 62 FR 5542; 02/06/

peirsonii. 1997

Santa Barbara Island liveforever Dudleya traskiae.. Endangered........ U.S.A. (CA)....... 43 FR 17916; 04/26/


Santa Cruz Island bush-mallow... Malacothamnus Endangered........ U.S.A. (CA)....... 62 FR 40954; 07/31/

fasciculatus var. 1997


Santa Rosa Island manzanita..... Arctostaphylos Endangered........ U.S.A. (CA)....... 62 FR 40957; 07/31/

confertiflora. 1997

Showy indian clover............. Trifolium amoenum. Endangered........ U.S.A (CA)........ 62 FR 54791; 10/22/


Soft-leaved paintbrush.......... Castilleja mollis. Endangered........ U.S.A. (CA)....... 62 FR 40957; 07/31/


Southern Mountain wild buckwheat Eriogonum kennedyi Threatened........ U.S.A. (CA)....... 63 FR 49006; 09/14/

var. 1998


Yreka phlox..................... Phlox hirsuta..... Endangered........ U.S.A.(CA)........ 65 FR 5268; 02/03/




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