A police child abuse investigation
in Merrill discovered an alleged longstanding illegal
marijuana grow with more than 2,500 cannabis plants that
potentially used up 5 million gallons of water.
The Klamath County Sheriff’s
Office said they responded to the 13000 block of Falvey
Road to look into a child abuse report.
Deputies said they discovered “an
unlicensed, illegal, marijuana grow site,” according to
a release from the Sheriff’s Office.
Police said the property did not
have permits for the legal growing of marijuana — which
was spread out in about six greenhouses.
More than 2,500 pot plants were
destroyed, according to KCSO.
The property owner, 61-year-old
Raul Garcia of Merrill, was cited for illegal marijuana
manufacturing and possession and was released. Limited
or no arrests are also a common refrain among illegal
cannabis raids.
KCSO said the alleged illegal grow
appears to have been operating since 2018 and could have
illegally used as much as 5 million gallons of water.
That comes as the region deals with severe drought
Southern Oregon and Northern
California have seen proliferation of illegal weed farms
and grow houses.
Marijuana is legal in California,
Oregon and Washington but continued cannabis
prohibitions in some other states and federally plus
high taxes and fees on legal pot drives continued
illicit demand. Legal marijuana prices can be 40% higher
with taxes and fees than unlicensed and unauthorized
Some of the illegal grows are tied
to Mexican drug cartels and other criminal enterprises.
Others are steeped in the region history of marijuana
“We have been more aggressive this
year in taking down grows and working to hold people
accountable for the illegal use of water. At a time when
many residents in our county are struggling to get water
for basic needs it is reprehensible that people continue
to steal this precious resource for an illegal
enterprise,” said Klamath County Sheriff Chris Kaber.
Police said the “reported child
abuse remains under investigation.”
Merrill is a small town located
near the Oregon-California border.