California Farm Bureau
Federation Friday Review
May 25, 2007The State Senate has passed, on a
straight partisan vote, UFW sponsored legislation
to circumvent the secret ballot election process
under the Agricultural Labor Relation Act. The
measure, SB 180 (Carole Migden, D-San Francisco),
passed on a vote of 24 Democrats voting “Yes” and
15 Republicans voting “No”. It would strip
agricultural employees of their democratic right
to a secret ballot election in deciding whether
they want union representation by permitting union
organizers to merely get signed authorization
cards from them. This process would totally
undermine an employee’s right to make a secret
ballot decision without the fear of intimidation
or coercion. Please contact your State Assembly
Member, urging a "NO" vote on SB 180 when it comes
before them for consideration. For a sample
letter, click here.
The Legislature failed to enact Governor
Schwarzenegger’s proposed budget cut relative to
Williamson Act subventions, therefore it will not
be an issue for the Budget Conference Committee.
Both Senator Mike Machado (D-Linden) and Assembly
Member Juan Arambula (D-Fresno), who chair the
budget subcommittees that have jurisdiction on
this budget item, have indicated their strong
support for the funding. Also, thirty-six
legislators have signed two group letters to the
governor urging him to reconsider the Williamson
Act cut. We would like to thank Assembly Members
Lois Wolk (D-Davis) and Cathleen Galgiani
(D-Tracy), who each took the lead to gather
signatures from the Democratic and Rural Caucus
members, respectively. Farm Bureau members have
also done an incredible job of responding to our
Farm Team Alert by sending over 1000 email
messages to the governor. Numerous newspapers
around the state have editorialized in support of
the Williamson Act and urged the governor to
reconsider cutting the programs funding. The
outpouring of support for this crucial land use
program will surely have an impact in the upcoming
budget negotiations.
If you would like to thank your Senator and
Assembly Members who signed on the group letter to
the governor, their names are as follows: Senators
Aanestad, Ashburn, Cogdill, Cox, Denham, and
Maldonado; Assembly Members Adams, Aghazarian,
Arambula, Benoit, Berg, Berryhill, Blakeslee,
Caballero, Cook, DeSaulnier, Evans, Fuller,
Gaines, Galgiani, Garcia, Hancock, Houston,
Huffman, Jeffries, Keene, LaMalfa, Lieber, Maze,
Mullin, Nakanishi, Nava, Parra, Runner,
Strickland, and Wolk.
SB 719 sailed out of the Senate and is scheduled
to be heard in the Assembly Local Government
Committee on June 27th. This piece of legislation
will add two Governor’s
appointments to the eight-county San Joaquin
Valley Air Quality Management District. Senator
Mike Machado (D-Linden) has unsuccessfully
proposed several combinations of additional air
district appointments over the past several years.
There is no question the SJV air board is faced
with significant challenges in improving the
valley’s air quality. Consequently, it is
important to note their success in reaching
federal attainment for PM-10 last year, thus
proving they can and are dealing with air quality
goals and do not need Sacramento appointees to
achieve these accomplishments. CFBF opposes SB
Another Senate bill that could have a huge impact
on growers in the eight counties of the San
Joaquin Valley is SB 240 (Dean Florez, D-Shafter).
SB 240 creates an air surcharge of up to $300
annually per source on all stationary, indirect
and area wide sources, which could include much of
the agricultural equipment currently under
district authority. SB 240 also authorizes the
district to increase surcharges on vehicle
licensing fees to a maximum of $30 annually per
motor vehicle and adopt rules and regulations to
reduce vehicle trips and air pollution from
vehicular sources that the state only has
authority for currently. SB 240 was approved by
the Senate Environmental Quality Committee on a
4-2 vote and will now head to the Senate floor. SB
240 only becomes effective if SB 719 (that adds 2
Governor’s appointments to the SJV air board) is
enacted. CFBF opposes.
AB 1223, by Assembly Member Juan Arambula
(D-Fresno) would enable agricultural electricity
customers to use aggregated account data for
purposes of net metering in solar and wind
programs. Aggregated accounts must all be owned by
the same customer and located on property adjacent
to or contiguous to the generation facility. The
bill passed the Assembly Appropriations Committee
and has moved to the Assembly Floor. CFBF is in
AB 1428, by Assembly Member Cathleen Galgiani
(D-Tracy) would provide the same incentives to
on-farm generation of electricity for
manure-fueled facilities as is applicable to
biogas digesters. The expansion of incentives is
targeted for poultry producers. The incentives
would allow for net metering in the same manner as
currently available for biogas digesters. The bill
passed the Assembly Appropriations Committee and
has moved to the Assembly Floor. CFBF is in
SB 463, by Senator Negrete McLeod (D-Chino) would
allow a biogas digester customer-generator and an
electrical corporation to enter into an agreement
to pay the customer for energy produced beyond
what the customer is able to use on-site before
the end of the year. Under existing law any excess
energy produced is not compensated. The bill is in
Senate Appropriations. CFBF is in support. |